Comments on: Channeling my frustration on the Casey Anthony trial Where Hip Moms Click! Mon, 11 Jul 2011 14:40:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Casey Quinlan Casey Quinlan Thu, 07 Jul 2011 18:22:06 +0000 The Anthony trial is a great example of how media coverage can put a thumb on the scales of justice: a prosecutor can come to feel that they're unbeatable if media sentiment is on their side, making their presentation of evidence sloppy. Happened with OJ Simpson, and now again with Casey Anthony. Public clamor for every sensational detail in a high-profile case causes a media shark-attack, which in turn skews everyone's perceptions of what the jury's conclusions will be. If the prosecutor doesn't make the case beyond a reasonable doubt TO THE JURY, not to the public via the media. I too was surprised to hear that Anthony was acquitted of murder, or at least negligent homicide. That said, having served on a criminal jury, when you start deliberations you feel a heavy burden when it comes to that "reasonable doubt" dictum, and are forced to examine the evidence closely to come to a conclusion. I think Ms. Anthony's karma will run over her dogma, pretty soon, once she gets out. I predict either a drug overdose, or a sordid outcome to a bad choice in male companion. Kaylee will see justice, but it won't be in a courtroom, unfortunately. The Anthony trial is a great example of how media coverage can put a thumb on the scales of justice: a prosecutor can come to feel that they're unbeatable if media sentiment is on their side, making their presentation of evidence sloppy. Happened with OJ Simpson, and now again with Casey Anthony.

Public clamor for every sensational detail in a high-profile case causes a media shark-attack, which in turn skews everyone's perceptions of what the jury's conclusions will be. If the prosecutor doesn't make the case beyond a reasonable doubt TO THE JURY, not to the public via the media.

I too was surprised to hear that Anthony was acquitted of murder, or at least negligent homicide. That said, having served on a criminal jury, when you start deliberations you feel a heavy burden when it comes to that "reasonable doubt" dictum, and are forced to examine the evidence closely to come to a conclusion.

I think Ms. Anthony's karma will run over her dogma, pretty soon, once she gets out. I predict either a drug overdose, or a sordid outcome to a bad choice in male companion. Kaylee will see justice, but it won't be in a courtroom, unfortunately.

By: Melissa McLemore Melissa McLemore Thu, 07 Jul 2011 17:48:22 +0000 Kate - you have a way with words and moved me. You seem to feel just like I do. Thank you for sharing this and promoting a positive way to channel those frustrations. Kate – you have a way with words and moved me. You seem to feel just like I do. Thank you for sharing this and promoting a positive way to channel those frustrations.

By: Ron Inlow Ron Inlow Wed, 06 Jul 2011 17:52:01 +0000 Well said. Thanks for a great response to a great tragedy. Well said. Thanks for a great response to a great tragedy.
