2013 Dream Baby Shower: Vote Now for Your Favorite Mom to be!

dbssquareRichmond’s 2013 Hip to Be Round Dream Baby Shower voting is underway!

Thanks to  all the amazing local business donating prizes for this fun contest totaling over $3,000.   A special Thank you to Sweet Frog for matching out donation to Nurture!!

A special Thank You to Children’s Hospital of Richmond for Sponsoring this contest!

CHoR at VCU full color



Here’s how it works:

  1. Vote here by using this link.  You’ll see  nominations below, and you may vote only once between 6/16-6/25/13.
  2. Celebrate with us at the Expectant Girls Night Out at Hip to Be Round in Carytown 6/27/13 from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm where we’ll announce the winner. Each nominee may bring 1-2 guests and celebrate with us.
  3. The Grand Prize Winner will be presented with her gifts and will be given invitations from By Invitation only and cupcakes by Frostings to use at her own baby shower.

And the Nominees are:

Jennie Cook Atkinson                                                Click here to vote for any nominee

I am overjoyed to nominate my good friend Jennie Cook Atkinson. She and her husband Brandon tried for 6 years to conceive a baby and this November they will welcome a little girl into their family. I know that the birth of their daughter will be a dream come true. Throughout the years of trying, Jennie always had a positive outlook,even during the most heartbreaking of times. That is just the kind of person she is, a constant ray of sunshine. She will be such a fun-loving and wonderful mom and I can’t wait for our kids to play together. There really is not a more deserving mama to be than Jennie and I am so excited to witness all the grand moments of happiness that are on the horizon for her.

Nicole Barker                                                                  Click here to vote for any nominee

I’m sure all the mom’s to be on here are super deserving, but none are as awesome as my wife Nicole. I’ve always admired her spirit and attitude when it comes to loving and caring for children as she has been a Kindergarten Teacher for the past 8 years. I hear how incredibly patient and kind she is with her students, including those with special needs, and I’m excited to see her with our own child. I’m sure she will be the best mom ever, even though she has the common “What if I’m a not a great mom?” thoughts. I’m excited to grow our family with her and couldn’t think of someone who deserves this more than someone who has dedicated their life to teaching and loving young children (very often a thankless job).
I Love You Babe!

Melanie Barr                                            Click here to vote for any nominee                                                          

Melanie is about to become a mother for the second time. She currently devotes her time to her young son, volunteering at a vet’s office in her “spare time.” She has spent countless hours working on a start-up non-profit focused on fitness, education and support for women and families during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting. Melanie is a fabulous mom who deserves to celebrate the upcoming birth of her second child. Moms usually get a special baby shower the first time around, but rarely get a baby shower for a second child. It would be so wonderful to award her this treat!

Melanie Barr                                               Click here to vote for any nominee

After becoming a mother two years ago, my wife Melanie has dedicated most of her free time to bettering the birth and parenting world here in Richmond. She is a founding and active board member of Nurture- Richmond’s pregnancy, birth, and early parenting resource center, an Administrator for Natural and Attachment Parents of Richmond, an active member of Baby Wearing International of Central Virginia, and she is involved in several play based groups, as well as mothering support groups.
Melanie has happily devoted her life to being a mother, and along the way she has also devoted much of herself to the lives of other local Richmond mothers by connecting, supporting, educating, and learning with them.
She tends to forget about herself, and now that she is pregnant again, I want to show her some appreciation. Winning this baby shower would reminder her that she, as well as the work she is doing, is important not only to myself and our family, but also to her Richmond family.

Amy Bitz                                                                                  Click here to vote for any nominee

Amy is my daughter and we are so proud of her. She never asks of anything from anyone. She is always very quiet. She worked very hard and recv. her degree as a medical physicist working at a CancerCenter. She helps people everyday. She knows what it is like to sacrifice for other people. She has a sister that is disabled and has always been there for her. This is her first pregnancy and she has a wonderful husband who is very supportive of her. She is due in August and has a difficult exam to take before her delivery. We are very proud of her and her accomplishments. She is going to be a wonderful mother and this would be a wonderful gift for her. We love you very muc, Amy.

Britany Braswell                                           Click here to vote for any nominee  

I am nominating Britany for the dream baby shower because she is a young mom pregnant with her second child and I believe she deserves all of the support she can get. She is a stay at home mom and is working on finishing her college degree. She has a big heart and is a wonderful mom. I know that if she could afford to buy her child everything his little heart desired, she would. And that’s why I would love to see her win this dream baby shower.

