Seeking enjoyment beyond your dreams?

Nancy Carey knows what it's like to have many people depending on her.

Grandparents today have a lot on their plates – grandchildren, parents, jobs, social events, traveling and more.

But some have more on their plates than others, and it can become overwhelming if you don’t have the right mind-set about the challenges you face.

Balancing it all

In a recent discussion with Richmond resident, Nancy Carey, she explains that it can be challenging to balance all that life has to offer. Nancy is a long-distance caregiver for her sister who lives in Maryland. Cathy, her sister, has cerebral palsy, heart disease, stomach/bone cancer, lymphodemia and arthritis.

That’s enough to make anyone give up and give in.

But not Cathy or Nancy.

Cathy was Ms. Wheelchair MD 2007 and the winner of the People’s Choice Award at the Ms. Wheelchair America 2008 Pageant. She is an inspiration to so many who meet the challenges of disease and/or disability every day.

Nancy doesn’t just sit and watch either. She is intimately involved with the Ms. Wheelchair MD and Ms. Wheelchair VA Pageants. She also participates in helping with the Ms. Wheelchair America Pageant too. She has actually been a judge in the VA Pageant, but this is just a tiny bit of what she does.

Nancy travels with a group of “wheelchair angels” and helps them enjoy the fun and adventure of cruising through the Caribbean. She also writes for the Richmond Disability Examiner where she reaches thousands of readers looking for information on managing disabilities in life. Oh, and I did I mention that she works outside the home!

There is so much more to learn about Nancy and she has so much to offer to those who are dealing with the challenges of caregiving and helping others find purpose and beauty in life. You can visit her website and blog updates at this link – and be assured that you will be inspired with every word!

Welcoming a new life

Nancy is about to enjoy a new change in her life too – the birth of her first grandson who is due on May 12, 2011. What an exciting time in her life and the lives of her family. Welcoming a grandson into her world will open a whole new opportunity of sharing, giving and loving!

Nancy’s passion for helping those with disabilities will always be a part of her life. As she prepares for new adventures ahead with her grandson, she will discover creative ways to balance yet another demand on her time.  Many people might not find time to fit another person into their lives.

But as Nancy says,

“Life can be spent in constant personal enjoyment with no eternal rewards, or in constant personal giving that returns enjoyment beyond your dreams. The choice is yours.”

I am sure Nancy will definitely find lots of time, and a way for personal giving that helps shape and teach her new grandson in the most positive way possible. And as always, she will be there for Cathy and many others who deal with their daily challenges and disabilities.

The world needs more people like Nancy.

Rhonda Day, Freelance Writer


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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