» Healthy Richmond Moms Where Hip Moms Click! Sat, 28 Mar 2015 18:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Counting Sheep? 5 strategies to encourage a better night’s sleep Fri, 27 Feb 2015 00:15:24 +0000 photo credit: Adrian Pimpam

photo credit: Adrian Pimpam

Sleep is important for our overall health. Sleep affects mood, energy levels, productivity, and mental clarity.  Recent studies also indicate the amount of sleep can impact weight gain/loss. So whether you are having difficulty catching those zzzzz’s, or just don’t feel rested, try a few of these strategies to see if your counting sheep days are over.

1. Create a bedroom oasis.

One of the most important things to consider is creating a bedroom oasis, where you can relax and rest. I don’t know about you, but too often laundry, papers, or other distractions try to worm their way into my bedroom. It’s best to leave these influences behind, since they are not part of creating a relaxing retreat. Decor should also be serene and uncluttered.

2. Establish a calming evening routine.

Once you have created your bedroom oasis, it is beneficial to establish an evening routine that you find relaxing. To learn more about how to create a calming evening routine, check out this article.

3. Develop and maintain technology boundaries.

As part of establishing the calming evening routine that is right for you, some experts recommend no television in the bedroom. My husband and I agreed when we were married that we would leave the television in the living room. For us, that has been an easy decision to maintain over the years, but the distractions such as the laundry listed in #1 have been more challenging for us to overcome as a family!

If you do choose to have a television in your bedroom, try to turn off the tube at least an hour before you go to bed. Same goes for computers, tablets, and smart phones. Read here if you want to learn more about blue light and how electronic devices may have a negative effect on sleep.

4. Try a few apps.

Yes, I know what I just said about technology in the bedroom, but these exceptions may be helpful to you. I have used all three of these apps and I have found them to be extremely beneficial, so see if one of them might be right for you.


  • Relax Melodies – Sleep & Yoga
    • By far, the relaxation/sleep app with the most diverse playlist. Music and other sounds range from everything from Gregorian Chants to sounds of the seashore or a vacuum cleaner.
    • This app allows you to combine sounds, with music, say, a lullaby with white noise and a heart beat for a baby’s ears or a mix of ocean waves, seagulls and sounds of foghorns for a beachy mix.
    • Other nice features include favorites and timers.
    • 52 nature sounds or melodies

5. Check out the new sleep guidelines.

The National Sleep Foundation has updated their guidelines on How Much Sleep We Need. Check out this Infographic to see the amount of sleep considered appropriate for you and your family.

Disclaimer: If you have concerns regarding sleep, please check with your doctor for information specific to you or your family’s needs.

photo credit: B. Fernari

photo credit: B. Fernari



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Monument 10k Registration is Underway Thu, 26 Dec 2013 20:48:20 +0000 MartinsBelieve it or not – it’s time to sign up for the annual Monument 10k again to take place on March 29, 2014. Simply head over to the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k website to register. You can join an existing team, create your own, or even manage an existing crew.

The VCU Massey Cancer Center (HDL, Inc. Massey Challenge) and Kids Run RVA are this year’s event charities. VCU Massey Cancer Center is the official charitable fundraising partner of the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k presented by MARTIN’S. Consider making a donation to either of these organizations when you register (optional).

Register by December 31, 2013 and you can save up to $15 on registration for the 10k (before 12/31/13 fees are just $30; fees after March 1 are $45).

Team CJ

You may want to consider joining Team CJ ( benefiting CJ’s Thumbs Up Foundation this year. We’ve seen lots of great work from this non-profit organization as they raise funds to help parents and children dealing with the expenses and hardships faced when childhood cancer strikes. They have a goal of 500 members for Team CJ – simply click on Team CJ and use the password ‘butterfly’ when you sign up.

Healthy School Challenge

You can also participate in the 10k Healthy School Challenge presented by the Virginia College Savings Plan too.

VA529Join the 10k Healthy School Challenge and show how active your school is by rallying students to take part in the 10k on March 29, 2014. The middle and high schools with the highest percentage of students participating win cash! Click here for more information.

