Comments on: What do I miss about my kids? Everything. Where Hip Moms Click! Wed, 21 Sep 2011 13:42:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: K Martell K Martell Sat, 28 May 2011 13:03:56 +0000 Hi Kate, I am new to your web site and just reading some of your posts. I hadn't planned on responding but I couldn't help myself after reading this one. I loved what you wrote. I can appreciate your decision and can certainly empathize with your life choices. I wish the best for you and your family during the transition. I also just made the connection - I think I have met some of your children and your husband, and I've seen you at some of the kids' activities (gymnastics). Just last week, I believe that I spoke to your husband at cub scouts where he mentioned that 'my wife went back to work full time recently.') My story is quite the reverse of yours - I worked FT and relied on daycare and preschool for my 2 children until they were 6 and 3. Last year, I retired early, at 47, to be a FT stay-at-home mom. My husband traveled an average of 5 months out of each year during those years, and we have no family in VA. My husband was planning on retiring from the military this year until he called up to go to Iraq. (We were BOTH going to take a nice 'break' and stay at home!) He is currently deployed for one year. I had grand plans of starting a small business from home after a year or so, but that has been put on hold for now. I love being at home now, but it will be even better next year when he returns. I love volunteering at the school and teaching in my 2nd grader's classroom. Next year, I may help by assisting the 3-5 graders in their computer classes 2x a week. The business ideas and extra income will have to wait, and the extra time is allowing me to figure out what I want to do later on. Sometimes it's a little difficult to find much in common with other moms because my story is so different. Recently, I did find ONE other mom in NK who made the same work/family choices (she's 43), but we are few and far between. Your web site is fabulous! Best Wishes to you and your family, K Martell aka Mom-in-Reverse Hi Kate, I am new to your web site and just reading some of your posts. I hadn't planned on responding but I couldn't help myself after reading this one. I loved what you wrote. I can appreciate your decision and can certainly empathize with your life choices. I wish the best for you and your family during the transition.
I also just made the connection – I think I have met some of your children and your husband, and I've seen you at some of the kids' activities (gymnastics). Just last week, I believe that I spoke to your husband at cub scouts where he mentioned that 'my wife went back to work full time recently.') My story is quite the reverse of yours – I worked FT and relied on daycare and preschool for my 2 children until they were 6 and 3. Last year, I retired early, at 47, to be a FT stay-at-home mom. My husband traveled an average of 5 months out of each year during those years, and we have no family in VA. My husband was planning on retiring from the military this year until he called up to go to Iraq. (We were BOTH going to take a nice 'break' and stay at home!) He is currently deployed for one year. I had grand plans of starting a small business from home after a year or so, but that has been put on hold for now. I love being at home now, but it will be even better next year when he returns. I love volunteering at the school and teaching in my 2nd grader's classroom. Next year, I may help by assisting the 3-5 graders in their computer classes 2x a week. The business ideas and extra income will have to wait, and the extra time is allowing me to figure out what I want to do later on. Sometimes it's a little difficult to find much in common with other moms because my story is so different. Recently, I did find ONE other mom in NK who made the same work/family choices (she's 43), but we are few and far between.
Your web site is fabulous!
Best Wishes to you and your family,
K Martell
aka Mom-in-Reverse

By: Kate Hall Kate Hall Wed, 16 Mar 2011 13:27:47 +0000 Amy, thank you. . have lived all those moments in the home office right along with you! It truly is a gift to have time with them--realize we all struggle whether we leave the house to work, work at home, or are stay-at-home moms with a very different and challenging kind of work :-) Glad we can support each other!--Kate Amy, thank you. . have lived all those moments in the home office right along with you! It truly is a gift to have time with them–realize we all struggle whether we leave the house to work, work at home, or are stay-at-home moms with a very different and challenging kind of work :-) Glad we can support each other!–Kate

By: Kate Hall Kate Hall Wed, 16 Mar 2011 13:13:37 +0000 Thanks Yvette for your kind words and welcome to Richmond! So glad you've found our site and look forward to having you in town. Thanks Yvette for your kind words and welcome to Richmond! So glad you’ve found our site and look forward to having you in town.

By: Yvette Yvette Tue, 15 Mar 2011 16:52:51 +0000 I've been a SAHM/WAHM in Florida for 11.5 years. We're moving to Richmond in June, and depending on the freelance opportunities available there, I might have to work outside of the home for the first time in my kids' lives. I can totally relate to getting housework done between writing and not feeling so bad when you put the dishes off 'til morning. Even so, we all have to do what is best for the greater good. Best of luck. I’ve been a SAHM/WAHM in Florida for 11.5 years. We’re moving to Richmond in June, and depending on the freelance opportunities available there, I might have to work outside of the home for the first time in my kids’ lives. I can totally relate to getting housework done between writing and not feeling so bad when you put the dishes off ’til morning. Even so, we all have to do what is best for the greater good. Best of luck.

