Richmond Rocks! Gayton Elementary School (The Spooky Sequel)

Richmond Rocks! Spooky Sequel Gayton ElementaryGo Gators! Kate Hall was back for another memorable visit to Gayton Elementary School, this time for Richmond Rocks! The Spooky Sequel.

After the story, there was a very lively Q&A session. First, there were some Halloween-inspired questions:

Why aren’t the ghosts in the book all white with dark eyes?

“You know what? Most ghosts don’t look like the kind you see as decorations in the stores. Most of them look kind of shadowy.”

Why don’t the houses look like, well, haunted houses?

“Not all haunted places are spooky-looking.”

Richmond Rocks! Spooky Sequel Gayton Elementary 2And then there were some ghost-related questions:

Are those ghosts in the book really real?

“A lot of people in Richmond believe that they are real.”

Can we go visit those ghosts?

“Actually, you can go visit a lot of these places, such as the Hollywood Cemetery and the Poe Museum and try looking for ghosts if you want to.”

And then, Kate got a special bonus! Instead of asking a question, one little boy told her a local ghost story that she had never heard before!

I see ghosts in my room, pretty much every day. Mostly they are friendly ghosts, but sometimes they are scary. They like to have big parties in my room at night, and they make a big mess! They do that all the time!

“Wow! Somebody ought to write a book about that!”


Would you like to have a free author visit and fundraiser at your school? Contact Suzanne Sherif:


A professional “trailing spouse” and mother of two, Suzanne has lived in several different countries. Her fifth corporate relocation (yes count ‘em, five!) brought her family to Richmond VA in the summer of 2011, and she is really excited about exploring all of the possibilities that Richmond has to offer! Also, she in not moving again. Really. She means it!

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