Registration and Training

There are lots of other great teams and organizations represented so choose one and get started now. You can also join one of the area locations for 10k training through the YMCA. They offer special rates for low-income individuals who would like to take part too. You do not have to be a member of the YMCA to participate in their training programs for the Monument 10k. Registration for training closes on January 31, 2014 (reduced rates available through January 17th).

Monument 10K

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Fostering a Spirit of Philanthropy at Home Mon, 25 Nov 2013 23:14:36 +0000 philanthropy Donations to the VCU Children’s Hospital (2012) and Community Clean Up (2010)


Do what you can, with what you have, where you are

-Theodore Roosevelt

If the word Philanthropy connotes an act of giving reserved only for the wealthiest or most privileged families, think again!

To be a Philanthropist simply means to DO GOOD by sharing your talents, interests, and resources of time, money, or voice. Acts of giving will look different for every family, but any effort, big or small, which blooms with intention to directly or indirectly improve the human condition now or for future generations, that’s Philanthropy!

How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.

-Anne Frank

Ready to get started? Here are a few ways you can cultivate a philanthropic spirit in your home:

Practice: The best way to begin to establish a new routine is to practice the desired behavior or skill. Integrate a tradition of giving, and communicate and nurture in your family life a value that says giving back is an important and worthwhile responsibility. Let the seasonal changes inspire your opportunities to give back, but don’t save all your love for the Holiday.

Lead by example: Invite your kids to observe and participate in your grown-up acts of philanthropy, whatever they may look like. Demonstrate your personal commitment to the causes your family chooses to support and work alongside your kids to accomplish shared goals. By working together you’ll foster a deeper connection with each other and develop a greater sense of purpose and belonging within the context of your community.

Identify or create an opportunity: Consider the shared interests of your family members, your combined availability, and the amount of time or money that you feel you can give. Let your child decide how he or she wants to get involved. Think big! Think small! Think local! Think International!  The opportunities you choose should encourage a sense of awareness, appreciation, curiosity, and compassion for others. Above all else keep it fun and age appropriate.

Document and celebrate your efforts: Keep track of the work your family does, the causes you contribute to, the events you volunteer for, or the small acts of kindness that you offer to others. Maybe you’ll take photos or video clips, keep a family journal, or create a wall hanging or poster to display in a common area of your home. However you choose to document your adventures, regularly review and celebrate all the ways your family works together to make your world a better place to live.

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.

-Anthony Robbins

Now that you’ve considered your family’s capacity for giving back you are ready to choose an organization, cause, or activity to invest in!

  • Check out the HandsOnNetwork to find a HandsOn Action Center near you and identify existing volunteer opportunities in your area. Richmond’s action center can be found here. Once you’ve typed in your zip code, you can refine your search by a number of variables including age of volunteer. Last I checked there were opportunities for kids as young as 1 year to participate in a range of activities from holiday food and clothing drives, meal delivery, adopting residents and families, the list goes on! There are so many ways to make a difference.
  • Use an online database like Volunteer Match to find a worthy cause or to inspire a service project of your own.
  • Consider the local organizations and nonprofits that you value in your community and contact them to learn more about ways your family can contribute to their cause. Visit to learn more about an organization’s mission, legitimacy, impact, reputation, finances, programs, transparency, governance, and so much more. Search by name, keyword, or location to find organizations that specialize in the causes you care most about and to find those that serve your area.

Other Resources and Inspiration:

If you’re looking for simple, family friendly activities that you can carry out on your own, check out this eBook about Family Volunteering. It’s full of great ideas from A to Z.

Also visit GenerationOn for online resource guides that cover topics like how to engage your family in local volunteer opportunities, how to plan a community service project for your family, instructions for at-home family service projects and more!

And here are a few books to add to your library:

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
-Dr. Seuss



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Kate Hall at Virginia Women’s Conference: October 26th Mon, 14 Oct 2013 14:35:37 +0000 This is me, slightly airbrushed thanks to Real Life Studios.