By: Amy King Amy King Tue, 15 Mar 2011 14:44:23 +0000 This post broke my heart. I have been lucky to be able to do the work from home thing since my 2 year old son was born and know that one day I too, will have to get back into the corporate world. Even though my son is in-home child care 2-3 days a week, I cherish every moment I have him home with me. Even when he's climbing up the back of my office chair while I'm on a conference call, or I'm trying to finish up one more thing before we can spend the rest of the day together, as guilty as I feel sitting him in front of the TV for a Yo Gabba Gabba episode or two, I know how blessed I am to have this time with him while he is this age. I don't know how other mom's do it. Getting up everyday at 5:30, 6am to get showered, dressed and get their kids ready for school (and fed) and out the door in time to get to work by 8am. That does not even seem possible to me. I am lucky if we are out of bed by 730. As a mom, I guess we do the best we can with what life hands us, and whatever that hand is, we are the luckiest people on earth! This post broke my heart. I have been lucky to be able to do the work from home thing since my 2 year old son was born and know that one day I too, will have to get back into the corporate world. Even though my son is in-home child care 2-3 days a week, I cherish every moment I have him home with me. Even when he's climbing up the back of my office chair while I'm on a conference call, or I'm trying to finish up one more thing before we can spend the rest of the day together, as guilty as I feel sitting him in front of the TV for a Yo Gabba Gabba episode or two, I know how blessed I am to have this time with him while he is this age. I don't know how other mom's do it. Getting up everyday at 5:30, 6am to get showered, dressed and get their kids ready for school (and fed) and out the door in time to get to work by 8am. That does not even seem possible to me. I am lucky if we are out of bed by 730. As a mom, I guess we do the best we can with what life hands us, and whatever that hand is, we are the luckiest people on earth!

By: Kate Hall Kate Hall Mon, 14 Mar 2011 13:59:54 +0000 Thanks Ilyse, and to all of you for your words of support, thanks! Parents deal with these struggles every day, and I hesitated to talk about it openly but decided to in hopes that it helps someone else. You guys are the best!--Kate Thanks Ilyse, and to all of you for your words of support, thanks! Parents deal with these struggles every day, and I hesitated to talk about it openly but decided to in hopes that it helps someone else. You guys are the best!–Kate

By: Ilyse Ilyse Mon, 14 Mar 2011 12:10:15 +0000 I turned in my Super Mom cape a long time ago...and I think my kids (17 & 19) still love me :) I turned in my Super Mom cape a long time ago…and I think my kids (17 & 19) still love me :)

By: melanie williams melanie williams Sun, 13 Mar 2011 23:16:25 +0000 Kate, I feel ya!!! I wish we had gotten together before you got even busier. Please let me know where you are at and what is going on. Luv you. XOXO Kate, I feel ya!!! I wish we had gotten together before you got even busier. Please let me know where you are at and what is going on. Luv you. XOXO

By: dean dean Sun, 13 Mar 2011 23:13:41 +0000 well, mommy extraordinaire, I understand your thoughts and feelings. my babies are now 33, 29 and 28. nothing ever was more important or dear to me. Sue and I worked jobs that allowed us the ability to spend time with our children, but alas they have grown and flown the nest. one always hopes they will find their way back from time to time, but life often has other plans and takes them from us with tasks and priorities of their own. cherish the time you have because it flies all to fast. when they no longer come home to you, but to their own nest with chores and responsibilities of their own. I wish you the best on this special leg of your journey. make the memories that will be your joy and comfort when your yearlings have ventured out into the forest on their own and the trail home is traveled less frequently. well, mommy extraordinaire, I understand your thoughts and feelings. my babies are now 33, 29 and 28. nothing ever was more important or dear to me. Sue and I worked jobs that allowed us the ability to spend time with our children, but alas they have grown and flown the nest. one always hopes they will find their way back from time to time, but life often has other plans and takes them from us with tasks and priorities of their own. cherish the time you have because it flies all to fast. when they no longer come home to you, but to their own nest with chores and responsibilities of their own. I wish you the best on this special leg of your journey. make the memories that will be your joy and comfort when your yearlings have ventured out into the forest on their own and the trail home is traveled less frequently.

By: Kate Hall Kate Hall Fri, 11 Mar 2011 23:49:08 +0000 Thanks so much for the support, Jeb. . .it's never an easy decision :-) Thanks so much for the support, Jeb. . .it’s never an easy decision :-)
