January Rockstar: Stefanie White Smith

Stephanie White Smith and her son

There are lots of Richmond Rockstars who do plenty for other people. That’s why Richmondmom.com recognizes a deserving Richmond mom as a Rockstar each month for the incredible things they accomplish. Lisa nominated her friend as the January, 2012 Rockstar and we agree that Stefanie White Smith is most deserving of this honor because of her ability to turn tragedy into hope for others. Here’s what Lisa wrote.

I want to nominate Stefanie White Smith for Rockstar. She is the founder of the Jack & Abby Neonatal Foundation. Stefanie and her husband Karl had a very difficult time getting and staying pregnant. Finally, after many attempts and heart breaking losses, they found out they were expecting TWINS!

After a pretty routine first 20 weeks, things began to change. Unbeknownst to Stefanie, at 24 weeks, she had dilated to 1 cm. Her doctors admitted her to the hospital that day and hoped to keep her there on bedrest for another 15 weeks. Nine days later she gave birth to her twins, Jack and Abby — at just 25 weeks and 2 days. Stefanie loved on her twins during their stay in the NICU as much as possible and cherished every moment with them.

Sadly, on July 8, they had to say goodbye to sweet Abby as she took her last breaths and tragically just 12 days later Jack earned his angel wings. Karl and Stefanie were heart-broken. Life had dealt them pain no parent should ever have to endure. While this series of events would likely have broken a person, Stefanie used this situation to bring about help for other families facing time in the NICU. She took her pain and suffering and used it to start the Jack & Abby Neonatal Foundation, supporting families in the local NICU’s here in Richmond.

Stefanie and her husband welcomed their son Matthew just over a year ago which was a wonderful miracle in their lives. He is the light of Stefanie’s life and brings joy every day.

Stefanie also works out at Mom’s Treehouse faithfully, where she is an inspiration to all of the ladies there. Her sparkling blue eyes and beautiful broad smile are a welcome sight on Mother Runner training days. She has a warmth about her that makes you comfortable around her instantly and she is always kind and encouraging. She counts her blessings in spite of her losses and Stefanie does not allow her losses to define her life, but rather to empower her to help others and make a difference in our community.

She is a total Rockstar Mom.

We totally agree with you Lisa! Thank you for nominating this deserving Richmond mom – she totally rocks! We’re treating Stefanie to a one-hour massage at Massage Envy Spa in Richmond; enjoy!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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