Comments on: Living with a Contrarian Kid aka Are all Middle Children like This? Where Hip Moms Click! Sun, 09 Oct 2011 13:00:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kate Hall Kate Hall Fri, 23 Sep 2011 21:00:45 +0000 yes! let's pray for growing out of this! Thanks for sharing. . .I guess all these little ones have their quirks, just like us big people do :-) Thanks for reading. yes! let’s pray for growing out of this! Thanks for sharing. . .I guess all these little ones have their quirks, just like us big people do :-) Thanks for reading.

By: Krystal Krystal Fri, 23 Sep 2011 16:23:35 +0000 I have three children (two boys first then a girl). My middle son is actually the most laid back and free spirited. He rarely ever complains and always just goes with the flow of whatever our family is doing and always wears a smile. Now my oldest....well he sounds alot like your middle son. He is almost always complaining about something (especially if it's not what HE wants to do). He can also be very selfish and bull headed and tends to be more affectionate when he wants something. Nonetheless, I of course love them all, nerving quirks and all. I always thought maybe it was the first child "thing" but I honestly think it's just their personality and the make up who they are. I'm sure they're grow out of it (or we can hope they do) ;) I have three children (two boys first then a girl). My middle son is actually the most laid back and free spirited. He rarely ever complains and always just goes with the flow of whatever our family is doing and always wears a smile. Now my oldest….well he sounds alot like your middle son. He is almost always complaining about something (especially if it’s not what HE wants to do). He can also be very selfish and bull headed and tends to be more affectionate when he wants something. Nonetheless, I of course love them all, nerving quirks and all. I always thought maybe it was the first child “thing” but I honestly think it’s just their personality and the make up who they are. I’m sure they’re grow out of it (or we can hope they do) ;)

By: Kate Hall Kate Hall Fri, 23 Sep 2011 02:10:45 +0000 thanks, Judy, I will absolutely read it! We have seen some improvements with discipline, but MAN I truly can say he is the most persistent kid ever. For example, he kicked and screamed about going to Disney on Ice tonight. (Seriously, what kid would not want to go?!) I calmly told him we were going, and that was that. Afterwards when I asked him what is favorite part was he said: "everything." :-) thanks, Judy, I will absolutely read it! We have seen some improvements with discipline, but MAN I truly can say he is the most persistent kid ever. For example, he kicked and screamed about going to Disney on Ice tonight. (Seriously, what kid would not want to go?!) I calmly told him we were going, and that was that.

Afterwards when I asked him what is favorite part was he said: “everything.” :-)

By: Judy Judy Thu, 22 Sep 2011 22:05:25 +0000 Actually I have a son that fits this story in almost every way. I tried doctors, analysts, books, church, family. Then I seen another book and for some reason the title caught my eye. The name of the book is "Have a new kid by Friday". This book is hard to read because the child isn't actually the problem it is us that enables this behavior. I did not want to hear what I did wrong, I just knew I was feeling guilty when I would get really upset with his behavior because I knew inside I was an enabler. This book doesn't lecture us about what we are doing wrong, it describes the 3 types of parents, and how the children from each type works their child magic (I think of it more as witchcraft). It just tells us what to do about it. I couldn't wait 5 days to read this book, I read it in 2. It actually works, my son still has some episodes. They are rare now and not as angry or demanding when they do occur. It is not easy the first week, but you follow it for a week & you will be as happy as I am now about with the results. Actually I have a son that fits this story in almost every way. I tried doctors, analysts, books, church, family. Then I seen another book and for some reason the title caught my eye. The name of the book is "Have a new kid by Friday". This book is hard to read because the child isn't actually the problem it is us that enables this behavior. I did not want to hear what I did wrong, I just knew I was feeling guilty when I would get really upset with his behavior because I knew inside I was an enabler. This book doesn't lecture us about what we are doing wrong, it describes the 3 types of parents, and how the children from each type works their child magic (I think of it more as witchcraft). It just tells us what to do about it. I couldn't wait 5 days to read this book, I read it in 2.
It actually works, my son still has some episodes. They are rare now and not as angry or demanding when they do occur. It is not easy the first week, but you follow it for a week & you will be as happy as I am now about with the results.