Kara Brooks                                              Click here to vote for any nominee

The other day I asked Kara “Do you ever stop doing things for other people and do something just for you?” she laughed. The reason she is so deserving of the Dream Baby Shower is because she needs for someone to do for her for her a change. Kara works in the foster care field spending her time recruiting and training families to foster children. It’s not just her job it’s her passion. She spends her free time volunteering at Mercy Mom’s, a nonprofit women’s shelter. She is the busiest person I know, because she offers to help anyone who needs it, be it a neighbor, fellow church member, co-worker or friend. She is a former teaching parent as well as a former foster parent and tries to provide support to any child who’s life she has touched. It’s time for Kara to be pampered as she adds this new life to her world!

Ashley Brumfield                                                                Click here to vote for any nominee

Mom is not just a name. It is someone that gives love and of themselves beyond all bounds. It is someone that has the motherly gift of patience and a heart of gold. Great mothers inspire and I am honored to nomiate a great mother of 2 girls and a baby boy on the way that inspires me, Ashley Brumfield for this “Dream Shower”.
Ashley always puts her children first, even if it means she needs to push through exhaustion and cancel fun plans. She radiates love for her children and is a great role model in all that she does.
Ashley is also a loving wife and loyal friend. She is always supportive to those that she loves in her life and is a confident, kind soul with a caring heart.
With child number 3 on the way, Ashley would be a great mom for wonderful shower, that I’m certain she would appreciate beyond words.
Yes, all mom’s are gift, but Ashley is a true motherly “treasure”. Her love is contagious and she is so desserving of this wonderful “dream shower”!

Jennifer Burkhead                                                                    Click here to vote for any nominee

There is no greater joy ��” or responsibility ��” than being a mother. I cannot even express the love and feeling you have when you feel your little one wiggle inside of you. It is truly amazing each and every time. I now have a better appreciation for all the moms out there for what they sacrifice for their children. To me you really cannot understand the attachment or reasoning behind all you do for your children until you have your own. I have not even had my little boy yet but I already know I would do anything for him, that’s how strong the love and bond is already. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment and vote for me for the Dream Baby Shower 2013 contest. It would be great to be able to spoil myself one last time before all my attention goes to the one who truly deserves/needs it. Thanks for voting!

Carey Campbell                                                                 Click here to vote for any nominee

My husband left me when we found out that I was pregnant. He has not asked ONCE about the child I am carrying and has not offered any financial support. I am currently raising our 9 year old special needs child in addition to this pregnancy. I have NOTHING left over from our first child and am barely making ends meet with my job. My children’s father hasn’t paid a dime in child support since he left in December. I am doing the best I can but since I am employed, I do not qualify for ANY assistance and am struggling to provide just basics for my children. It would mean the world to me and my boys if we were chosen as the winners!!!

Kristina Church                                                                           Click here to vote for any nominee

She is 32 weeks pregnant

Carlene Jackson Delane                                              Click here to vote for any nominee  

Carlene deserves this because not only is she an amazing mother and wife, but she helps out and inspires so many other mothers and expectant mothers. I call her my baby guru! She is an all around awesome person!

Zina Drott                                                                                   Click here to vote for any nominee

Way back when I was a little girl, I can remember being carried around like a babydoll, wearing tons of glittered make-up, and looking up to my big sister for anything and everything. That big sister is finally expecting a little girl of her own. She is always trying to surprise her loved ones, and brighten anyones day with a ridiculous story that usually involves herself. She is my wonderful big sister that has had some curve balls this year (that did not coincide with her life plan). I would love it if my sister could be the receiver of a surprise instead of the other way around.

 Meg Ellington                                                                              Click here to vote for any nominee

In October 2012, Meg delivered twin baby boys at 21 weeks at MemorialRegionalHospital in Mechanicsville, VA. At the time she was unaware at the gender, as well as the fact that she was carrying twins (only one showed on an ultrasound). Both boys went to be with the Lord only minutes after delivery. As if postpardum wasn’t hard enough, she had to think of a way to explain to her two daughters (ages 4 and 2, at the time) what happened to their brother(s).
She remained constant in her faith and was soon given the ‘go ahead’ to try again. She was able to conceive again in March 2013 (due November 2013). She has to continually give herself Lovenox injections to prevent blood clots and also has family history of Lupus. She is being treated as ‘high risk’ at Virginia Women’s Center.
I cannot think of a more deserving woman that has had a rough couple of months. She is a stay-at-home mom and enjoys being surrounded by friends and family.

