Vote for Richmond’s SuperMom Here


Yeah, she rocks. She’s a SuperMom! Congrats to all of our 2011 Nominees!

Voting for the 2011 Richmond SuperMom Contest is live!

The winner receiving the most unique votes (everyone votes just once!) will receive $3,000 worth of amazing prizes like a $700 Coolsculpting by Zeltiq from The Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery, a THREE-MONTH massage/wellness subscription to Massage Envy Spa–our swanky title sponsor plus a party in her honor at Real Life Studios.

For every nomination, made a donation to PINKK’s Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Team!

In addition to all the swag listed below, the winner will receive a party for up to 25 friends and Family at Real Life Studios on Thursday, May 5th, catered by Green Monkey Catering, where all attendees will receive professional Facebook photos along with cocktails and fun!:

  • Hayes and Fisk Gift Certificate, $335 (one session and one 8X10 portrait)
  • Gift card to Salon del Sol from Kidz Kare at Home, $100
  • Gift certificate to any fitness program from Mom’s Treehouse, $50
  • Gift certificate towards any music class at Kindermusik, $25
  • Gift certificate from Toyconomy, $25

Click here to vote for one of these Supermoms–we think they’re all amazing.

You may vote only once & you must enter your information for your vote to be counted (if not, we’ll discard it). No one will be contacted or added to our mailing list unless you opt-in to the list or there is a discrepancy in votes, and we will not sell/use this list for other purposes than this contest. Voting occurs through 4/30/11, winner announced on the site no later than 5/2/11.

Allison McDonald          VOTE

I have a five year old in kindergarten. He is a miracle. For years, I was told by doctors that I would have a hard time conceiving. I have had numerous surgeries including my belly button removed. A few times, the Dr and I was unsure if I had cancer. However, in 2005, I found out that was 5 months pregnant without any symptoms. The pregnancy caused me to develop Fibromyaglia. I had six doctors that year. In 2009, I was rear-ended. I am currently under going spine injections, pelvic floor therapy and physical therapy. Needless to say, I am seeing a lot of doctors again.This injury has caused me to put tremendous weight. I attend the gym however, I am limited to what I can do and the length of endurance. I work hard on eating healthy, walking, etc. I would like to win this package for several reasons. I am an active mom who spends a lot of time with my son and family members. I thank God I do not have cancer, however, I have my days of not feeling my best. Thanks be to God, I am here.

Anne Abbott                        VOTE

Anne Abbott should be nominated for the 2011 Richmond’s Super Mom because she is an amazing mom. In Sept. 11, 2010 Anne’s dad passed away from cancer. He had a short battle that only lasted 4 months. Anne and her husband decided to relocate to Richmond from the Outer Banks and move in with her mom. They are in the process of  starting a lawn service business. The moved up to Richmond with there 2 year old son Cooper. On Jan 19th Anne and Alex were told that their son Cooper’s left shoulder had a tumor that was cancerous. The doctor’s informed Anne that the tumor was nonsurgical he would have to go through chemo and radiation treatment. Anne and her Mom have traveled from Chesterfield, VA to Jacksonville, FL. to receive chemo and radiation treatment from Nemours Children’s Hospital. For 6 weeks Cooper will get radiation and chemo in Fl. then travel back to Richmond and continue treatment for at least 8 months. No matter what the doctor’s have said Anne has kept positive and never given up.

Anne McCann                          VOTE

No offense to other moms, but my wife Anne is a Supermom to our 2 girls ages 5 & 3.  Anne is a Vice President in a very large company with that comes at times long hours, travel, and of course stress.  With that said, there is always time for the girls.  Anne will take a redeye flight home just to attend a 10 minute long function at daycare or kindergarten for the girls.  When the work week is done, and all any sane person wants to do is sit an rest, Anne is continually looking for fun activities for girls whether individually for them or family activities.  The girls absolutely adore their mother and love the fun mommy daughter times.  If and when anyone comes to our home (adult or child) both girls are very quick to proudly show off artwork or jewelry stating “my mommy did this with me.” Anne is without a doubt a Supermom!

Ashley Nestell                                        VOTE

I am nominating my wife for the Super Mom contest for a few reasons.  She has been nothing short of Amazing for the last two years.  We moved to the area two years ago while she was 7 months pregnant.  We had to sleep on an air mattress for a month, with no complaints from her, while we looked for a place to live.  From there, she has been a stay at home mom to our now very energetic 20 month old son and also our 80 pound dog that has nowhere to play.  She does all of this while being cooped up in a small apartment and again, no complaints from her whatsoever.  She has been very supportive me and my career pursuits and every day she has new activities like art and crafts for our son to do.  She loves what she does and does what she is good at: that is raising our son.  This is why I am nominating her as no matter what, she is my Super Mom. Ashley Sites This mom is currently juggling going to college and taking care of her ten month old son. She works her hardest at everything she does and tries to make an impact on the world where ever she can.

