Learning RX Brain Buzz Helps Bring You the Science of Learning

Learning RX February Brain Buzz

Sleep Your Way to an ‘A‘ by Sharon Begley – A great article from Newsweek about the importance of sleep and how it helps “cement” the days memories.

A fantastic piece about finding the right tutor for your kids.  What should I look for when selecting a tutor?  Will tutoring solve or at least lesson some of my son’s reading and math problems? by Kim Hanson, the Vice President of Training and Support for LearningRx, Inc.

10 Brain-Related Websites to Boost Your Household’s Inner Genius with fun games, facts and brain teasers for kids and adults!

And a super cool article about how much our brains can really hold.  Is ‘7’ really the magic number?  How Much Information can the Brain Hold? Test Your Memory from By Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., The Huffington Post, 29 December 2010

Test your brain age! How did you do?  Need to improve your sequential processing and short-term memory abilities?  Contact Richmond West LearningRX or call (804) 612-9959.

Intrigued?  Want to learn more about brain training and how to overcome learning struggles?  Richmond West LearningRX brain training center at 9770 Gayton Road in Richmond, Virginia. You can also call us at (804) 612-9959.

LearningRx may be the answer for older adults as well as children.

Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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