Cyndi Finley                                                        Click here to vote for any nominee

In August of last year Cyndi lost her father. It was a long stressful time while he was admitted to hospice. It was one month later they found out she was pregnant. This was an unexpected blessing. They had tried for a baby for a little while and due to a medical condition had given up hope.
Amidst such tragic loss came such a joyous gift. Cyndi’s number one priority has always been to care for others. She cared for her father for many years as he suffered from the side effects of diabetes, which eventually took his life. Her passion extends beyond people, they have taken in rescue dogs who would scheduled to be put down. Helping others is the theme of their household.
She cares for her family and always puts herself second. She stays at home with their daughter and quite the saver. To be able to really provide for this baby would be a blessing!

Erin Fitzgerald                                           Click here to vote for any nominee

Since marrying in 2010, Erin and her husband started trying to have a baby. After a year with no success, Erin sought the assistance of doctors. During this time, many of Erin’s friends had babies, Erin always willing to throw a shower for the friend. In 2011, Erin changed jobs just as her husband was laid off. She supported her husband for 6 months while he found a new job. Relieved from the stress in Mid-2012, Erin became pregnant. As she was finishing her 3rd trimester and about to tell her friends the good news, the doctor told her she’d had a miscarriage weeks prior but her body was holding onto the baby. After surgery and a recovery period, they started treatments and trying again. This January, things were not looking good with the treatments, so they were shocked to find out that they’re pregnant again! However, Erin’s been so busy with work–and just hosted another friend’s baby shower–that she hasn’t taken the time to register or plan for their baby girl, who’s due 10/13/13!

Melodie Franklin                                               Click here to vote for any nominee

Melodie has been married for a couple of years. While she was waffling about being ready to start trying to have a baby due to her career, her husband was certainly ready. After watching a number of slightly older friends have difficulty conceiving, she decided to leave things to fate. As luck would have it, they are expecting their first baby mid-August–gender unknown. It could not be happening to a better person and future mom.
After moving from England to the States in the ’90s for college, Melodie made Richmond her home about 8 years ago. Since then, Melodie has been extremely active in Richmond, supporting the arts and volunteering with Community Supported Agriculture programs–even helping out at farmer’s markets. She is one of the most considerate, engaging, and interesting people in the City, which makes it no surprise that Melodie has an extended list of very good friends. (And her career has not suffered with the choice to start a family–Melodie got promoted last year!)

Kara Fulop                                                                         Click here to vote for any nominee

No one deserves more than Kara Fulop. She is the best!!

Kara Fulop                                                                           Click here to vote for any nominee

When I think of an exceptional expectant Mom, Kara is the first person I think of.  As a mother of 3 well mannered, bright and beautiful children, her patience, kindness and absolute dedication to her family are traits that every Mom aspires to possess.  Kara continues to work fulltime through the final stages of her pregnancy all the while toting kids to practices, games and supporting her honor roll students educationally.  She volunteers with our elementary schools PTA and organizes a monthly newsletter which is no small task.  I see her helping out the teachers at her daughters middle school at 7am by making copies and walking the halls to help support the school.  Kara is the kind of lady who will put her own needs aside to ensure that everyone else has been thought of first; never complaining and always with a genuine smile on her face.  Her baby couldn’t have been blessed with a better mother, a kinder father and more loving siblings.  The Fulops are an amazing, inspiring family!

Angi Hamer                                                                   Click here to vote for any nominee                  

Angi is one of those people you can see as a Mom almost instantly. When word was out that she was pregnant I think everyone around her was happy to see her and Jonathon have the chance to become the parents we all know they’ll be. THE FUN ONES.
Angi is an active Aunt and if you were her facebook friend you might even think those kids were hers. She is an educational professional and will be an amazing mother. She’s always one to help and gives so much to others. I think she’s deserving of the 2013 Dream Baby Shower and I’m not alone.

Amanda Hardesty                                          Click here to vote for any nominee

Amanda is deserving of a dream baby shower because she is such a hard worker, and a great person!!
I was “the new kid” during our senior year in high school, it was a tough year for me. Amanda was my friend the entire time. I really don’t know if I would have stayed at the school if it hadn’t been for her.
She is such a hard worker — 7 days a week! I really think she deserves a surprise, and some relaxing gifts!!

Allison Haymes                                                  Click here to vote for any nominee

This is Allison’s first baby, and she is working hard to finish her nursing degree at the same time. Allison is the most caring and loving person I know and would greatly benefit from winning this contest. She volunteers for charity organizations, cares for her grandmother and loves spending time with family. Please pick her to win, she is very deserving!

