Comments on: Breathing Cigarette Smoke in a Baby’s Lungs. Really? Where Hip Moms Click! Sun, 09 Oct 2011 13:00:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Lisa Mon, 19 Sep 2011 19:50:25 +0000 I thank you for bringing to light the dangers of smoking while pregnant. Smoking is one of the only proven direct links to Congenital Heart Defects. CHD already occurs in 1 of every 100 births, why increase those odds??? Maybe Mother's to be should have to witness an open heart surgery performed on a three day old newborn. Maybe they need to see a blue baby, struggling to breathe. What will it take to get people to stop being so selfish and give the best chances to their new baby? This story truly broke my heart. Chances are, even if you'd reached out to this young woman, she would have rejected your help and maybe even blown smoke in your direction. Heart breaking! I thank you for bringing to light the dangers of smoking while pregnant. Smoking is one of the only proven direct links to Congenital Heart Defects. CHD already occurs in 1 of every 100 births, why increase those odds??? Maybe Mother's to be should have to witness an open heart surgery performed on a three day old newborn. Maybe they need to see a blue baby, struggling to breathe. What will it take to get people to stop being so selfish and give the best chances to their new baby? This story truly broke my heart. Chances are, even if you'd reached out to this young woman, she would have rejected your help and maybe even blown smoke in your direction. Heart breaking!

By: Guest Guest Mon, 19 Sep 2011 18:31:08 +0000 Just pointing out that the last thing that expectant mother would have done is throw down her cigarette and praise you to the heavens. People have to come to these things on their own. Hand her some information if you have to; hell, keep it in your purse at all times like a stack of religious tracts if you want, but she'll stop only when she's ready, and her immediate reaction to you will be one of irritation. She might even think you have a screw or two loose. Just pointing out that the last thing that expectant mother would have done is throw down her cigarette and praise you to the heavens. People have to come to these things on their own. Hand her some information if you have to; hell, keep it in your purse at all times like a stack of religious tracts if you want, but she'll stop only when she's ready, and her immediate reaction to you will be one of irritation. She might even think you have a screw or two loose.
