Susan Groves’ Makes Pink Tie Gala Succeed

You all know about the Pink Tie Gala that is an annual event right here in Richmond, Virginia. But did you know that Susan Groves is the master-mind behind this incredible fund-raising event that provides mammograms and support for under-served women?

Susan has dedicated her life to making this event successful for the past five years – and she’s already working on the 2012 event. She and her daughter are both passionate about their cause and they put in the time and effort to prove it. Thanks to Susan, this event continues to grow every year and hundreds of women have received potentially life-saving mammograms as a result of her passion and dedication.

Susan is an unassuming, quiet person who takes little credit for such an incredible event. She prefers to showcase and spotlight the many volunteers, sponsors, and breast cancer survivors rather than the work she does. But there is no denying that Susan is the catalyst and the energy behind the Pink Tie Gala each year.

We recently nominated Susan for the America Inspired: Passion contest on Click here to read all about her story and when the voting takes place in January, 2012, we’ll be sure and include a link here so you can vote for her to win a cash prize. You’ll see in her story how she would use this money and it’s no surprise to us that none of the money would be spent on herself!

Thanks to Susan for her passion, commitment and dedication to such a worthy cause – you rock Susan!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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