VOTE HERE for Richmond’s Top Teacher 2012

Each year, recognizes the often unsung heroes in our community — those who spend countless hours educating and caring for our children. Click here to see our 2011 Richmond Top  Teacher Winners & Nominees.

CLICK HERE TO VOTE or click next to any nominee’s name–each person may only vote once through 3/31/12 at 10pm, and we’ll announce the top three winners no later than 4/1/12.

In this contest, our readers will vote in the top three winners, who will receive almost $2,000 combined in gifts from our generous sponsors, especially Dominion Auto Group!

We’ve made a $250 donation to our Richmond Adopt-A-Classroom class at Carver Elementary for each nomination we received!
The 2012 Top Teacher nominees, in alphabetical order by FIRST name, are:
Anne Zyglock                 Click here to vote
Mrs. Zyglock has a dynamic teaching style that engages and empowers her class to reach beyond just SOL learning.  She invites them to think about it, act it out, have an opinion and incorporate their creativity into her lessons.  When a child is in her class, they are on fire with the lessons she teaches.  I have never seen anything like it. 
Ashley Lankey             Click here to vote
As a first grade teacher at Hopkins Road Elementary School, Ms. Lankey constantly goes above and beyond her required duties. Whether it be staying late to get ready for the next “big event,” going in on weekends to plan for the week, or participating in after school activities like “Girls on the Run” and the “F.A.S.T.” program, no stone goes unturned when it comes to making sure the kids get the most out of their education.  Ms. Lankey also spends countless hours learning new and innovative ways to teach her children. Instead of doing the minimum, she comes up with creative ways to make sure each and every child gets their own special attention. Ms. Lankey also builds relationships with the parents, a vital component of education, to work with the parents on what they can do in the home to help improve each child’s growth as a student and as a person. Ms. Lankey also works with other teachers, in sharing ideas.
Ashley Reed                  Click here to vote
Throughout her school career, it never mattered how “popular” someone was – every classmate was a friend. As an RA in college, Ashley was a trusted advisor to the underclassmen that considered her their friend. But as a teacher, Ashley has truly been able to share her gift with the group of elementary-aged children identified with autism that she teaches each day. Some of these students that struggle with the ability to effectively communicate with their peers or other adults have all come to love their teacher, Mrs. Reed. With the patience of a saint, the firmness of a loving, doting grandmother, and the wisdom of one well beyond her years, Mrs. Reed brings out the “specialness” of each of her students. One mother even contacted Ashley over the summer to say she found her sleeping child clutching a photo taken during class of Mrs. Reed and himself. Kindness, Love, Understanding and the ability to Educate-all ingredients for Top Teacher-all ingredients you will find in Mrs. Ashley Reed. 
Barbara Bingham                 Click here to vote
Barbara has been teaching in Chesterfield County for a few years now. She goes above and beyond being there for her students, and he co-workers. She manages to engage students who would normally be writing off by the school system. She is fair and expects her students to earn their grades, not just show up. From several students I have heard she is by far their favorite teacher, and every year she has a handful of former students come back to not only speak with her current classes, but to also update them on their lives. She brings a fresh and very innovative way of engaging her students in the form of technology, outspoken assignments, national competitions, and projects. She was the only teacher to participate in the National Novel Writing Month with her student. She has also started and sponsored Clover Hills National English Honor Society.

Bethany Craig                            Click here to vote

A true renaissance woman, Bethany will lead her class from 1st through 8th grade and teach language arts, mathematics, history, geography, sciences, drawing, painting, sculpture, music, speech and drama to the same group of children. Through her sincere interest in each child and genuine enthusiasm for each subject she has proven worthy of the children’s confidence and love. Bethany helps to transform education into an art. Her medium is the curriculum, her teaching methods and the children she strives to educate. Her student’s enthusiastic love of learning is testament to Bethany being the top teacher in Richmond.


Bridget Selby Young                       Click here to vote

She is a wonderful special needs teacher and new mother!