Britani Childs                                               VOTE

My fiance is so deserving of the 2011 Richmond SuperMom award. I had an incredible upbringing but she is still the best mother I’ve ever seen. She takes amazing care of our only son, always putting him first. Since I was laid off, she is the only working parent. She’s always doing things to make sure he is happy and secure, from calling to check on him, letting him hear her voice to encouraging him to tell her what he did during the day. Just 1 month shy of 2 years old, our son’s vocabulary & comprehension are well past average for his age. That’s in big part due to how much she is always teaching him. I’ve seen her miss him even when she knows he’ll only be gone a few hours. Her eyes tear when she speaks about him to others. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a love so strong. Despite what her day brings, she lights up when she looks at our son. Britani, at 25, is juggling a full-time job, pursuit of a master’s degree, caring for an ill mother, all while mothering a 23-month old son.

Britney Lehmkuhler                               VOTE

Britney is such a great mom. Even though she works full time ,keeps a spotless home, cooks wonderful dinners for the family , she spends so much quality time with her 9 month old baby. He’s so happy and well adjusted and this tells me a good mommy is raising him!

Cathy Crews                                VOTE

Cathy Crews, my mother extraordinaire, has been a major influence in my life.  From showing me how to keep myself going, to helping to lift our whole family up when we need it, to taking care of everyone in the world, she has been there whenever I’ve needed her, and even when a lot of my friends growing up needed her.  She’s working as a nurse, even though she has fibromyalgia, which I know makes it hard for her sometimes!

Christine Alicea                             VOTE

Christine is a nurse on one of VCU Medical Center’s busiest units.  She is dedicated to working hard at taking care of Richmond’s neediest patients.  After giving birth to her first child Jack (born 1/30/2011), she became devoted to his care.  She is a wonderful mother and friend, but she sometimes neglects herself in the process.  I’m nominating her because I’d like to see her receive some of the tlc she is always doling out to everyone else!

Dawn Atkins                         VOTE

Dawn works a full time job, has two part time jobs working from home.  She is a wife and a mom of four and is currently taking online classes to complete her pre req’s before beginning nursing school, yet still she finds time to make each person in her family to have their own special time with her. She set a big personal goal for herself and has achieved it and then some. We are all proud of her achievements and  she deserves a little reward.

Dot Heffron                             VOTE

Dot has three beautiful children, ages 7, 4, and 2. This grandmom (& granddad) feel very lucky to be included in their lives. Over the past year, Dot has lost over 115 lbs. and looks terrific. She now has the energy to keep up with her kids, be a Daisy Troop leader, teach a Sunday school class, and still serve great homemade meals every night to her hungry hubby and kids. Money has been very tight for this stay-at-home mom, so recently, she has taken a part-time job two days a week. She is also the site admin for  She’s the mechanic in her family, thanks to her dad who insisted she be able to change the oil and a flat tire before she could drive, and showing her how to fix household appliances. She isn’t afraid to tackle home improvement projects. She is very organized, and, since space is at a premium in their home, unused items don’t hang around for very long in their home. Hand-me-downs are gladly accepted and are recycled among her “mom” friends. They have a very small home, so the kids are learning to share and to be considerate of others. Dinnertime is family time; they all sit down together to talk and share the day’s events. Dot and hubby, Rick, just celebrated their 10th anniversary this past fall. Of course, being her mom, I think she’s definitely deserving of your SuperMom 2011 Award!

Elizabeth Berry                         VOTE

Due to various circumstances through the years, Beth has been raising 6 of her grandchildren as her own-the oldest child is 15, the youngest is 5. Beth, along with her husband, make sure that the children have what they need physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They are never without food or clothing, though at times it’s definitely a struggle for them. She disciplines the children in love, teaches them responsibility and how to respect others. All of this she does while dealing with numerous health issues, including a degenerating spine, heart problems, and diabetes to name a few. She is also caring for her father who is ill with Parkinson’s, and her 30-year-old son who was born with learning & physical disabilities. She does all of this while not being able to move around very well, but manages to keep an upbeat attitude at all times. She is a great example for anyone who knows her, as she never complains, only shares her love and laughter with others around her.

Elizabeth Hicks                                  VOTE

The fact alone that my wife has birthed 2 sets of twins makes her most deserving of the SuperMom Award!  Not only does my wife manage our household, she also has a demanding full time job outside the home.  However, despite the fact that she works all day, it’s always clear that our children are her priority. She’s always been the room mother for at least one of our children’s classrooms & she’s a frequent visitor to their schools too, whether it’s to mystery read, surprise our daughters for lunch, or chaperone with a class field trip. She’s always the first to volunteer for any activity that involves her kids. With 4 children, we’re always running in different directions but she keeps our household running & never forgets anything.  We’ve never missed a dentist appointment, birthday party, sports registration or practice.  I don’t know how she remembers it all so effortless.  I want my wife to receive this award to remind her how much we need & appreciate her!

Erica Stotler                                     VOTE

Erica did not allow a disease like rheumatoid arthritis keep her from becoming a mother and she does not let it keep her from enjoying her daughter, Lotus’ life. She plays a big role in the Arthritis Foundation through her advocacy work.