Kate Hall

The 4th Annual Women’s Conference is Saturday, October 26, 2013 at the Richmond Marriott Downtown and it’s a day filled with great speakers and lots of valuable information. If you’re an entrepreneur, mompreneur, or just interested in what’s going on in the world of business, health, and social media, you’re going to love this conference! The event is free to all participants.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Doors Open at 8 a.m.
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Richmond Marriott
500 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 22319

Hosted by Senator Mark R. Warner, VCU Medical Center, Virginia State University and Virginia’s Community Colleges.

And there’s one more BIG reason you may want to attend. Our own Kate Hall is a panelist on the topic of social media! Who better to talk about optimizing social media for your business than the founder?

Putting Social Media to Work for You
Facebook is great for staying in touch with friends and sharing pictures. You get all your news from Twitter. But do you know how to unlock the full potential of social media and put it to work for you? This session will share best practices for maximizing social media – an important platform for networking and showcasing your professional profile. The content you post every day is building your personal brand – make it count! A strong personal brand online is an important factor for potential employers and clients. Join our panelists to learn the best way to use different social media platforms to your advantage.

Moderated by Addie Bryant, Office of Senator Mark R. Warner

Latryce Noel, Public Relations & Marketing Specialist, Virginia State University
Judi Crenshaw, Communications & Marketing Manager, Virginia Council on Economic Education
Kate W. Hall, Founder/Writer
Kendall Morris, Founding Partner, Create Digital

You will also enjoy hearing from Mary Foley, Emcee, Author and Radio Host, along with other great speakers. Click here for the full agenda.

Fun and engaging topics include information on:

  • Your Financial Roadmap
  • The Affordable Care Act & You
  • Create Your Next Job…Become an Entrepreneur!
  • Make Shift Happen
  • Ages & Stages: Women’s Health & Happiness
  • Women as Agents of Change: Rising to the Challenge of Building Community
  • And much more!

It’s an inspiring day for women that you don’t want to miss. Click here for details and take advantage of this free conference to get your creative juices flowing and create the life you’ve always wanted!

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Dreaming of Easy Dinner Meals? Here They Are! Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:58:13 +0000 Dream Dinners makes it easier to create healthy meals.

You may have seen our recent contest for Dream Dinners and a free Pizza Family Night. Or you may have entered our contest. Congratulations to Barbara Blankenship who won this delicious prize!

taste-of-dream-dinnersAnd now, everyone should head out to Dream Dinners and check them out. You’ll love their easy to prepare meals – and you’ll find that it can even be fun! Here’s what our contestants had to say about Dream Dinners. Let us know what you love about Dream Dinners by leaving a comment below.

  • It saves me the prep work!
  • We are new here but it sounds great for families!
  • Easy dinner planning and more family time!  :)
  • Because my daughter loves to make and create pizza
  • All the food looks delicious in the pictures!
  • Family participation is great!
  • Easy and delicious meals for my family.
  • Easy meals that kids will eat!
  • Love cooking great food with the kids
  • So convenient!
  • I have heard great things!
  • Excellent food!
  • Easy & delicious!
  • Yummy and fun
  • Prep in their kitchen not mine! :)
  • I am a single working Mom.
  • Single mom. ‘Nuff said.
  • Everything is done for me!
  • Quick and easy!
  • A great way to try new dishes while having fun .
  • Fast!
  • I don’t have to cook!!! Everything tastes better!
  • Pre-packaged meals are great for a busy family.
  • Love the variety and the freezer sales!
  • A busy mom’s saving grace! Nutritious & delicious!
  • Affordable and delicious.
  • Easy quick meals in minutes!
  • Such a great concept!
  • Never tried it!
  • Well I have heard a lot about your food.
  • I heard the food is the greatest!
  • I was not aware of the covenience it holds!
  • Makes dinner easy, just heat it up.
  • Family participation is a win-win!
  • Anything to make dinner time easier!
  • Who doesn’t like pizza?
  • We have never heard of this prior to today!
  • Sounds easy and fun.
  • Family participation and pizza, win-win!
  • Because it makes being a Mom easier!!!
  • They our life savers! Healthy, yummy meals.
  • So many different choices!
  • Sounds spectacular to have someone else in charge.
  • I’d love a pizza dinner, who doesn’t love pizza?
  • Easy, nutritious, and crowd pleasing.
  • Makes our lives just a little less hectic!
  • It is great for families, 1 night of not cooking.
  • Who doesn’t like prepared delicious food??

