Grandmoms are moms too — we have rights!

Don't miss the Mom's Treehouse grand opening -- it's for GRANDmom's too!

A recent visit to Mom’s Treehouse was enlightening and inspiring for me as a grandmom.

I talked with Rachel Pustilnik about the Mother Runner’s team and preparing for the Monument 10K. She provided valuable insights about getting in shape for walking or running any type of race, including 5K, 10K, or a marathon. Her enthusiasm was overwhelming. She helped me create a personal plan for increasing my own fitness levels by stepping up my current walking program, with the goal of eventually moving it up to a running program.

GRANDmom’s treehouse

A young mother came into the office as we were talking and inquired about the Body Back program. Listening to Rachel describe the training, education, coaching, support and processes involved to help mother’s regain their pre-pregnancy body and fitness levels was very interesting.

Before she finished, she had signed up a new recruit and another class was full to capacity!

But as I continued talking with Rachel and observed all that was happening around me, I realized that this is more than a “mom’s treehouse”. This is also a “GRANDmom’s treehouse” too. Rachel offers lots of activities that are beneficial for women of all ages. She also carries a broad line of great toys and equipment for children — making it easy for grandmoms to find exactly what they need for grandchildren.

As today’s grandmothers become more involved in the lives of their grandchildren, it’s nice to know that people like Rachel have done all of the work when it comes to finding convenient, safe and innovative options for baby equipment and toys. She makes it a lot easier to help care for the little ones — whether you’re the mom or the grandmom!

GRAND opening

You’ll definitely want to attend her grand opening on January 29. Kate has written all about it here. It’s a good time to make a visit with your daughter or son and grandchildren to check out all that Mom’s Treehouse has to offer. You may find that the Body Back program or Mother Runners is something you can take advantage of, and you’ll definitely love all that you see and hear. Even grandmoms have a right to be healthy and fit for life.

And after all, once a mom, always a mom  — even when you become a grandmom!

Now if I can just get Rachel to rename it “GRANDmom’s Treehouse”!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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