Bryn Davis                             Click here to vote

Ms. Davis is the most caring teacher I have had the chance to work with. She currently teaches in Chesterfield County’s Intensive Day Program which is for students who have disabilities relating to their behavior. These students are often considered “hard to teach” but no matter their behaviors or attitudes, Ms. Davis takes each one under her wing and makes them feel special. She has been working with this population of students for over twenty-two years which is quite a feat since many teachers in this field burn out. For the past two years, Ms. Davis taught Algebra Part 1 and 2. This was out of her comfort zone, but she took this challenge head on.  She took classes on her own time and still participates in staff development related to teaching algebra. In addition everything Ms. Davis already does for her students, she is working to learn about students transitioning after high school.  In my mind, there cannot be another teacher more deserving than Ms. Davis for this award.


Chantea Gudger                    Click here to vote

Capt. Gudger is a wonderful teacher.  She keeps the children’s interests with the different projects she has them to do about history.  She makes wonderful songs/raps to go along with the daily studies to keep them interested as well.  She makes history fun.


Charlotte Hesse                       Click here to vote

Charlottes Hesse spends time before and after school to make sure that all children are taught! Lessons are prepared and parents remain informed about the weekly curriculum.  She has a great reputation throughout Hanover County and parents and children have the utmost respect for her.  She participates in activities that her students enjoy in the evenings and on the weekends.  I can’t say enough about how pleased the transition to Kindergarten has been.


Christina Neiswander                            Click here to vote

Christina Neiswander teaches Transitional First Grade (T1) at St. Edwards Epiphany Catholic School.  She has a passion for her job and love for children.  My daughter had a rough year in kindergarten. Things were just not clicking and she would get stressed very easily.  End of year she was recommended for T-1.  My daughter is having a phenomenal year€¦ progressing by leaps and bounds! It’s all Mrs. Neiswander!  From the start she met with the parents to give an overview of what our children would be learning this year and reviewed instructional methods she would use for different learning styles. We receive letters to prepare for the upcoming week.  She offers suggestions of how parents can support their child’s studies, and provides references to be used at home.  She has also met with me to review reinforcement activities for home study.  She has a way of connecting with each child; she motivates, challenges and inspires them to achieve goals they thought were not possible.


Courtney Jones                              Click here to vote

Mrs. Jones works tirelessly with every student she encounters.  She is the gifted teacher at MES but helps with programs that will enhance every students’ education.  When she goes into classrooms she teaches all the students, not just the ones on her caseload.  She realizes that the activities she brings will help all students succeed.  She is a great resource for teachers who want to extend their lessons to reach all students.  I would describe Mrs. Jones as easy to work with and someone the students really enjoy being in their classroom.


Denise Hoffer                        Click here to vote

Denise Hoffer is an experienced educator and she truly loves teaching. Also, she has seemingly boundless energy! When she is finished with her workday at Colonial Trail Elementary School, she teaches adult exercise classes in the evening! Mrs. Hoffer has been very supportive to my little girl during a difficult transitional year. Not only did we move here from Michigan, but she has also been struggling with academic issues, the causes of which we weren’t able to determine until very recently. Mrs. Hoffer has been very patient and supportive of my daughter, and has been careful to nurture her self-esteem during this challenging time. We have been extremely fortunate to have Mrs. Hoffer as my daughter’s third grade teacher this year.


Elena Faulkner                                Click here to vote

I am nominating Elena Faulkner a 3rd Grade teacher at Laurel Meadow Elem. in Hanover Co.  Ms. Faulkner is currently my son’s teacher and she has blown us away this year!  She has a class of 26 students – yes, 26!  Her class is the gifted and talented cluster class which means a portion of the class is gifted but not all – most are above average/average students.  In my opinion this is a harder group to teach because you have a broader learning base with the students – however she manages this with such ease and makes each student feel as though they are #1 in her book!  She was nominated this year by her peers as Teacher of the Year at Laurel Meadow as well!  We recently had a PTA/Teacher Papa John’s delivery night at our school in which Ms. Faulkner’s class had the most orders for the entire school – I believe the reason for this is that her parents and students give her their full support – this doesn’t happen unless everyone BELIEVES what an amazing person and teacher she truly is!