 Annie Medina Hilinski                                                         Click here to vote for any nominee

Annie is my ex-fiances sister who is expecting twins in the fall. We recently reconnected as friends after many years. When I was pregnant this past year, Annie, who is a nurse by profession, helped me work through morning sickness, figure out different pregnancy ailments and was instrumental in my c-section recovery along with my postpartum doula. She is a kind, loving and giving lady who deserves to be recognized for her unselfish and supportive character.

Elica Ivanova                                                                            Click here to vote for any nominee

I am a first-time foreigner mom. Baby Showers do not exist in my home country. I have lived in the US for ten years and I would love to be able to have one here.

Karen Jones                                                                                    Click here to vote for any nominee

This special best friend of mine is having her very first baby, just graduated nursing school and is buying a house! She needs to set up a fabulous nursery for this new little edition to the family! She is such a sweet person and deserves this special gift!

Sharon Howcott-lewis                                       Click here to vote for any nominee           

Sharon is having her second baby! Her first born will soon be 8 years old. She is a full time student and she also works full time. Starting over with a new baby can be difficult, but with the dream baby shower it would make it so much easier for Sharon! Thank you for your vote!

Lorriann Limerick                                                           Click here to vote for any nominee

My sister is most deserving of a dream baby shower because the baby she’s carrying is a dream come true. She’s dreamed for this moment many years to be a mother, to love, cherish, and to be responsible for a new life for the rest of her life. As a first time expectant mother, I just want for her to experience something so memorable and wonderful along with the new gift she’ll be carrying for 9 months. Also to have the opportunity to wear the hat of a proud mother to be, and to show her how much we love, cherish, and appreciate her. Lorriann is 19 weeks now and she goes through each day like a champ even on days when she’s feeling ill. About 13 weeks into her pregnany my sister learned from her doctor that she have a small fibroid. Though this is dreadful news, I’m just so proud of her for being so positive and embracing each day. Her ultra sound revealed that she’s having a little boy. Her son is definitely her miracle baby and her dream come true. Please vote for Lorriann. Thank you.

Je’Nae Little                                                        Click here to vote for any nominee                                                                          

Je’Nae is one of the kindest, giving and loving people I know. She is also considered a fashionista amongst our small circle of friends. Je’Nae is a mother to 9-year-old twins and a stepmother to a 16-year-old; therefore, she is extremely busy! She deserves a dream baby shower simply because she is a dream to have as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend. There aren’t many people in this world that gives of themselves so freely to others, all while ensuring that her family is well taken care of. Despite some of the very difficult trials and tribulations she has endured in the past, Je’Nae has risen above these obstacles better than the average lady would have ever done. I admire Je’Nae for her strength, tenacity, straightforward attitude, beautiful personality, perseverance, and not to mention her fashion sense! She deserves so many wonderful things that life has to offer, so I don’t see why she wouldn’t deserve a dream baby shower to remember! Je’Nae is definitely Hip to be Round!

Allison Lynch                                                           Click here to vote for any nominee

Allison is an all-around great girl. She’s a great friend, a wonderful sister, and the best daughter a mother could have.
Yes, Allison is my daughter, and I think she deserves this shower. She is always the first person to run out to get a card or gift to celebrate the life events for everyone, whether it’s family or friend, or even a co-worker or acquaintance. She loves doing things for other people and does it with a lot of heart. She never misses an opportunity to help or honor the people in her life.
Allison and her husband, Tim, moved to Virginia a year ago—the rest of the family is here in Massachusetts. This is their first baby and the first grandchild for our family on both sides. We are all very excited and wish we lived closer so we could share more in the everday fun and excitement of this special time.
I think if Alli were to win she would be ecstatic. It would truly mean so much.

Rochelle Mauro                                                               Click here to vote for any nominee    

She is a young single mother of two and one on the way. she has struggled thru many obstacles in her life and remains humble and positive….

Alixis MCcoy                                                 Click here to vote for any nominee                                                                                

This expecting mom is just great!!!! Just puts others before her and has the biggest heart. She’s going to be a great mother, because she is already a great daughter and sister. She puts a smile on everyones face that pass by her and knows it.

