March Rock Star 2: Amber Elliott

Amber holding Shannon's new baby boy.

As promised, here’s our next Rock Star for March 2012  – and what a deserving Richmond mom and wife.

Congratulations to Amber Elliott!

We can’t say it any better than her best friend, Shannon, who nominated her:

Amber is a 34  year old hard working mother, nurse and wife in Richmond, VA. She has been married to her husband, Keller, for 8 years this May and they have 2 children together—Ryland, 5 years old and Laila, 2 years old.
Amber has been a nurse for 12 years now and works at VCU Health Systems on the neuroscience unit where she helps people every day. Amber works the night shift just so she is still afforded the time to spend with her children as a devoted mother. Amber is always there as a friend — and fortunately for her friends/family—she is not only an incredible friend but she’s also an incredible nurse. We call her as the first line of defense with questions when our kids are sick before we even call our moms or doctors! She is always there for everyone.
Her husband was diagnosed with MS just over 3 years ago. She has fought tirelessly as his wife to ensure he is getting the best treatment and care that he deserves and she is a devoted and caring wife. Even though Amber has had here share of hurdles to overcome, she always remains positive and has a smile on her face. She gives back to the community—whether it’s walking in the American Heart Walk in honor of her father who passed away from a heart attack while she was in middle school or once again, just being there for her friends/family.
Amber is a phenomenal woman and mother and I feel honored to be her best friend. She definitely deserves recognition as a Rock Star!
Congratulations again to Amber and thanks to Shannon for nominating her for this honor. Amber will receive a FREE massage from Massage Envy and she definitely deserves it!
Do you know someone great? Nominate a deserving mom you know to be a Rock Star of the month.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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