Elizabeth Allums                         Click here to vote

I am very pleased to nominate my colleague Elizabeth Allums for Richmond’s Top Teacher 2012.  Having worked with Ms. Allums for the past 5 years, I have come to see her many gifts as an art educator. She exhibits all of the traits you would want in an art teacher. Everything from her her  vibrant and inviting art room to her enthusiastic and bright greeting for each child she encounters let you know that she is doing what she is meant to do! I am continually impressed with her dedication to the students and families of Jacob. L. Adams Elementary School. Not only does she facilitate great artistic experiences for her classes, but she goes above and beyond working with other groups of select students as well. Through her Art Scholars program, she has helped students build confidence in art that transfers to academics and behavior. This program has had very tangible results within our school. All of the students at Adams are excited to share time with their beloved art teacher Ms. Allums.


Elizabeth Dunn                                         Click here to vote

Our whole family would like to nominate 4th grade teacher at Mary Munford Elementary, Elizabeth Dunn. She is an amazingly dedicated professional that has made her classroom a place where he students learn and grow in a creative, collaborative and nurturing environment. Her classroom is perfectly organized and set up to promote a positive learning experience. Kids are engaged in wonderful reading and writing activities that get them excited about coming in every day. My son struggles with school and social issues and she has created an environment where the kids care for her and each other and all put forward their best efforts. There is never a night that you won’t find Elizabeth in her classroom late at night preparing, working, and making time or her students and their parents. She gives her time to the school as the teacher representative on the PTA board and works hard to make the school as great place. I wish all RPS students had the opportunity to spend a year in her class!


Jackie Idleman                                    Click here to vote 

I saw this contest on and just had to nominate a special mother & teacher, my mom-Jackie Idleman. The students in my mother’s classroom are so lucky to have someone who is devoted to a child’s well-being. She brings a spirit of fun and joy to the class that is so infectious that past students continue to visit her room just to say hello. The room is filled with elaborate learning centers, bright pictures, and encouraging words. Mrs. Idleman is animated and energetic. If you were to stop by her classroom, you would wonder if she was performing a theatrical show rather than explaining the life span of a caterpillar. Her students happily go to class each day and each year are saddened when they must depart and graduate to the next grade level. During family time together, my mother is constantly grading papers or creating lessons for her eager learners. Any student in her classroom is happy to be there, and any parent is thrilled to have their child learn by her side.


Janet Rivas                                 Click here to vote

I am honored to nominate Mrs. Janet Rivas as Richmond’s Top Teacher of 2012! Mrs. Rivas is a Pre-K teacher at Southampton Elementary School with Richmond Public Schools.  I had the pleasure of substituting alongside Mrs. Rivas for a week.  Not only did her students learn a great deal during that time, but also the lessons I learned were extremely valuable to me as a new substitute teacher. Mrs. Rivas takes a personal responsibility for her students’ educational growth.  Not only through books, but teaching them about respect, treating each other kindly and doing the right thing. She is able to get the parents involved as well.  The week I was in her classroom, she had parent volunteers every day.  On one day, there were five parents volunteering.  It was clear she has a wonderful working relationship with the parents and it is reflected in the performance of the students.  She respects them and clearly, the feeling is mutual.  Thank you for your consideration of Mrs. Janet Rivas.


