Martin Luther King Day of Service

Starting the year off out of town has thrown me for a loop and I’m blown away that it is already mid-January.  This year I did not get around to planning a kid-friendly service project.  When I started calling agencies/organizations that could accomodate my group they already had groups coming in (Yay!) so there was no room for us (bummer).

Now what are we going to do?  I know organizations need donations of goods and money but my kids don’t have money so that doesn’t impact them in a meaningful way yet.  In terms of goods, every year before the holidays we go through all their books and toys and donate the gently used ones.  Besides, I also want them to learn “We must use our time creatively” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Almost everyday my Dad would say, “If everyone did a little more than their share there would be less to do”  and “lead by example.”   My Dad has LOTS of catch phrases.  I used to try and guess what he was going to say next when he was lecturing me to help pass the time.  And, in that way of parenting it turns out he is right more often than not.

So we are going to keep it simple yet effective.  We are going to pick up trash along the roads and in our neighbourhood.  We will sort the recycling, plastic bags and trash and dispose of the waste properly.  I hope that people will see us and be motivated to pick-up instead of walk by the trash they see and of course act a gentle reminder to not litter for others.

And we may have another trick or two up our sleeves because we love doing things to put a smile on other’s faces!

Please share your plans or send us a message/pictures of how you give back to our community!

Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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