Fronie Reeves                     VOTE

My mother Fronie Reeves lives in Marion, VA. She is 79 years old and has raised many children in the nursery in the Methodist Church.  She worked there for 34 years, she has raised 3 children of her own. She now lives with me (her daughter) in Waverly Va because she could not take care of herself and my stepfather. In December of 2010 ,she was put in the hospital for a hip replacement that she had needed for 12 years and no doctor would do it, and then she lost all her platelets and she had a fight there that took a long time to get her blood count back, then she developed two very serious infection which then she had to be on special antibiotics for 8 weeks and now she is finally in rehab. She will be returning home on April the 13th 2011.  This has been a very long hard fight and struggle for her, she NEVER lost her faith in God and prayed very hard  to be able to walk again.  I sure hope my mother wins this, God knows she deserves it .

Jamye Tickle (2 nominations)                         VOTE

Jamye’s encounters with a broken leg before the birth of her first child, emergency surgery shortly after the birth of her second, a hospitalized infant, a miscarriage, ER trips and hospitalizations prior to the birth of premature twins who spent over 30 days in the neonatal unit, and then ,the dreaded diagnosis of her second child’s cancer, would make saying that life for Jamye has had more than its share of ups and downs a gross understatement. However her steadfast nurturing love, positive and cheerful outlook, and deep-abiding faith has caused an even stronger family unit to emerge. In addition, her faithfulness in going above and beyond fulfilling all of the normal “motherly” and household tasks and keeping the family functioning as normally as possible, especially since the November 2008 dreaded “C” diagnosis of her son Vincent and his medical needs – home schooling and quarterly trips to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston – certainly qualifies Jamye as the perfect SuperMom.

My name is Vincent and I would like to nominate my mom as Richmond’s SuperMom 2011. Here is why MY MOM REALLY DESERVES this award. I am 12yrs old and have a rare form of Thyroid Soft Tissue Endocrine Cancer. I was diagnosed two years ago when I was 10, and my whole life and my family’s life, especially my mom’s life turned upside down! Since I have been sick, my mom has dropped everything in her life to take care of me (which is not easy, trust me!) My cancer is so rare, that I have to fly to Houston Texas about every 3 months for tests and treatments and stay there for 3 to 6 weeks at a time, since they don’t treat my type of cancer anywhere around here. My mom has had to stop working to take care of me, stop working on her master’s degree in Special Education, and stop getting things done for herself, all for me. She puts us first! I want to give my mom this gift more than anything, PLEASE HELP ME and VOTE FOR MY MOM! You can read about me at;

JaNelle Kyle                                   VOTE

I have a 5 yr old son & a 3 yr old daughter. I am a conference planner for a national assoc, & juggle work & mom life on a daily basis. My children are my life & my light, everyday they make me laugh & love them even more. I spent the first 3 years of their lives with them as a full time mom until last year when I decided to go back to work. According to my kids there is no one better than mommy. Scrapped knees & runny noses can only be fixed my mom.  We play & snuggle & laugh most all the time. Their smiles melt my heart & can turn any bad day around in a moment. They impress me every day with what they learn & how much they change & grow every minute. We are registering for my son for kindergarten tomorrow & to me he seems ready for college. Between work, laundry, dishes, dinner, bath time we always have time to laugh & have fun. I am taking them to Disney World on Friday & I cannot wait to see the smiles on there face when we get there. I think I am almost more excited than they are!

Jeana Murray-Nieporte                                       VOTE

My favorite title is “Mom”.  I find joy in celebrating my children’s successes and grieve with them when they hurt.  (My 20 year old daughter just sprang her ankle at college.  She called me crying and I went to pick her up to take her to the doctor.)  I try to make all their special events – concerts, plays, speeches. I was almost 31 when my first child was born and one week from my 36th birthday when my son was born.  I waited a long time to be a mom and would NOT trade it for anything in the world.  I am blessed by their company.

Jenny Langhorst                                      VOTE

My name is Jenny Langhorst and am a full time working mother of two. I am a Radiologic technologist by day and busy mommy at night. My daughter will be 8 in May and my son is 4 1/2. Kylie was recently diagnosed with ADD and I have worked with her every day with this. It has been difficult at times but I am very proud of her. She takes dance and is playing soccer. My son Dawson plays T ball and is on his way to the pros! Every day is a busy day with homework, dinner, dance class, soccer practice and T-ball practice. Don’t forget the house cleaning! My husband is wonderful and helps out any way he can. He is also gone about 2 nights out of the week with his band practice and shows. I also exercise 5-6 times a week. I feel like I never get a break. It is all worth it though! Seeing Kylie at her dance recitals and scoring a goal and Dawson hitting a grand slam makes my day! I am a very busy mom but loving every minute of it!

Jessica Gavino                                    VOTE

Wanna know the most amazing SINGLE mom I’ve met?  She will have her master’s in May, works full time as a teacher, goes to school full time, and has THE MOST AMAZING almost 2 year old little boy! Her son is smart, happy, and loves his life! You can see it in his smile everyday! She starts her day at 5am every morning, getting her son Nate ready for his day, while getting ready for her’s. She heads off taking Nate to the babysitter then having to drive to Petersburg High school where she is a Spanish teacher to begin her day. All day she teaches and spends her times with kids, then when she gets off she heads to pick up Nate, spend some quality time with him before it’s off to class.  I remember one day I asked her how she did it all, I can’t imagine! But she always told me, “it’s all for him, I want him to have a great life!” If this isn’t deserving of Richmond’s SuperMom 2011 then I don’t know what is. She amazes me everyday, and I know she will continue to amaze me!She’s an amazing Mom! Kacy Drake I’m sure that most men have a high opinion of their wives, especially in relation to their role as mothers. I’m no different in that regard, however, what is different is the extraordinary skills that my wife possesses and displays every day.

