Our State Fair was a Great State Fair

Past-tense. The State Fair of Virginia, as of Wednesday, is the nostalgic stuff of history.

A casualty of the economy perhaps…maybe a wee bit of greed sprinkled atop—reminiscent of the powdered sugar adorning a fresh-from-the-fryer funnel cake, only far less tasty.

From my first Fair experience running camera for a public TV station to what unknowingly was my last experience this past 2011 season, each and every trip to the fair was a memory-making event.

In those early, pre-parenthood days, no ride was too rickety, no edible* too egregious.

(*Although it’s doubtful I’ll ever forget telling the director over headsets—as did my fellow camera operators—we all needed to lock-down our shots immediately and depart for the restroom following some less-than-savory, undercooked BBQ chicken…)

Once a parent, aspects formerly overlooked became the main attractions. Giant John Deere tractors. Squealing, racing pigs. The “Dragon Wagon” kiddie coaster. Baby chicks emerging from their shells.

Amazing moments of Americana all too rare in our breakneck-paced 21st century lives.

Farewell, Beloved Virginia State Fair. Thanks for the memories.


The exultant mom of now tween twins, Darren and Sarah, Cheryl Lage is a part-time post-producer at the Martin Agency, a freelance writer, author of the bestselling book, Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy through the First Year (Taylor Trade, c. 2006), and loving wife to her dreamy husband, Scott. Feel free to read their family exploits at Twinfatuation.com .

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