Dream Dinners make serving healthy dinners a dream!

Dream Dinners make it easy to serve Mediterranean Salmon at home any time.

Talk about a dream dinner!

I’m not typically a fan of preparing a bunch of meals ahead of time and freezing them for later in the week or month. But I may just be changing my mind now.

I was recently introduced to Dream Dinners by a friend who had tried them for herself and she couldn’t stop raving about how much she loved the concept and the food they offer. She said it’s like having someone make all of the decisions about what to cook and then shopping for all of the ingredients — ensuring they are fresh, wholesome and delicious. And best of all, she has homemade, hot dinners on the table at a moment’s notice.

As a busy wife, mother, grandmother, writer and volunteer, that sounded appealing. So, I just had to know more. Apparently, Dream Dinners offers a monthly menu that includes over 14 different recipes each month, along with additional pre-assembled dinners, sides, breads and desserts ready for purchase in the store.  With such a broad variety of options, it’s easy to choose everyone’s favorite for at least one meal each week. And Dream Dinners provides everything needed to assemble home-cooked dinners including easy-to-follow instructions – and including fresh, pre-cut ingredients that makes it easy to put it all together.

As if that information alone wasn’t enough, I had to check them out for myself.

Well, needless to say — Dream Dinners has created an opportunity for busy women all over Richmond to serve hot, delicious meals every night of the week without spending time in the kitchen every night. They’ve made it possible for busy women to serve hot, healthy meals every night without fuss or worry.

Mediterranean salmon, chicken peanut stir-fry and other delectable heart-healthy options are on the February menu. What better way to celebrate February as Heart Health Month than to try Dream Dinners!

The only thing you have to lose is the anxiety over “What’s for dinner” — and you’ll gain a healthier menu and rave reviews from your family. What a deal for busy Richmond moms and grandmoms.

Visit the Dream Dinner website for more information and click on the Dream Dinners page at Woodlake Commons for their Richmond area location.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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