Kacy Drake                                                       VOTE

My wife, Kacy Drake, is the most devoted and unconditionally loving spouse and, more importantly, parent that I have ever met. A little background on our family may help in understanding. We are both very young, marrying right out of high school and being blessed with our son soon after. She understood the importance of a loving and stable home life in a child’s development and has given herself up completely to the role as homemaker, a role she is very proud. My wife is spending the “young and free” years of her life raising our beautiful boy with the zeal only afforded to youth and has gone far above the call of duty.  She manages our home affairs while supplying our young son with more love than most could ever hope to imagine.

Karah Bagley                                       VOTE

Well my wife and I got together 17 years ago and have been married 15 years. She was 17 when we had our first child. We now have 4, Ages 14, 13, 3 and 22 months. She works full time as a bus driver and home schools our kids, she also is Team Mom for baseball and manages to keep the house clean, food on the table and pay the bills. Ever since we met she has took care of this family putting herself last. I would love to do something real special for her. She has been upset because she said she does not ” look” like she used to anymore however she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me still . She never treats herself to anything nice cause she wants to make sure the family has everything they need. She also helps take care of her father and family. She never complains and fusses about how much she does. Thank you so much ! –Charles Bagley

Kathryn Mack Barry                                      VOTE

I believe I am the best candidate for Richmond’s SuperMom 2001 award because of all that I do for my work and family. As a full time employee and mother, I work hard every day to earn pay to provide the home, food and fun for the family, and also have the time to devote to my career. Over the past eleven years, I have learned that I am capable of loving more than myself, that I have enough love for a husband and two sons. And through it all, I have been able to work to give all of them the life we all deserve!

Kathy Davies                                            VOTE

I am a mom of 4 children, I work 40 hours a week and volunteer for The Mommies Network as Chapter Manager for and as a Manager for the Parent Chapter, to help build support chapters and manage support chapter throughout the country. I am a cheerleading coach for Glen Allen Ravens and also serve on the board as Spirit Wear Director. I work hard to give support to other mommies and help make a difference in a child’s life.

Kimberly Caldwell                                           VOTE

I am a super mom to a extremely active 3 year old boy.  I am the mother, wife, taxi, nurse, maid and lots more.  I play pharmacist for my husband who was recently diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease.  I also work outside of the home.  In my spare time I run a charitable organization for Children with Craniofacial Conditions.  This is a passion of mine because my son was born with Craniosynostosis.  He had to have surgery and a blood transfusion when he was 6 months old.  I am always on the go taking my son to the park, soccer games, and anything to keep him busy.  There is never a dull moment in my life. If you vote for me it will not go unappreciated.

Kimberly Harris                                  VOTE

I am nominating myself, I am Kimberly Harris, mother of 4 beautiful kids. Originally from Hartford, CT. I moved here in 2007. I left a very abusive husband after 6 years. When I moved here, we had no family and no friends that lived here in this state. I relied on my faith in God. I suffered from low self esteem, just didn’t think anyone would want a single mom with 3 kids. I met my new husband and fell in love and married him all within an 18 month span. We now have a 1 year old. My kids ages are 20, 15, 10 and 1. I am actively involved in church. I go to Monroe Park every 2 weeks with my church family to feed the homeless. I am a stay at home mom or better yet known as “The Warden” to my kids. The middle 2 are honor roll students and my oldest is a VCU student also doing very well in school. I overcame adversity, despite the odds. I consider myself a supermom!!

Kristy Alford                                         VOTE

I think I deserve this awards because I have twins boys and a older son and I could really use this surgery to get rid of the stomach and umbical hernia I have due to twins and I do not have the money to get the surgery due or health insurance.

Laura McKee                                      VOTE

She works a full time job as well as some weekends. Is a loving wonderful wife and helps to raise are two children ( two girls 2 and 4 years old) she has lost her father a few years back and faced all of this while raising our children and has been strong thru it all.  She has continued to  support the family thru the bad and good times, all in all she is just wonderful. She is  a great friend, aunt, sister, and daughter. She is always happy and will do anything for her friends no matter what time or what day. You can always depend on her. That is why she deserves to be pampered and win a wonderful gift.

Leslie Richardson                                 VOTE

She is my daughter and a amazin MOM she has two kids that she loves and has devoted her whole live to. She makes me so proud to call her my daughter and the mother of my grandkids…

Lisa Lockhart                            VOTE

As a young mother of two in her early twenties, Lisa worked hard day in and day out to provide for her girls and set an example about the virtues of working hard and never giving up. She worked her way up the corporate ladder with no college degree. When her girls were teens, Lisa gave birth to a baby boy later diagnosed with autism. Again, Lisa set an example for her children that if you are passionate and committed, you can do anything. For over 27 years, Lisa has worked tirelessly to provide the best for her children. She goes the extra mile: special notes in lunches, the best projects, favorite dinners, an extra book at bedtime, raising awareness for autism so her son can feel “normal” among his peers, gaining her older daughter’s respect in order to help them grow. Lisa is more than a SuperMom. She is a SuperHuman. She balances a husband, two dogs, two adult children, and a 12 year autistic son, a fulltime job, charity events, while always sacrificing her own needs for her family.

