Take Action for an Angel

Editor’s Note: We want this to be a huge gift for the Waters family and we’d love to know what good deeds you’re doing to share with our readers.  Add your good deed in the comments below this post and we’ll choose one winner at random to win a FREE overnight stay in a Family Suite at Great Wolf Lodge Williamsburg, must be used by 3/30/12.

On Good Friday of this year, our He-Twin and She-Twin lost a beautiful, courageous classmate to cancer.

Their school, our community, all who ever met Abbie Waters still grieve, and feel her absence profoundly. For this holiday season, her parents’ first Christmas without their daughter here on earth, Abbie’s mom, Mary Ann, is making a request:

Abbie’s Christmas
“We have an idea for Abbie’s stocking this year. You know how she was all about friendship and her friends were/are her world. Well, if you want to do a random act of kindness like letting someone in line ahead of you at Target, picking up a piece of litter, or just doing something extra for a friend or charity in Abbie’s name….and then email it to Abbie at her email address: Abbiewaters [at ] aol.com, we will put all of the emails in her stocking by the fireplace and then on Christmas morning when we would have opened gifts with Abbie, instead we will open and read all the acts of kindness done in her name. I think this will be something Abbie would appreciate and I know Jeff and I will need something that morning to help us through. She loves/loved life and her friends….and most everyone she met she would consider as a new friend.”

If during this holiday season you find a window wherein you can enact a morsel of niceness in remembrance of our much-loved and much-missed friend, please make a note of it, and email to AbbieWaters@aol.com. If it’s easier or more comfortable for you, leave a comment here and we will forward your kindnesses to Abbie’s mom in time for Christmas eve.

Abbie Catherine Waters
April 20, 2002 – April 22, 2011


The exultant mom of now tween twins, Darren and Sarah, Cheryl Lage is a part-time post-producer at the Martin Agency, a freelance writer, author of the bestselling book, Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy through the First Year (Taylor Trade, c. 2006), and loving wife to her dreamy husband, Scott. Feel free to read their family exploits at Twinfatuation.com .

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