How Not To Parent On Any Given Afternoon. Or Really Ever.

By Alex Iwashyna blogger at Late Enoughimage

First, don’t decide to go to Staples to get organized because you read an article in Redbook which is the first real print article you’ve read in an entire year that discusses hiring a personal organizer and realize fifteen minutes into the search for personal binders and other NECESSARY accouterment that you haven’t eaten lunch. Decide you are going to die of hunger.  Also consider acting classes.

Next don’t tell your kids they’ll get a treat if they do GOOD LISTENING while you continue searching for tabs and post-it notes and get distracted by the CUTEST PINK DESK EVER.

Gather two children and two desk chairs and fifteen miscellaneous ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS and head towards the checkout counter.  Don’t ever say: Kids! Pick out your treats. Because you’ll keep thinking to yourself a bouncy ball or a ruler and be confronted with two giant lollipops.

Don’t acknowledge to your inner child how delicious the lollipops look.  Trying to remember that you are so hungry the eraser shaped like cheese also looks appetizing.  Don’t say: Yes. You can have two lollipops the length of your body.

Don’t give them the swirly lollipops in the car while you hit the drive-thru Arby’s that doesn’t have your favorite sandwich and instead has replaced everything with some version of the turkey sandwich.  You don’t like turkey.

Don’t drive home while eating around the turkey and daydreaming about your organized life.  Don’t glance at your children as you pull up to your home.

N enjoying her lollipop more than I had hoped

Don’t use words of encouragement to get your children to the bathroom while watching children pick up fuzzies, dirt and leaves on the way because they must touch the grass, rug and you multiple times before entering the bathroom.

Don’t think BATH PAINT WILL BE FUN after you FINALLY getting your children’s sticky bodies into the water.  Don’t try to sit down and peruse Twitter because you’ll hear: The poops touching me.

Don’t expect to remove paint-covered children from bath and not have yellow and green puddles all over the bathroom floor.  Don’t leave all your cleaning supplies downstairs except for five baby wipes and a can of Lysol that your four-year-old son insists HE CAN HANDLE.

Don’t say okay when your son wants to check out your make-up while you’re scrubbing the tub.

Don’t hand tubes of paint back over to your children to remake their master piece in a clean tub because you so callously cleaned it up while collecting your seventeen month old’s poop.

Don’t expect to have clean children after two baths in the span of an hour because they will pour the rest of the paint into the tub while you are trying to decide if washable paint really DOES come out of makeup or if you can live with yellow foundation.

Maybe I should get E the acting lessons since he's prepping for the sequel of The Shining


Don’t decide to reread The Shining, sit down to peruse Facebook or prank call your husband until he comes home to rescue you.

From yourself.

Alex Iwashyna blogs at Late Enough mostly about life, parenting, marriage, politics, zombies, culture, religion, and her inability to wake up in the morning and not hate everyone.  She also facilitates a parenting class called Nobody Told Me! (because OBVIOUSLY) and runs the web content for the Blogger Body Calendar. Feel free to find her on Facebook or the Twitter @L8enough.  But don’t call.  She’s NOT a phone person. 


Wupppy on 09/27 at 05:20 AM

(internationally) Hilarious !!

p.s.Did you make the captha read “labor” on purpose?


Christine on 09/27 at 07:20 AM

Oh Alex, this is just so true to you. And I mean this in the most loving way because I get it. It’s like a picture out of my life. The tub…how I HATE bath paint. Whoever said it just washes away should be shot.


Lisa Rae @ smacksy on 09/27 at 08:47 AM

Thanks for the heads up. My list of what not to do gets longer by the moment.

Also? You are funny as hell. (I’ve heard hell is super funny.)


(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 08:50 AM

I just learned you do not press enter until you finish what you are trying to say and that is a picture is worth a thousand words! Great shots and great words.. Love, Aunt Diane


(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 09:03 AM

Oh, freaking, my.


(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 09:04 AM

Great post.  You are so funny and your kids are adorable!!


Alex@LateEnough on 09/27 at 10:04 AM

I wish! Because the captcha I wrote would be hilarious. But alas, the captcha people have not called.