Lisa Shortt                                                       VOTE

Lisa is my oldest daughter that has 5 amazing kids her middle son is 6 and he is Austic. She is a nurse and works long hours on the weekends when the kids are at their dad’s so that she is home with them MON-FRI.  She is a great Mom and loves her kids. She works a 40-hour week at the hospital and also going to school to make a better life for her and the kids. That is alot for a single mom, but she does with with a smile and with love because she knows in the long run it is what is best for her family.

Maleah Strawser                               VOTE

Story of my Guardian Angel: Brody.  I am a new mom, as of November 2010. I strive very hard to meet the expectations of my new son & family. My son, Brody, is a Miracle Baby. During my 15th week of pregnancy, I had surgery to remove a tumor. Had I not found out I was pregnant, I never would have known about the tumor. Brody truly is MY GUARDIAN ANGEL!  I feel I am the most deserving because of my selfless personality, my patience (which are tested everyday!), & my ability to be humble. There are some days where I don’t feel appreciated but the smiles & laughs from my beautiful son keep me moving 110%! On days where I feel unappreciated, I take my son to the park for a walk & breath in the blessings I have received!  When I look into his baby soft blue eyes, I think of laying on the table getting ready for the surgery, thinking, I hope this isn’t the last time I will hear his heartbeat!  Now I hear giggles & sounds from my Guardian Angel, Brody!

Marquetta C. Fisher                           VOTE

I am a single mom of 3 daughters,18,15 & 12. In the past 4 yrs I have had two huge setbacks in my life.  First being layed off with a 3-day notice, 5 months later losing my car and being homeless. during this time I prayed and keep my faith! I have family here that did some really bad things, even taking my girl for 14 months and making their lives hell. But I keep my faith and got back on my feet. I moved to a new home  and had a job for 13 months, only to find myself in a bad apartment, a first time landlord that rented me a place that was not ready to live in. Six months later being locked out do to miscommunication on landlord and other property mgmt. company I was fired from my job, but i keep my faith.  I moved in with a girl friend and things were fine until recently. I have 3 wks to find a job and a home, but I have faith! All of this with my younger daughter being a special needs child, who in February 2011 was diagnosed with Scoliosis. She has three types of therapy 7 days a week.

Megan Harris                                              VOTE

I’m a new resident of Richmond. My husband was relocated to this area and since moving here we have grown to absolutely love it. I’m here in a new area with my 3 small children, no other family is here. My husband now travels at least 3 days every week and I stepped up to fill our families needs. Being here and on our own has been a lot of hard work, but I’m grateful to report that it has brought our family of 5 closer together. I’m thankful to all of the wonderful mothers I have met here- linking us up with playdates and great kid hot spots ! Taking and picking up my eldest daughter (7) to and from school, dragging my two little ones (2 & 3) out an about on all my errands and housekeeping has surely kept me busy. I’m blessed to be a mom and I wouldnt change anything.

Melanie Vannozzi                                        VOTE

Melanie…Mom of 13 year old twins.  She is a single mom, and no child support.  Her kids come first, her loves of her life are these 2.  She works for the Red Box, which gives her a very flexible schedule to take her twins & pick them up to school everyday (along with other kids too).  Her twins are very active in sports with cheering, soccer, baseball, etc.  She’s the Mom Taxi :)  Vanessa & Anthony always come first, she is now learning that she needs a little spoiling too.  Almost 14 years, her life has tranformed into a life of love & this she will cherish for a lifetime.  She’s sacrificed everything to make a home for these kids.  I’m blessed to have such a wonderful friend, and have her wonderful twins in my life.  They make a difference.  They are first to help someone out, volunteer time, resources, whatever it may be. Always remember to pay it forward…Much Love!! xoxo

Melissa Spears (2 nominations)                                     VOTE

She is a young woman but took on four children that were not her’s to raise. Now she is the best mom in the world to the boys…with school,sports cooking,cleaning and caring for them when they are sick.  She diden’t have to take on such a large task at a young age but she did because it was the right thing to do. And throught it all she’s kept going so the boy’s would stay together and grow up together.  Melissa does this with out reserve of a second thought and She is Richmomd’s Greatest Mom!

I am nominating my friend Melissa because she has become the mom of the year.  Currently she takes care of her boyfriend’s FIVE boys, helps with his handicap mom, and stays a trooper.  Last year she started dating her boyfriend at the age of 22 or 23 and his ex-wife was put in jail so Melissa took over the mommy role.  She stopped everything she was doing, dropped her friends that didn’t want to be there for her and became a wonderful “mommy” over night.  She gets real tired but she is taking over helping with school, going to ballgames and practices, and treating the boys like her own which makes her a very strong and wonderful person in my eyes.  Not only does she have to help take care of the boys but her boyfriends mom has been in and out of the hospital and she has taken on the role of “daughter-n-law”.  She has to help with medicines, take her to doctors appointments, manage the oxygen tank and her antibiotic machine, etc. This is why I believe she deserves the “SUPERMOM” award.