Kimberly Mitchel                                                                    Click here to vote for any nominee

I can’t think of anyone who deserves to be spoiled more than Kimberly. Being from the restaurant world myself, I remember all too clearly how hard the work can be especially when you’re pregnant. She is part of a successful local chain called Sports Page which is family run (her family) and Kim gives it her all. She has patiently put up with ALL of our babies. She came to our showers, our babies first birthdays and now it’s her turn.
She is dedicated to her nieces and nephews and they even have their own special name for her…”GUNDA”. I don’t remember the story, so make her tell you.
I’m so happy she and Scotty are joining the breeders club with us and I would love to see her just get the royal treatment.

Kristina Mitchell                                                                      Click here to vote for any nominee

Kristina is an amazingly sweet & caring person. She’s always there for her immediate and extended family. She’s faced a lot of challenges this pregnancy from her Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It causes her great pain, some days making it physically difficult to get out of bed and do her day to day activities. At the end of her first trimester she lost her job. She thankfully found another one quickly but it’s only part-time, barely enough to make ends meet. Despite all this she always has a smile on her face and keeps her head up. She’s there whenever we call.
True story: She found out she was pregnant the day I had my baby, her niece. And she’s an amazing aunt to her. She’s going to be an amazing mom. She deserves this more than anyone I know. I’m proud to call her my sister-in-law.

Margie Morgan                                                    Click here to vote for any nominee

My name is Margie & I am a Richmond Mom of a wonderful 18 month old Boy. My husband & I had to wait quite a while for him but he was worth every tear shed waiting for him to become a part of this family.
We knew the road to our second child could be just as long as the first yet still each passing month brought tears as we learned we weren’t expecting. One morning this spring I decided to jump the gun and take a pregnancy test just to “see”.I WAS PREGNANT! The excitement was beyond control…little did I know, I was in for an even bigger surprise.
As my Husband & I held hands in the doctors office & watched the screen, through our excited tears, we saw one, two, then THREE babies appear before our eyes. TRIPLETS!
We have been on a whirlwind of emotions & worries since finding out our blessing, but have stayed focused on the fact this is a blessing others use each breath wishing for.
This shower would help us out IMMENSELY with needed supplies & all will be donated afterwards.

Tara Randolph                                           Click here to vote for any nominee

My wife Tara, is an amazing woman and one tough momma. This is our third pregnancy and the most difficult one by far. Our first child was easy breezy. Our second child came almost three months early! Doctors basically told us his chance of survival were slim to non. Well that was three years ago and today we have a healthy active baby boy. Now round three, in February we were told that our unborn baby has a Congenital Heart Defect (HLHS), which will lead to open heart surgery at birth. We were torn. Knowing nothing about this disease we had to dry the tears and do some research. As a father I can’t express how nerve racking these last few months has been for me, but my wife has been so wonderful and positive. Even though she is scared you would never know by looking at her. She is the best mother, she takes care of our two little ones with ease, she continues to grow he cupcake business and all while raising awareness for CHD. She is a Superwoman, she deserves this dream baby shower.

Tabatha Regensburg                                              Click here to vote for any nominee

Tabatha is finally having a baby that is hers. She has tried for so long and it finally happened. She has helped raise my two children and all her other nephews. She is a caring person. Not much money but gives a lot of herself. She is full of faith and determination. She has a heart of gold and this would be a miracle for her and her baby. She deserves a gift so great for all she has done for others. She has given so much this would be GREAT as a thank you. She gonna be a great mom no doubt about it. Choose Tabatha she needs it and deserves it. Tabatha has watched for four years as others have had children and she just smiled but hurt because she didn’t know if she could have a child. God has finally answered her prayers now I hope to give her an awesome shower she won’t forget. She is a very simple person never fancy this would be another blessing she truly deserves. Pick Tabatha she the perfect choice. She deserves another dream to come true.

Anita Roberts                                                                             Click here to vote for any nominee

I am nominating my sister-in-law Anita for the Dream Baby Shower because after being a step-mom to 3 teenage girls, she is now expecting a precious baby girl! Being a mom to 3 teenagers was so rewarding to her and as much as she loves them, she missed out on being there and experiencing motherhood from the beginning. A fabulous baby shower and some pampering is just what she needs! She gives to everyone and I am hoping she has an opportunity now to relax and enjoy herself (at least until the baby makes her entrance!!) Please consider Anita for the Dream Baby Shower, I know it would make her so very happy!

