Toner for Autism: Richmond mom LaTanya Edwards works for a cause

LaTanya Edwards is a Richmond mom and a woman on a mission. She’s taken her outstanding background working with autistic children to the “streets” and is partnering with Richmond businesses to help reduce their costs while benefiting Richmond children with Toner for Autism.

When I first met LaTanya, I thought, “This is someone that I want to get to know!” and upon our first meeting, my gut feeling was confirmed. LaTanya is fortunate to have two healthy children of her own, and cares so much about children on the autism spectrum that when she applied for a position as a sales rep for Toner for Autism. For each toner purchase a company makes, a portion of that purchase goes the autism educational institution of the purchaser’s choice, making it a “win-win” for both the business and the local school. Their logo says it all: “Why not Make a Purchase with a Purpose!”

LaTanya has partnered with the The Faison School in Richmond to help build their ability to provide services to children on the autism spectrum, which is terribly critical as there is currently no cure for autism. As many families are experiencing, the needs of an autistic child span many areas, including language, physical development, social needs, and more. Would you like to learn more about LaTanya and her work with Toner for Autism, and consider recommending it to your office manager or friends? Please contact her at: today and turn an every day purchase into support for Richmond parents and their kids.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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