You will love Dream Dinners! Click here to learn more about them. You can prepare your own meals in their kitchen and leave the mess to them – or they will prepare the meals and you simply pick them up. It’s that easy.

Dream Dinners is an advertiser on

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Phyzique’s 5k Family Fitness Challenge to Benefit CMoR: September 28th Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:18:37 +0000 Have fun, get fit, and benefit the Children’s Museum of Richmond all at one time! Yep – you heard right!


Phyzique Fitness and Wellness
5K Family Fitness Challenge
The Children’s Museum of Richmond
Saturday, September 28th, 2013
8:00am – 10:30am
Deep Run Center
3963 Deep Rock Road
Richmond, VA 23233

Raising Health and Fitness Awareness to Families in the Richmond Area

Phyzique Fitness and Wellness is holding a 5K Family Fitness Challenge.

Saturday September 28th, 2013

8:00am-10:30 am

Rain date: September 29th, 2013 from 8:00am-10:30 am

Phyzique’s 5K Family Fitness Challenge is for Families
Athletes and everyone in between
and will feature a five kilometer Run/Walk Course with
Exercise and Fitness Stations for the entire family.
Age: Kid’s 8 years and up, Tween, Teen, Adult and Family
Must be over age 12 to run in the ‘Run Lane’
 Also a free  ‘Kids Fun Area’ will be on site, with Crafts, Trucks,
Magician’s, Balloon Animals, Games and much more.  Hosted by The Children’s Museum of Richmond.
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Traditions for Mothers: September 23 Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:46:01 +0000 TraditionalMothersIf you are pregnant, a mom-to-be, or a mom, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn more about healthy nutrition for babies and moms. It’s a special event to help women make more informed decisions about nutrition for healthier babies during pregnancy and healthier children as they grow, learn, and develop. Seating is limited so register soon – it’s FREE!

Monday, September 23rd  /  6:00 to 7:30PM


Ellwood’s Community Classroom


Lauren McCorey

Lauren is a Richmond native who recently gave birth to her first son in December.  She has worked closely with local farms, midwives, pediatricians, dietitians, the Weston A. Price Richmond Chapter, as well as Nourishing Traditions to help her navigate the complicated decisions that face women today from pregnancy to first foods to overall more proactive, healthier lifestyle choices.  Her passion is helping others develop their own improved ways of living and wants to share with moms some information to help them make more informed decisions.  Lauren recently graduated with her Master’s degree in Sport Leadership from VCU, works as a swim coach for NOVA of Virginia Aquatics, and is a birth/postpartum doula.


No other culture is as thoughtless about preparation for pregnancy and babies as our own.  This class hopes to help inform pregnant women, moms and moms-to-be on special nutrient-dense foods, their timing and preparation during pregnancy, lactation and child growth.





Register for class

There is limited seating/availability for all classes and events and you must register ahead of time.

Register online for the class now.


Call the customer service desk at 804-359-7525.

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Get Your Body Back and Enjoy Stroller Stride September Specials Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:44:13 +0000 fit4momI want my body back!

And now you can have it.

Body Back

Body Back Mom's Treehouse Richmond VAFIT4MOM Richmond is offering their new fall Body Back session beginning the week of September 9, 2013. Get started September 9 and you’ll be in fantastic shape before the winter holidays for sure!  To find out about the expertly qualified trainers, visit this link.

FIT4MOM is the country’s largest fitness program for moms offering pre and post-natal fitness classes for every stage of motherhood. And we can all use a little extra help getting or keeping our body in shape. The experts at FIT4MOM know how to make it work too. They’re moms who have experienced some of the same challenges we all face before and after pregnancy.

Body Back® is a results-based workout designed for moms who want their body back, whether they just had a baby or their last child was born twenty years ago! Most importantly, it will help women unlock their personal possibilities in an inspiring and powerful environment.

