Short Pump Kids’ Race Set for October 2

The Youth Race is October 2 in Short Pump.

It’s time to prepare for the Short Pump timed race for youth.

The C&F Bank and Lite 98 Short Pump Mile & Express Run is on Sunday, October 2nd. First Heat at 7:45 AM.

Pre-race training program is available for ALL registered runners at American Family Fitness – West End during the month of September so check with them to see if there’s still time to join in the training sessions. Participants work-out with American Family Fitness’ personal trainers and receive all the tips and tools they need to be the best athlete they can be!

For more information, please check the Race Preparation page on the website.

The race starts at Short Pump Town Center in front of American Family Fitness.   Any kid 18 years or younger can run on race day and it’s a fun event for all kids. Runners with special needs are also welcome too. Parents or Guardians will be allowed to accompany or assist special needs runners. Register Today!

The five schools with the highest participation can earn cash awards for their physical fitness programs. Read more about it on the School Participation link, and check out the past race school winners.

A parent or guardian may only run in the heat with their special needs child, the 8 year heats, or the 7 & Under heats. All parents/guardians must start at the back, and are only there to support their runner in times of need (emergency or moral support). Parents are not allowed to run directly next to their child in order ensure a safe, fair, and competitive event.

When runners cross the finish line, they receive the coveted Short Pump Race Medal. There is also the great post-race food, the awards, and the AWESOME Short Pump Race T-Shirt you get just for registering.

Kids will feel good about completing the race and it will contribute to their self-confidence and focus on healthier living and active lifestyles.

Take advantage of this fun event in Short Pump to encourage your kids to live healthy lives by participating in the event. Send us pictures and we’ll post them on after the race.

Good luck!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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