Getting Cold Makes You Healthier


Don't forget to follow and support the Mother Runners as they prepare for the Monument 10K.

Baby it’s cold outside!

But don’t let that stop you from getting some much needed activity (let’s not call it “exercise”!).

I just returned from a walk through the neighborhood pushing my 18-month old granddaughter bundled up in her jogging stroller, preceded by her rambunctious 6-year old brother. The chill hit our faces as we first stepped out onto the driveway, but by the time we were a block from the house, we were glad we took that first step. We had a GRAND time, even in the cold air.

No Excuses

Many people decide that cold weather is a good excuse to stay indoors. But think again. Getting outside has great benefits and especially for us “grandparents” who are trying to get and/or stay healthy and fit.  We are also setting a good example for our grandchildren too.

Just benefits

There are just as many benefits as there are excuses!

Outdoor activities increase metabolism which helps you burn fat, increase blood flow which helps your heart pump, and helps create a healthy, vibrant complexion. It also helps you manage your weight too. And best of all, when you walk or run outdoors, it helps you increase your stamina and endurance so you’re prepared for increased activity such as a 5K, a 10K, or even a marathon in the future.

If you’re letting cold weather keep you bundled up on the sofa, try to get moving and get at least 10 minutes of outdoor activity daily. Supplement that with some indoor activity such as a treadmill, light weight-lifting, or cranking up the Wii-Fit. You’ll not only feel better — before you know it, you’ll look better too.

Start slowly

Over time you can increase your 10 minute walk to 15 and then 20 and then more. Dress in layers to fight off the cold better, and wear a hat to help you stay warm when walking or running outdoors. Gloves to keep your hands and fingers warm will help too.

Support Mother Runners

And don’t forget to follow and encourage the Mother Runners and GRANDmother Runners who are preparing for the Monument 10K. It’s not too late to join them in their journey towards completing a race. You can also leave an encouraging comment here on the website for them.

Before we know it, spring will be here and when it arrives, we’ll all be healthier and more fit. Getting cold really does make you healthier.

Now, that’s a reason to celebrate.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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