Michelle Patterson                            VOTE

I believe she needs to be nominated because she is a great mom. She is my daughter in law and she takes care of me.  I have stage 4 cancer. She has lived in Virginia with me for almost a year with no friends, no family except my son and their two kids), and she never gets out to do anything. She just enrolled in college and got her ged all together in 2 months! Now she is trying to figure out how to pay for college and I just really want her to win so she will feel special every once in awhile. I know it is hard on her. Thank you for your consideration.

Nicole L. Hicks                                     VOTE

It is an honor to be a mom, and a super mom in our own eyes. It would be a great honor for my friend, Nicole Hicks, to become Super Mom 2011 with  Nicole is most deserving this year and every year. She has overcome many obstacles with health issues in her family, and one that almost took her away from us last year- a condition called Chiari Malformation.  She continued to come to work every day until she couldn’t anymore, all while still having to be a wife, mother, and student.  The risky surgeries she endured were a success and got her on the road to recovery!  Nicole was blessed to find out she was expecting a miracle baby, which she had this January, adding more joy to her life. Nicole is a great, nurturing mother and wife, that is willing to do any and everything for her children.  She is shown that she is a Super Mom by her family daily, but it would be great for her to enjoy being recognized as this year’s Richmond Super Mom publicly!  She deserves to be pampered!

Paula Gaskill                                     VOTE

Even after her children are all grown she still puts her children needs above her own, and her grandchild too.

Rachel Pustilnik (2 nominations)                              VOTE

I nominate Rachel Pustilnik, owner of the Mom’s Treehouse as Richmond’s SuperMom 2011. I refer to Rachel as my “Angel of Inspiration.” Rachel opened the Mom’s Treehouse (MT) & expanded the business to meet the needs of Richmond Moms in all stages of Motherhood. If you’re pregnant (Fit4Baby),have a young child (Strollerstrides), want to run (Mother Runner) or want your pre-baby body back (Body Back) there is a class that will fit your needs. MT’s offers a variety of services for Moms/Families: Nutrition, Kickboxing, Pilates, Irish Dance, Creative Movement, Art, Music, Yoga, Spanish and Baby Sign Language. My BB class inspires me to push myself futher during each workout. The support I have received from Rachel & other Moms is priceless. I met Rachel in 2006 when my daughter was 6 mos. old. Attending her fitness classes has helped me change my life for the better. “Exercise is a reward for us, not a punishment. Let’s show our children that is a vital part of our lives,” per Rachel.

Rachel is the most inspirating women I know. Her charisma for life is infectious!! She opened up Mom’s Treehouse this past Ocotber to better communicate her message of health to all women. She has been working on this idea for years and finally her dream has come true. She now has a place where moms of all shapes and sizes can meet to exercise, socialize, go for run and have a fantastic workout at, all while being a stay at home mom. Rachel’s dedication to women health tis unmatched. Rachel has taught me how to be a better mom, not only for me, but for my kids as well. Rachel is like no other person I know. I am proud to be part of this wonderful journey she is on and hope the ride never ends.

Rainey Niklawski                                          VOTE

Rainey is an awesome mom!  She volunteers her time to a mommy network to help fellow mommies.  She also is very crafty and makes most of the decorations for her kids’ birthday parties including the cake, invitations, wall decorations, table decorations.  They all look awesome and her home looks like Martha Stewart lives there.  On top of all of this, she also watches children during the day in addition to her own.  She spreads her knowledge with the children and teaches them things they would never learn at an ordinary day care center.  Her kids know they are loved because she shows it.  Rainey is Supermom.  I am in awe of her and am very honored to call her my friend.

Renee White                                             VOTE

I am a supermom because I not only care for my 3 year old daughter, I care and support my family, my in-laws, my friends, and my coworkers. I put myself last because I know that my time, support, love, and efforts are need elsewhere. I nominate myself as supermom because I think I deserve it.

Roxanne Bowles                                    VOTE

Ms. Roxanne Bowles is a phenomenal woman,I say this with the utmost admiration I could have for someone who has beat breast cancer,with an attitude of total Grace and believing that she can do all things through Jesus Christ who stengthens her.I gave her a doll that sang I Believe I can dance, and that she is doing. She has endured job layoffs and lost of health insurance because of her illness. Just to see her honored with this SuperMom 2011 award would be a tremendous blessing to her. She has two children,a son Corbin, and a daughter, Taylor.

Sandy Cothran                                  VOTE

I want my mama to win because she is awesome! My  mama is a single mom to me Tyler (13)my sister Karlee (11) and my brother Hunter (9). She works full time and is trying to go back to school now to get a better job to help take better care of us but I think she does awesome now. Mama makes sure we have food, clothes, and other stuff we need she will do without so that we can have stuff. I think it would be really nice if nice things were done for her for a change. Mama plays football with us, takes us fishing, rides the four wheeler with us, and takes us to church.she makes sure we use our manners do our homework and help others out who need help. She gets up early to get us ready for school and then goes to work and when she gets home she cooks supper helps with home and plays games or something with us she always hugs us good night and says prayers with us we love our mama and thinks she is awesome rather she wins or not!