(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 10:16 AM

That is soo funny I love it!  The kids look like they had a great day!


Ann's Rants on 09/27 at 10:45 AM

Thank you for making me LOL4RNFBC (laugh out loud for real not fake blog comment)

I came via Smacksy’s tweet. Oh Jesus. I almost wrote Smacksy’s teet. Now I’m laughing again. THANKS!


KLZ on 09/27 at 10:45 AM

Did you know what else is a great idea? Popsicles in the car seat. On a hundred degree day.

But more importantly: what the hell, Arby’s? Turkey? No one likes turkey.


Suzy on 09/27 at 10:57 AM

You should have read my post on why I don’t have kids. Like 3 years ago. Or maybe when you were a teenager.

Although now is also good.


(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 11:14 AM

Yep, I said it before and I will say it again, you, my dear, are an AWESOME MOM!!!  I can’t even handle when my parents give the 18 mo a red popsicle when she is wearing a bib!!!  smile


Ellie on 09/27 at 11:30 AM

Oh, this is laugh-out-loud funny and heart breakingly true.  LOVE it.  LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!



(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 12:12 PM

GREAT POST!!  Thanks for making me feel like a NORMAL mom.  Keep writing, and I’ll keep reading.  smile


Child Behavior on 09/27 at 12:34 PM

Thanks for sharing, your stories are very inspiring. Parenting newsletter


Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points on 09/27 at 12:35 PM

Oh Alex, I was already dying and then I saw the picture…now I’m dying and gasping.

The total wrongness of that photo speaks to every frazzled mom cell in my body.

Yes, just…just perfect.


(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/27 at 01:03 PM

This sounds like a day in my life - change Staples to Kroger and minus the poop (most of the time)! smile  I tend to bribe my kids with all sorts of messy items that ALWAYS drip yet I never learn my lesson. You’re awesome and I’m looking forward to your class on Wed.


Jessica bern on 09/27 at 01:08 PM

Turkey at Arby’s? If you wanted healthy, you could gone to a freakin salad bar, don’t they know that?


Nicki on 09/27 at 01:44 PM

Oh Alex!  I so remember these days.  My oldest, almost 26, is currently unemployed so on my sofa - AGAIN - and heard me giggling at the photos and wanted to know what was so funny.  I am sure he wouldn’t understand.


Allison @ Alli 'n Son on 09/27 at 01:48 PM

I’m pretty sure that this could happen to you, and only you. Or at least you only you are able to laugh and write about it later.


Miss Welcome on 09/27 at 04:25 PM

Aaah, I just laughed all the way through.

My highlight was probably the second time Peanut was drinking toilet water, except this time there was poop and pee in the bowl.  And he was smacking his lips.


TheSweetest on 09/27 at 04:26 PM

Oh, I can totally see myself making these rookie mistakes.  Like when I said SURE when a friend offered my 7 mo-old a “teething biscuit” in a nice restaurant.  Nobody told me that with enough drool the biscuit would turn to malt-o-meal and run down legs, inside clothing, over the highchair, and onto the restaurant floor.


Tonya on 09/27 at 07:34 PM

I laughed through this whole post because I CAN!  I’ve totally had that day except without the sacrificing of small children (that is what he’s doing right?) but it wasn’t today! Yay me!


Alex@LateEnough on 09/27 at 09:14 PM

Thanks for all your hilarious comments. I’m still weird, but I’m weird with company.  Thanks friends!


Missy@WonderFriend on 09/27 at 09:36 PM

Just today we discussed that we have to very carefully craft everything we say to our four year old. If I say “you can pick your treat” then I better be prepared to let HIM pick it. And if it’s a lollipop the size of a Lollipop Guild member, then so be it.

I love this day you had. It makes me feel way better about my day.

Seriously, though, you are a fantastic mom. I’m not sure we would have all survived to round two in the bathtub at my house - and those bath paints certainly would have been “lost.” All dirty and annoying toys mysteriously end up lost at our house… My kids think I’m incapable of keeping track of anything.

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