Body Back® clients experience targeted high-intensity workouts, inspiration and motivation in every class. When done in conjunction with founder Lisa Druxman’s Mama Wants Her Body Back meal plan and workout DVDs, moms have a surefire combination for success.

Beginning Week of September 9

They have 4 different times for Body Back to choose from at convenient locations around Richmond.

  • $299 per session (8 weeks)
  • $249 if you’ve taken Body Back previously
  • Registration is available at

What Does Body Back® Include?

  • 2 Workouts per week in a small group format
  • Mama Wants Her Body Back Meal Plan and Food Diary
  • Before and After fitness assessments and measurements
  • Online coaching and support
  • Mama Wants Her Body Back workout DVD

The workouts have been clinically proven in a university research study to help moms lose the weight and return to their pre-baby body composition and confidence. Moms all over the country are achieving results that they never dreamed possible.

Stroller Strides Special

Fit4Mom is also offering a Stroller Stride special during the month of September. Wondering what Stroller Strides is all about?

stroller-strides2Stroller Strides® is a stroller-based fitness program designed for moms with little ones. Each 60-minute, total body workout incorporates power walking, strength, toning, songs and activities. Certified fitness instructors offer a variety of fun class formats both indoors and outdoors.

All locations also offer a free Plum Moms Club so moms can form lasting friendships with other moms through organized play dates, moms’ nights out, and activities for the whole family.

Stroller Strides has several convenient locations and it’s a great way to enjoy time with other moms and kids, and get some exercise all at the same time.

September Stroller Strides Special

  • Registration is only $25 (regularly $75) + $59 for unlimited monthly membership.
  • There is no contract and you can cancel anytime.
  • The registration fee includes a goodie bag with lots of great offers from sponsors – plus your own resistance bands to use in class.
  • They offer classes Monday – Friday.
  • They are also offering, new clients only, one (1) week free trial classes. Register online.

Visit the website for more information.



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Celebrate Women’s Month During May with HCA Virginia Spirit of Women Wed, 24 Apr 2013 02:00:58 +0000 HCA Virginia is celebrating Women’s Month during May, 2013 – and they have plenty of opportunities for women to engage in meaningful events and activities. Check them out below and mark your calendars now to take advantage of this chance to live healthier!

Most all events are free.


HCA is an advertiser on

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Richmond Restaurant Week Benefits Meals on Wheels and FeedMore: April 22-28 Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:56:08 +0000 forkGet ready for Richmond Restaurant Week and some delicious food and fun!

It’s all to help raise money for FeedMore and Meals on Wheels. Restaurants are donating a portion of their sales to these organizations.

April 22-28, 2013 is the spring event and it happens again October 21-27, 2013. Each time you go out to dinner at participating restaurants during Restaurant Week, you  contribute to the local economy and help eliminate area hunger through a partnership with The Central Virginia Food Bank and Meals on Wheels.

Many participating restaurants are offering delicious dinners for $25.13.

Why $25.13?

The cents represent the year we’re celebrating. The whole dollar amount helps support the Central Virginia Food Bank and Meals on Wheels and the costs associated with Richmond Restaurant Week.

Participating restaurants include:

  • Acacia
  • Amici
  • Amour Wine Bistro
  • Amuse (at VMFA)
  • Avenue 805
  • Bacchus
  • Bistro Bobette
  • Charles City Tavern
  • Chez Foushee
  • Europa
  • Helen’s
  • India K’ Raja
  • Julep’s
  • La Grotta
  • Lehja
  • Little Venice
  • M Bistro & Wine Bar
  • Made in Asia
  • Mezzanine
  • Millie’s
  • Mosaic
  • Rowland
  • Sam Miller’s
  • Secco
  • Selba
  • Tarrant’s Cafe
  • Tastebuds
  • The Dining Room at the Berkeley Hotel
  • The Blue Goat
  • Tobacco Company

Visit the website to learn more. Some restaurants may require reservations so plan ahead. Help support FeedMore and Meals on Wheels in a unique way – and enjoy delicious local food in the process!

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