Mad Summer Science Camps 2012

Mad Science Summer Camps

Eureka! – The Inventor’s Camp
Creative Contraption Warning!
This is a camp designed by you—the Inventor! Each day you’ll be given a series of challenges which must be overcome using basic
materials, simple machines, tips from world famous inventors and the most important thing of all – your mind. With a little bit of ingenuity you’ll construct catapults and forts and then lay siege, fabricate a winning Egg Drop design, construct a dancing robot and assemble a working light saber to take home. While Thomas Edison said invention is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, this camp is 100% fun!  This camp is open to grades 1 through 6. Daily Themes: Rock, Paper, Scissors; Wild Blue Yonder; Shipwrecked; Whiz Kidz; and Science Fiction!

Crazy Chemical Concoctions
BOOM!-tastic. Mix up some science fun!
From the lab to the kitchen, this half-day camp explores how chemistry affects our everyday lives. No boring equations in this camp as every day is loaded with hands-on activities and cool demonstrations. Your junior chemist will work with real lab tools, conduct experiments with all the states of matter, explore their home lab – the kitchen – and even create chemical works of art. Grab your goggles and join the chem-tastic fun. This camp is open to grade 1 through 5. Daily Themes: Chemistry Club, Reaction Time, Chemical Combo, Super Cool Concoctions and Crazy Chem-mistry!

Mechanical Marvels and More
Rockets, Roller Coasters and Race Cars!
From the simplest machines that helped build the pyramids to rocket engines that leave the Earth, discover how science engineering go hand in hand in this camp as we investigate how things work. We will build our own Camera Obscura, solar race cars, model rockets and even a roller coaster! This camp is open to grades to 1 through 5.  Daily Themes: Rockin’ Rockets; Machine Mania, Potential Power, Shutterbugs and SUN-sational Science!

Red Hot Robots
Build Your Own Programmable Robot
Join us for a week of fun with amazing robots! In this week of camp, learn about the use of robots in our worldand spend time experimenting with super cool red-hot robots. Experiments with sound sensing robots, line-tracking robotts, amphibious robots and robots that can even play soccer! Discover the science of circuits and how to use sensors to explore things areound them. Use your skills to build your very own working robot to take home with you. This camp is open to grades 2 through 6. Daily Themes: Ready for Robots, Circuit Science, Use Your Commons Sensors, Robots 101 and Advanced Robotics.

Secret Agent Lab
Learn to spy – oh, my! 
James Bond? MacGyver? Austin Powers?!? Do you think you have what it takes to discover “who done it”? If so, this camp is for you! From secret communications and detective crime science to the inner workings of our cells and cool chemistry. EAch day we sleuth out the answer to many of life’s mysteries. This camp is open to grades 1 through 5. Daily Themes: Gizmoss and Gadgets, Athe Scene of the Crime, Mad Messages, CSI (Cell Structure Investigation), and In the Lab.

Super-Duper Science Sampler
Explore five of the coolest sciences in one week!
Unlike the other camps where a theme runs through the entire camp, the Science Sampler is something new every day!
Explore five of the coolest branches of science on your way to becoming a certified Jr. Mad Scientist. Discover how birds fly, how bugs walk on water and learn what an owl eats as you dissect owl pellets in Biology; build towering structures and ingenious contraptions via Engineering; experiment with Newton’s Laws of Motion and perform the Great Table Cloth Tug during Physics; stir-up crazy concoctions that become candy, ice cream and sidewalk chalk in Chemistry; then pan for gems, create thunder and lightning and make your own volcano in Earth Science. It’s a camp so great it’s Super-Duper! This camp is open to grades 1 through 5. Daily Themes: Bird Biology, Crazy Chemistry, Earth Science, Jr. Engineers and The Physics of Newton.

Our web site can answer all your questions about a Mad Science camp. Or call a Camp Specialist at 804-359-1500.


Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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