Sarah Pless                              VOTE

My wife Sarah is the most special, wonderful, caring and loving wife, mother and companion you could ever ask for. She works full time, goes to school full time, runs a small amateur photography business and is a Thirty one consultant. She is always on duty for our girls Parker and Quinn. She never complains or even frowns about her day no matter how horrible it was. Se deserves to be Richmond’s supermom, but even if someone else is crowned she will always be super to us. We love her very much and are so blessed to call her Wife and Mommy.

Shanna A. Battle                        VOTE

Ms. Battle is a single mom, with not a lot of help from the dad.  She works two jobs, and has a very smart 5 year old son going to Patrick Henry charter school. She’s one of the best moms I know! She will do anything for the proper well being for her son! :)

Shannon Sale Ryan                                     VOTE

I have 2 sisters, we are all grown up now but still have family dinner every Sunday because Mom taught us the importance of family and supporting each other. She never missed a soccer game, tennis match or horse show. If we had an interest in something, mom found a way to make it happen. She always worked several jobs to ensure that her girls had every opportunity. I remember waking up at 5:00 am to help mom on her paper route. My dad worked on ships and would be at sea for several months. Mom couldn’t leave us home alone, so we would put red rubberbands on the papers while she delivered them.  After school, practice and lesson my mom would stay up late sewing curtains or wedding dresses to get a little extra money. What an amazing woman and mother! Its only now that I realize what a struggle it must have been.  She is now a PE teacher. Its so funny to meet her students because they all say, “Mrs. Sale is your mom!? You are soooo lucky!” and well, I really am!  She is SuperMom!

Sherri McClure                                         VOTE

In my eyes there is no greater title than that of “mom”!  As a mom of 6, I’ve experienced many aspects of motherhood: infancy to adulthood, sons, daughters, life and death.  I married (my husband of 23+ years) and had my first 2 sons when I was very young.  Philip-23 attends WVU and Josh-22 graduated from VCU last year.  In 1999 I was blessed with another precious baby boy, Nicholas.  Unfortunately my time with him was cut all too short when he passed away at 5 months old from a congenital heart defect.  Every moment that I had with my Nicholas remains a cherished memory!  Since Nicholas, I’ve had 3 daughters: Rachel-9 and 8 year-old twins Julie & Amy.  My various experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and most of all the loss of Nicholas, prompted me to go to nursing school.  I’m currently a maternal-infant RN, working flexi status so I have plenty of time for doing “mom” things: chauffeur, school volunteer, homework assistant, etc.  I’m a wife, nurse, mom…but the greatest is MOM!

Shontae Hewlett                                  VOTE

Shontae is just fantastic.  She has overcome great obstacles and continued to be a wonderful young single mom raising a great kid.  She and her son moved to the Richmond area from New Orleans right after losing everything including their house in Hurricane Katrina.  She moved away from her entire support system to an area where she only had one cousin.  I met Shontae at firm where we both worked. She is an engineer. A couple of years ago she was laid off. I was afraid Richmond would lose her.  She talked of moving back to N.O. Fortunately, she is still here, working for an engineering firm and preparing to take her professional exams.  Having lost her mom early to breast cancer, she and her son walk the Race for the Cure every year in her honor.  J (9) is an amazing kid. Sweet, smart and super cute. Shontae does it all by herself. She keeps him active in Scouts, baseball and drama. This doesn’t leave a lot of time for herself at all. Shontae is so deserving of this recognition.

Stacy Halprin                                          VOTE

Stacy is the best mother that I know. She is a stay at home mom who devotes her entire day & night to our daughter. Since I am a DJ, my life consists of going out to perform late at night, which a lot times are out of town. Stacy used to be by my side as my #1 fan at all of my gigs but since the baby was born, she has sacrificed having fun & going out to make sure our daughter is taken care of the best way possible. She doesn’t even want anyone to babysit simply because she feels most comfortable knowing that our daughter is being taken care of the way “mommy” knows how to. Throughout her entire pregnancy she had tremendous back pain as well as pain in her pelvic area which, surprisingly, has continued to pain her in the last 16 months since our daughter was born. She refuses to go to the doctor, tho, as she fears that her pain could be serious enough to require surgery which in turn would take away time that she would be able to take care of our daughter. She definitely deserves this!

Stephanie Shephard                                   VOTE

The dedication and courage that this women Stephanie Shephard shows is beyond words I’m able to speak.  I want to nominate this person because she’s a strong and dependable mother, aunt, sister, daughter and friend. Mrs. Stephanie is very hardworking and will settle for nothing but the best for her family. She’s a mother of 8 wonderful kids (2boys 6girls). Everyday isn’t easy for them but she never lets you see her sweat. The kids get all that they desire and everything that they need. Her children come first and every situation. She never turns her head to someone at need. I feel like some of the prizes are exactly what she needs especially the spa gift. Although im just a friend to the family I see and love a lot of qualities she possess, and I will strive to be that way with my own family one day. I hope that she wins and can use these prizes to treat herself because she is well deserving of them.

