What’s the Big Deal About Tankless Water Heaters?

Our recent article from Gundlach Plumbing & Heating led some of our Richmond moms to ask more questions about maintaining their homes. We’ve posted their questions along with answers from the experts below.

If you have questions, please be sure and email them or post them on Facebook so we can get the plumbing/heating/air conditioning experts to give us answers that will save you money through preventive services.

1. I hear a lot about tankless water heaters? What is the big deal about them and should I consider purchasing one?

Tankless water heaters heat the water you need, when you need it. Turning any water source into hot water on demand. You are not limited to the amount a storage tank heater can hold. Whether you are washing the dishes, washing your clothes, or drawing a hot bath, tankless water heater technology will supply

A tankless water heater is compact and may be the answer to your hot water problems.

endless hot water to your lifestyle demands-even if it demands you do them all at once. With tankless water heaters, you will enjoy big energy savings. That’s because these units are designed to be highly efficient and only heat water when it is needed. When the demand for hot water ceases, the unit shuts down and uses almost no energy, a revolutionary advantage over tank-style heaters. They are compact and easy to install in most every home.

2. I have always had a garbage disposal but now that we live in the county and are not on a city/county sewer system, my husband says they are not good for our septic system. I miss my garbage disposal – is there anything we can do?

Absolutely! Your husband is right that garbage disposals were once forbidden and unsafe for private septic systems. But today we have a system that is designed especially for use by homeowners who are not connected to public sewer systems. These food waste disposers are easy to install, economical, and can save lots of headaches when it comes to cleaning up before, during and after meals. They’re also environmentally responsible when compared to transporting food waste to landfills. Give us a call to assess your individual situation and we’ll help you determine if a food waste disposal is right for you.

3. How often and why should I change my air filters? 

Your air filters are your air conditioner’s only defense against dust and particles in the air. This dust can build up quickly. If the coils become coated with dust, the unit won’t cool as well. It’s like putting a cloth over a light; the thicker the cloth the less light gets through. The thicker the build up of dust; the less your unit can cool. As a result, your air conditioner will run longer to reach the temperature you want. That costs you more and causes parts to wear out faster. We have even seen air handlers damaged to the point that the unit had to be replaced only because the air filters were not changed often enough. We recommend you check the air filters monthly and change them if needed. When the weather is extreme, your unit will run longer so check them more often.

4. Do I really need to have my AC cleaned and if so how often?

Yes. We recommend once per year for your cooling system. However, your lifestyle and where you live make a big difference. If you find that your house gets dusty fast, so do your filters. Dust, dirt and pollen can build up on the coils and mechanical parts and keep them from working correctly. If left dirty, it will cost you more to cool your home and cause mechanical parts to wear out. Cleaning the coils may be all that is needed, but the system should be checked once a year to make sure no parts are going bad. If your condensation drain gets clogged and the drain pan overflows, you could have extensive water damage too. While some people like to wait until they can tell there is a problem, they generally find those problems at the worst time. If you enjoy having air conditioning, have it cleaned once a year.

5. Is it OK to turn my thermostat up and down or should I leave it set at the same temperature all the time?

You should not change your thermostat settings frequently. Find a temperature that is comfortable for your family, and leave it at that setting. It’s OK to set it for warmer temperatures during times you will not be home or sleeping, but frequently changing the demand on the unit is not good for it. Once or twice a day is OK.

6. Is it OK to turn my AC off when I am away or should I leave it running at a lower temperature?

That is completely up to you since turning the air conditioner off while you’re away and back on when you return home does no damage to your air conditioning system. If you have pets or some other reason you feel the house should be climate controlled while you’re’ away, by all means leave it running at the warmest temperature you think is safe. If you do turn it off, it will take a little while for the unit to cool the house down when you come home, so be patient. You can also help keep your home cooler when you’re away by closing blinds or window coverings that block sunrays during the hottest part of the day.

Our friends at Gundlach Plumbing & Heating are happy to answer your questions. Leave questions on our Facebook page and we’ll get them to the right expert. They also offer Richmond moms a discount on services they provide. Simply show them your Richmondmom.com Savvy Saver card to save!

Gundlach Plumbing & Heating Company is an advertiser on Richmondmom.com


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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