Comments on: The Mom Who Wouldn’t Say I Love You Where Hip Moms Click! Thu, 17 Feb 2011 04:19:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: mamaV mamaV Mon, 14 Feb 2011 17:08:26 +0000 What could possibly be sooo bad that this child had done? She only 5 or so, they all push our buttons every single day. There is NO excute for this mother. Nothing in the world should ever stop you from saying "I love you too" back to her. What could possibly be sooo bad that this child had done? She only 5 or so, they all push our buttons every single day. There is NO excute for this mother. Nothing in the world should ever stop you from saying "I love you too" back to her.

By: @Kalexa75 @Kalexa75 Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:30:55 +0000 This story made my heart hurt. I couldn't imagine the words, "I love you," coming from my child having no effect on me. I couldn't imagine not immediately scooping her into my arms and saying them back. But this line really hit home: "She just seemed off. Like a light switch. Or a robot. She went through all the motions but had nothing behind them." You nailed it. There are so many people in the world like this. Lost in their own world. Oblivious. Self-centered. Possibly depressed or anxiety-ridden, but unable or unwilling to acknowledge it or seek help. I know one, and she's an important person in my husband's and my life, and especially my daughter's, but she's always been, and will probably always be, emotionally detached. I wish I could say she's just hurting herself; when I'm feeling especially resentful, I tell myself that she is. But I know she's not. That kind of sense of detachment has an effect on impressionable young minds. And so my heart hurts for that little girl. This story made my heart hurt. I couldn't imagine the words, "I love you," coming from my child having no effect on me. I couldn't imagine not immediately scooping her into my arms and saying them back. But this line really hit home: "She just seemed off. Like a light switch. Or a robot. She went through all the motions but had nothing behind them."

You nailed it. There are so many people in the world like this. Lost in their own world. Oblivious. Self-centered. Possibly depressed or anxiety-ridden, but unable or unwilling to acknowledge it or seek help. I know one, and she's an important person in my husband's and my life, and especially my daughter's, but she's always been, and will probably always be, emotionally detached. I wish I could say she's just hurting herself; when I'm feeling especially resentful, I tell myself that she is. But I know she's not. That kind of sense of detachment has an effect on impressionable young minds. And so my heart hurts for that little girl.

By: Chara Chara Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:19:29 +0000 My eyes are watering. I hope I never have a bad enough day that I check out emotionally like that. Sweet sweet girl. I also pray that she has enough people showing love to her and telling her that they love her that she won't look for inappropriate validation for it later. Makes my heart sad. My eyes are watering. I hope I never have a bad enough day that I check out emotionally like that. Sweet sweet girl. I also pray that she has enough people showing love to her and telling her that they love her that she won't look for inappropriate validation for it later. Makes my heart sad.

By: Casey Quinlan Casey Quinlan Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:21:29 +0000 Some moms aren't capable of giving or receiving love - the act of birth gives no guarantees. I sincerely hope that grandma is spry and healthy, because that little girl's going to need her over the next couple of decades. "Having an off day" would halt instantaneously for someone on the normal-response curve when told by a child - their own or not - "I love you." Nothing could have more impact than a child's heartfelt declaration of love. Mom's most likely so seriously depressed that she can't even hear her little girl. Some moms aren't capable of giving or receiving love – the act of birth gives no guarantees. I sincerely hope that grandma is spry and healthy, because that little girl's going to need her over the next couple of decades.

"Having an off day" would halt instantaneously for someone on the normal-response curve when told by a child – their own or not – "I love you." Nothing could have more impact than a child's heartfelt declaration of love. Mom's most likely so seriously depressed that she can't even hear her little girl.

By: Sarah Sarah Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:21:14 +0000 It could also have been that the child was a disrespectful brat in the car for the umteenth time and only turned on the charm when others could see/hear. That still doesn't justify or excuse the mother's emotional snub but that could have been the cause. It could also have been that the child was a disrespectful brat in the car for the umteenth time and only turned on the charm when others could see/hear. That still doesn't justify or excuse the mother's emotional snub but that could have been the cause.

By: Tracie Tracie Mon, 14 Feb 2011 03:45:11 +0000 You are seriously making me cry with this story. So so sad. I hope that it was just an off day too. That little girl deserves all the love in the world... especially from her mom. You are seriously making me cry with this story. So so sad.

I hope that it was just an off day too. That little girl deserves all the love in the world… especially from her mom.

By: If You Enjoy Valentine’s Day, Please Take Your Puffy Heart Self Somewhere Else | Late Enough If You Enjoy Valentine’s Day, Please Take Your Puffy Heart Self Somewhere Else | Late Enough Mon, 14 Feb 2011 00:06:18 +0000 [...] Valentine’s Day post that may make you cry, click here for my article: The Mom Who Wouldn’t Say I Love You If you're new to my blog, you could subscribe to my RSS feed or get posts emailed to you. Thanks [...] [...] Valentine’s Day post that may make you cry, click here for my article: The Mom Who Wouldn’t Say I Love You If you're new to my blog, you could subscribe to my RSS feed or get posts emailed to you. Thanks [...]

By: Ushan Ushan Sun, 13 Feb 2011 13:39:29 +0000 I hope the mom was having a day off - the best thing for me being a parent is to have my children come up to me and hug me and say I love you spontaneously - it makes my day. I hope the mom was having a day off – the best thing for me being a parent is to have my children come up to me and hug me and say I love you spontaneously – it makes my day.
