My Children Are Ruining My Halloween

By Alex Iwashyna, blogger at Late Enough

We go all out for Halloween. And by “we,” I mean “me,” and my insistence on a massive theme of awesomeness.

In fact, I have only missed 2 Halloweens in my 33 years.

But to keep it from being too easy (because then it wouldn’t be PARENTING), my son always picks his costume, and I create the entire theme around it.

Like when he wanted to be a chicken so we were Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

 Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road Costume Photo

WANT may be a little strong but we were given the costume and VIOLA! Pure genius

Or Superman so we were Lois Lane and Lex Luther

Superman&Lex&LoisLane photo

Scott really did shave his head and wear his wedding tux.

Once we had two kids, I still could pull off the thematic extravaganzas because only one had opinions. I could acquiesce to the I want to be a banana of my son and make my daughter an apple, add grapes and a bowl, build a frame and we're A Still Life Painting 

Still Life Costume Photo

Yes, some people thought Scott was wearing a diaper. He really is a trouper.

All was going well in my Halloween extravaganzas until this year, when my children ruined Halloween.

My oldest wants to be Spider-man. I thought: Okay, my daughter could be Spider-woman or The Wasp, and we can just bend The Avengers time-space continuum. Scott and I will be super villains just like all parents are at some point in their children’s lives!  Haha. This will be awesome!

Until my daughter said: I want to be Snow White.

Wha? I know I shouldn’t be shocked since my house is a small homage to Disney with a sprinkling of Marvel comic book superheroes and Star Wars, but I was dumbfounded.

Mostly because SNOW WHITE AND SPIDERMAN HAVE NEVER HUNG OUT TOGETHER. Ever. Not a single crossover movie, TV show or comic book. Those dwarfs kept her busy, and Spider-man didn’t hike much (which I admire in a superhero).

What will we do? Because I'm not the type of parent who will try to talk either of them out of their Halloween costumes.  I mean, I WANT their minds to change and I'M WILLING to use  Jedi mind tricks but not by using my words. I'M SUCH A MARTYR.

I see only 2 choices.  We can either divide up as evil villains being only 50% awesome or fade away into parenting obscurity with all those who have not dressed up since they were 12 years old.

Great, I'm now a DEPRESSED martyr.

My only solace is buying this giant bag of candy 8 more times between now and the 31st.

Giant Bag of Cany Photo

It's helping.


Alex Iwashyna

Alex Iwashyna went from an undergraduate degree in political philosophy to a medical degree to a stay-at-home mom, poet and writer by the age of 30. Now she spends most of her writing time on, a humor blog, except when it’s serious, about life, parenting, marriage, culture, religion and politics. She has a muse of a husband, two young kids, four cats, one dog, and a readership that gives her hope for humanity.

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