Stephenia Muterspaugh

Supermom was my nickname I gave myself on my March Madness Bracket, I actually think I have testosterone poisoning living with 3 sons (twin 12 year olds and a 14 y/old) and a football addicted husband. We also have 1 lizard for each boy that seems to have become mostly my charge too (and two of those are male).  Help, I need those free months of massage.  I teach high school kids all week and pick up an extra course for kids who need to graduate two nights a week. I chauffeur the boys to football practic in the fall and spring, to the mall, and wherever else there little hearts desire.  My husband has no sense of direction so I have to drive everywhere.  I get up early every morning to make all of there lunches and get them all off to work and school then get my self to school. As soon as I get home its dinner, dishes, laundry, and ball practice if its scheduled.  Oh, and fixing lizard food is always fun, feeding crickets and worms YUM! It’s a never ending cycle of fun and madness!

Susie Atkins                                 VOTE

Susie Atkins is my very best friend and she is a Supermom.  Susie is a fantastic mother of two beautiful children, devoted wife to Gerald, fabulous friend to many, wonderful aunt to six, close-to-full-time pre-nursing  and Spanish student, and close-to-full-time employee at a successful spa.  Susie has an infectious smile and an irresistible laugh.

No matter what happens in life, Susie always maintains a positive attitude.  Her children and her family always come first, and it shows in every decision she makes.  She was certainly meant to be a mother.  I couldn’t be more proud of Susie, and I’m sure her friends and family would agree.  She sets a wonderful example for her children;  a dean’s list student every semester in college, an avid runner, a self-confessed bookworm, and a beautiful Supermom to S and N!  She balances it all, and looks good doing it.  She is super-est of Supermoms.

Tamara Tatum                                   VOTE

This is a story about my wonderful wife, who goes by the name of Tamara T, I’ll try to describe what she does, because how it all gets done is beyond me.  Up before the sun packing lunches, sending 3 kids off to school, Cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, washing, and drying, because a messy house isn’t cool. Piano lessons Monday, guitar lessons Tuesday, AWANA helper and choir on Wed. night, softball game or RN shift on Thursday, acting practice Fri. makes her week pretty tight.  She arrives at the weekend and you may think she will take time to rest, Possible RN shift on Saturday, then Sunday school teacher and children’s choir leader is when she’s at her best.  How she does it I do not really know, but I have a 4 letter word when I think of her and it is H-E-R-O.

Tamieka Vaughan                                         VOTE

I feel as though I deserve this because I have been working really hard as a single mom to support my kids and myself and I just really would like to be treated to something nice!

Tamika Clayborne Hathaway                 VOTE

I have 5 kids and in their own way they have each taught me a lot. People had been telling me for years to slow down, learn to say no, but it wasn’t until I developed a post pregancy cardio miopathy did I learn that yes you do need to slow down so not only can you have peace of mind but so I could be there for all my children for years to come.  My son Joshua has autism. Yet, he has taught me not to let any one characteristic totally define me. Every day I rejoice in his accomplishments in a truly challenging world and apply that life lesson to my own siutuations. Julia is my mini me. In a house full of boys, she still manages to be my  Southern Belle. She reminds to embrace and appreciate and express my feminity. My oldest Jordan, is my by-the-book baby. As a new mom, I studied more about what it took to be a good mom & quickly learned that no book has all the answers but still you should study hard before making crucial decisions.

Tricia Britton                                         VOTE

I am a mom of 3 boys. One is 11 and I have a set of identical twin boys who are 4.  Will, Trent and Trevor….My husband is a Firefighter/Paramedic for Chesterfield County and works 24 hour shifts sometimes 48 hours for overtime and then picks up another 10 or 12 hours at the end of the 48 hours. So I am a single mom a lot of times. It is really hard and I never have time for myself. As much as I love my 3 boys, it is really hard at their ages.

Tricia Rhodes                             VOTE

A new mom to 15 month old little girl, Tricia Rhodes has indeed transformed from superwoman to supermom and has continued to live a balanced life while making huge impacts on the Richmond community. After having her first little child, Tricia wanted to lead my example when it came to a healthy lifestyle & giving back to her community. A few short months after delivering she signed up for her first 1/2 marathon. Not an avid runner but with a dedicated spirit and her daughters future in mind, she ran the race with gusto! Through her training and being a new mom she also led and developed a new event in Richmond called River City Give Camp where she coordinated over 30 web developers and designers to donate an entire weekend to 10 local non-profits.  This event has been noticed in the community and River City Give Camp was nominated for the IBM Community Catalyst Award presented by the Greater Richmond Technology Council. She is a supermom deserving of this award.

Wendy L. Morgan                                             VOTE

In addition to raising my 15 year old daughter Miranda by myself her entire life I recently obtained custody of my 5 year old great nephew Julian who is autistic. I also take care of my elderly parents who both are in ill health and have many doctors appointments. My daughter has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome a genetic disorder and in the past 4 months Julian has been diagnosed with severe ADHD and Apsergers Syndrome. Our entire household has had to be adjusted for our new addition and his disabilities. Between running to doctors appointments for my mom and dad, yearly check ups for my daughter and many doctors appointments for Julian I have little time for myself. I lost my job last July with the local school system and have a new job title that God has given me and that is “Full-Time Caregiver”. My mom says I have the patience of Job because of dealing with all of the stress that I have on my plate on a daily basis. All I can do is put one foot in front of the other and keep going daily.

Visit the new Mom's Treehouse website.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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