Isis Rodriguez                                                               Click here to vote for any nominee

I don’t really have anyone to nominate me so I will do it for myself. When I was 16 I became pregnant with my first son. I always wanted to give him a baby shower but couldn’t afford one. I brought crib, stroller everything from goodwill or Salvation Army stores. It’s 8 years later and I finally decided to get pregnant with my second child. It’s A Girl :) I am super excited about that. I’m not sure how I am going to do it but even if it is something small at a park or something I have to do something for my princess that is on the way. I am not going to lie to you that I am poor or anything because luckily I have a roof and food to eat everyday but since my husband is the only one working I’m scared to tell him to at least save some money for a small baby shower. Because even the smallest things are appreciated. I am due by the end of September so I’m still trying to figure out how to get at least the necessary things needed for my baby.To win this baby shower would be a great blessing

Bobbie Salas                                                                           Click here to vote for any nominee                                    

Bobbie is the sweetest lady with the most loving heart!! She deserves this because she works so hard for her family. She already has two daughters, and now newly married with baby #3 on the way!!

Bobbie Salas                                                         Click here to vote for any nominee          

I am nominating my friend Bobbie because I would like to see something great happen to her. If she didn’t have bad luck, she would not have any luck at all. She works hard to support her family. Her husband has had difficulty finding employment. The bills are piling up and I think if she was to win this dream baby shower it would benefit her in many ways along with relieve a lot of stress she is feeling due to the financial burdens she is currently having to go through.

ElizabethTrail                                                                                Click here to vote for any nominee

This is baby #3! We have are so excited and so are big brother and big sister! We have NOTHING left over from the first two kids so we will be starting over and this will be our final baby :)

Amanda Wemlinger Tubbs                                  Click here to vote for any nominee

This is my first baby and I am graduating from residency, moving and starting a new job all at the same time. I have had no time (or money) to prepare for my baby girl! She needs your help!!

Ashley Valentine                                                         Click here to vote for any nominee

I’m nominating myself because I am due near Christmas with a child already and I’m going to nursing school and don’t have the extra money to give my daughter a chiristmas and have a baby shower to get stuff for the next baby.

Claudia Vasquez                                                                     Click here to vote for any nominee

While I didnt know how to respond to this question as I am nominating myself. I believe my baby deserves this baby shower more than I do. Most people usually have a friend or family member to plan a shower for them and let the mother have the joy that comes with motherhood. I myself am lonely in Virginia with only my husband as a family. My parents and sibling plus extended family reside outside of the country so I’m not sure if I will get a baby shower.

Suzanne l. Vinson                                                         Click here to vote for any nominee

we’re each deserving of care, pampering, affection, blessing, and love. there is so much to receiving care, good care from those who are in your tribe and those who surround you.
this baby girl would love to be showered with love, affection, attention, and some delightful treats to show her and mama that so much goodness abounds.
shower mama and baby in the most abundant ways :: through lighting a candle and sending love. through a card or note of encouragement. through your divine presence and excitement for the new life taking shape. through a sweet vote saying “YES!”
here’s to a little pampering and care for this mama’s soul and baby girl.
peace. light. abundance.

Alicia Wilburn                                                                   Click here to vote for any nominee

Alicia is a hard-working mother of one and soon to be two (due Aug 10), whose husband (a former military man and deputy sheriff) recently underwent heart surgery to repair a damaged valve. He was forced to retire do to his health condition.
Alicia is devoted to caring for people through massage, especially for women during pregnancy. In addition to giving massage, she teaches nuturing prenatal and fertility massage, integrating reflexology and also infant massage.
Because of her husband’s disability, she has become the wage-earner for her family. Her husband will be a stay-at-home dad, caring for the children, while she works to support her family. She could use LOTS of baby things to make it less complicated for her (like a really good breast pump and a co-sleeper) and less stressful for him, too (like a great swing and a diaper changing station on both levels of their home (he shouldn’t be going up and down stairs all day)…

Lindsy Wiltshire                                                                      Click here to vote for any nominee

Lindsy Wiltshire is not only my best friend of 16 years and the godmother to my 3 children, but the most deserving woman and mother-to-be of a Dream Baby Shower. She is one of those people who was absolutely destined to be a mother. Kind, compassionate, and nurturing are qualities that exemplify Lindsy and her role as a third-grade teacher, aunt, godmother, nanny, sister, daughter and friend. Three years after marrying Trey, whom she has adored since childhood, she is excitedly expecting their first child. Lindsy makes a difference in our community every day by teaching, tutoring, and encouraging children to be the best they can be. She is the friend who throws beautiful baby and bridal showers, offers to keep your kids for the weekend, and makes Easter baskets for the children in her life. I would love for you to vote for Lindsy because she is one of the most selfless people I know and her child deserves nothing less than to be showered with all the love she shows for others.



Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.

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About Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.