When Cancer Struck My Husband I Took Action

My husband, Joe, and our children.

Join Team LIVESTRONG with me and fight cancer!

Many of you know me from Green Monkey Catering and School Lunches. Some of you know me because our paths crossed as my husband battled cancer. And some of you don’ t know me at all. This is my story about my journey to fight cancer in honor of my husband and make my running count — one step at a time.

By Lynn Tauchen, Guest Writer

My husband, Joe, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer in July, 2009, just 2 months after our youngest daughter Annabelle was born.  He had all but a very small section of his colon removed in August, 2009 and then endured 6 long months of chemotherapy.  His first post-operative scan showed the cancer had spread to his liver and he had a liver resection in December, 2010.  We had another scare after the scan in May of this year when spots showed up on the liver again.  Thankfully, the surgeon made the determination that the spots were scar tissue from surgery.  Joe has routine blood work and just had his latest scan last week. We will know the results very soon and remain optimistic but still apprehensive.

I joined Team LIVESTRONG to help make a difference in the fight against cancer and to honor my husband. I’ve joined with other people around the globe and across different events to raise money for LIVESTRONG. We may not all live in the same city or participate in the same sport but we’re united by hope, courage and determination. I’ve also joined forces with Richmond Mother Runners to help prepare for the race and take advantage of the courage, strength and determination of other Richmond moms who want to make a difference.

LIVESTRONG serves people affected by cancer and empowers them to take action against this disease that is now the world’s leading cause of death. LIVESTRONG has become a symbol of hope and inspiration to people affected by cancer around the world and I’m so excited to be a part of this team.

The money I raise will go to support LIVESTRONG‘s programs and services, which inspire and empower people affected by cancer, like Joe. If you or someone you know is diagnosed, these resources will help them face the challenges of cancer head-on, and live life on their own terms. I’m doing this to honor Joe — but I’m also doing it for the hundreds of other people who bravely face their cancer.

I encourage all Richmond women to participate in events like this that can help us find a cure for cancer. We can also inspire those facing the challenges of cancer by showing our support.  I know that we can make a difference in the cancer fight through participation in Team LIVESTRONG and other important fundraising events.

Visit the Team LIVESTRONG website to learn more about this important event.

Thanks for cheering on Team LIVESTRONG on March 17-18, 2012 in Virginia Beach as we strive to make a difference!




Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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