Comments on: Ever Google yourself? Be afraid, very afraid. Where Hip Moms Click! Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:08:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richmond_Mom Richmond_Mom Fri, 24 Jun 2011 18:08:50 +0000 Chara glad you like Forrest--he's one of my heroes :-) We neither think you're anywhere related to pond scum and are glad that you have found your brethren Charas in the world. Surely they are equally cool as you. Chara glad you like Forrest–he's one of my heroes :-) We neither think you're anywhere related to pond scum and are glad that you have found your brethren Charas in the world. Surely they are equally cool as you.

By: Richmond_Mom Richmond_Mom Fri, 24 Jun 2011 18:06:52 +0000 Aw, Victoria I'm so sorry to hear that. Anyone who knows you knows that any of those horrible references could never relate to the REAL you. I'm sorry that your work puts you tough spots like that. WE love you! Aw, Victoria I'm so sorry to hear that. Anyone who knows you knows that any of those horrible references could never relate to the REAL you. I'm sorry that your work puts you tough spots like that. WE love you!

By: Richmond_Mom Richmond_Mom Fri, 24 Jun 2011 18:04:42 +0000 Ushan, do it! Just for grins :-) Ushan, do it! Just for grins :-)

By: Richmond_Mom Richmond_Mom Fri, 24 Jun 2011 18:03:52 +0000 Oh my gosh Victoria--I had no idea. That is horrible, I am so sorry that is the case. One bright spot is that anyone who really knows you knows how good of a person you are--mom, citizen, worker, etc---and knows that any of those horrible things aren't related to you :-) Oh my gosh Victoria–I had no idea. That is horrible, I am so sorry that is the case. One bright spot is that anyone who really knows you knows how good of a person you are–mom, citizen, worker, etc—and knows that any of those horrible things aren't related to you :-)

By: Richmond_Mom Richmond_Mom Fri, 24 Jun 2011 18:02:09 +0000 too funny. ya never know watcha gonna get. . .lol too funny. ya never know watcha gonna get. . .lol

By: Jill Campbell Jill Campbell Fri, 24 Jun 2011 13:22:38 +0000 Ha! I couple years ago I decided to Google a couple of my ex-boyfriends from high school and college to see how much they changed over the years. One of them was named Jeff Stryker. Nice guy, TKE president at UNCC, etc. (WARNING: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY) Well, just for the record, the guy that comes up is NOT the Jeff Stryker I dated. Hey, at least the images you got were all upper body... ;) Jill Ha! I couple years ago I decided to Google a couple of my ex-boyfriends from high school and college to see how much they changed over the years. One of them was named Jeff Stryker. Nice guy, TKE president at UNCC, etc. (WARNING: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY) Well, just for the record, the guy that comes up is NOT the Jeff Stryker I dated. Hey, at least the images you got were all upper body… ;)

By: Ushan Ushan Thu, 23 Jun 2011 14:02:12 +0000 LOL - Kate your article made me laugh and contemplate googling myself (not sure if I am brave enough) LOL – Kate your article made me laugh and contemplate googling myself (not sure if I am brave enough)

By: Victoria Victoria Thu, 23 Jun 2011 13:38:50 +0000 Kate--Try googling yourself when what you do for a living is engaging the public dialogue in controversial social issues. I discovered a complete website in my name where someone who doesn't like my positions on things put a picture of people hanging other people with nooses. Not exactly what I hope my family and friends see. Kate–Try googling yourself when what you do for a living is engaging the public dialogue in controversial social issues. I discovered a complete website in my name where someone who doesn't like my positions on things put a picture of people hanging other people with nooses. Not exactly what I hope my family and friends see.

By: Chara Chara Thu, 23 Jun 2011 13:12:51 +0000 Hahahahahah! Loved the Forest Gump reference. I have done this and oddly enough there are a TON of African American women named Chara...also some odd algea in the science world. Not sure what this means...I'm like pond scum? Before I joined facebook I always thought it was super fun that a beautiful African American woman popped up as me. In 3rd grade I went through a phase where I wished I was black. I even made a photo album filled with pictures from Jet and Ebony mags. It's like the internet was giving me my own alternate lifestyle wish. Hahahahahah! Loved the Forest Gump reference. I have done this and oddly enough there are a TON of African American women named Chara…also some odd algea in the science world. Not sure what this means…I'm like pond scum? Before I joined facebook I always thought it was super fun that a beautiful African American woman popped up as me. In 3rd grade I went through a phase where I wished I was black. I even made a photo album filled with pictures from Jet and Ebony mags. It's like the internet was giving me my own alternate lifestyle wish.

By: Gayle Schrier Smith, MD Gayle Schrier Smith, MD Tue, 21 Jun 2011 23:57:43 +0000 I'm always amazed by the speed that digital technology is moving...and by how slow we as parents are to appreciate how important it will be to our children's generation. We have GOT to help our kids with a context for their online presence. We know if our play date friends serve 100% organic milk and cookies; we have to pay attention to their soon-to-be OR their current Facebook friends, too. Our children's digital footprint need not dog them as adults if we learn about profiling and data banking today, AND share what we know. Parenting is definitely a different job than it was when my Mom and Dad stepped up to the plate...except for those core values....which are probably exactly the same! I’m always amazed by the speed that digital technology is moving…and by how slow we as parents are to appreciate how important it will be to our children’s generation.

We have GOT to help our kids with a context for their online presence. We know if our play date friends serve 100% organic milk and cookies; we have to pay attention to their soon-to-be OR their current Facebook friends, too. Our children’s digital footprint need not dog them as adults if we learn about profiling and data banking today, AND share what we know. Parenting is definitely a different job than it was when my Mom and Dad stepped up to the plate…except for those core values….which are probably exactly the same!