Jennifer Cronk                                         Click here to vote

Jennifer teaches first grade at Swansboro Elem.  The children she teaches face many challenges in their daily lives.  She truly cares about these children and uses creative ways to make learning fun. I have joined her classroom on several occasions to bring fun craft activities to the children.  This allows them to use their imaginations to create fun projects that will reinforce a subject that they are learning.  Jennifer is also very resourceful in finding ways to fund projects for her classroom.  She regularly puts requests on Doners Choice and this has resulted in funding for some of her classroom needs.  Jennifer believes in continuous education and is always learning new teaching techniques.  Her dedication to our children’s education makes her my pick for 2012 Top Teacher.


Jet Burton                                              Click here to vote

As my son became preschool aged I was very nervous about sending him from being home with me almost every day each week to Richmond’s VPI program – 5 days a week 9-3. My son’s teacher, Jet Burton, made it a seamless transition. Not a day has gone by that my son has not been excited about going and I feel a lot of that is because of Mrs. Burton. I was also hesitant because I am a former teacher myself. I know how annoying teachers as parents can be! Well, I also have learned so much from Jet! She is a great communicator. She takes the time to send letters home each Friday in all the kids folders informing us of what they learned and what’s coming up next week. She has a website and posts pictures of what they do during the day. She sees my son as an individual and not just a part of the group by sending home specific learning games geared for where HE is educationally. I truly feel each day is celebrated in her classroom as KIDS when it’s so easy to take the fun out of learning today.


Kathy Denton                                          Click here to vote

Kathy Denton is a warm, engaging, organized and super structured first grade teacher.  She has an inviting classroom in which she stands at the door each morning greeting each child as they enter setting the tone for their day.  Kathy has built a real community in her classroom through songs, mission and value statements (that the kids know, live and breathe) and other team building activities.  The children know very clearly what is expected of them and they always strive to live up to her expectations.  Kathy is also known as the tooth fairy.  Any child with a loose tooth loves to get it to the point where he/she can go see Mrs. Denton to get it pulled.   Kathy has my daughter this year. She is a child who needs clear boundaries but needs to know that she is loved and appreciated for who she is. This she has with Kathy and she knows it.  My daughter is happy and thriving and is having a fantastic year – all than


Kim Thurston                                             Click here to vote

Mrs. Thurston is a wonderful Kindergarten teacher for my child. My daughter Lillian has celiac disease and my wife and I were very concerned about sending her to school. Celiac disease nearly took our daughter away from us five years ago (she was diagnosed at age 1) and because of that we are very involved with everything she eats or touches. Mrs. Thurston has been a God send for Lilly and us. Whenever there’s a craft or activity that involves food or anything that could contain gluten, she either e-mails or calls me ahead of time to ask about ingredients. If she’s not sure about something, she will err on the side of caution. Lilly looks forward to going to school every day and the main reason is Mrs. Thurston.


Kimberly Hardiman                            Click here to vote

Mrs. Hardiman is a fabulous kindergarten teacher at Echo Lake Elementary.  A teacher we all WISH we had! Mrs. Hardiman is never found without a smile and a kind word.  Her positive attitude and encouraging spirit is truly contagious.  This classroom is a special place to be.  Songs, centers and circle time are intermixed with cheers!  Mrs. Hardiman works very hard with each student to make sure that they achieve their potential.  While reading skills are very important, self-confidence is one of her priorities!  And in this day and age of test scores ruling, her children can brag of perfect scores and improvements – some of them by 40 points!  While she is terrific with the kids, her communication with parents makes our job so much easier!  And that great spirit doesn’t stop in the classroom, Mrs. Hardiman is that teacher you find playing on the playground with the children and always ready to toss a ball.  She definitely deserves a cheer!


Maria Rodriguez                            Click here to vote

Miss Maria is a model teacher.  She sparks the child’s academic curiosity and interest; at whatever level that child enters her class. She individualizes her lessons to each child.  I was always amazed at how well she knew each child and where they were academically and how to get them to the next step.  Miss Maria’s classroom management was exemplary.  My child felt safe socially and he was in an environment where learning was cool.  I have three children and was amazed at how the entire class appeared academically motivated and worked well together to learn more.  I attribute this to Miss Maria.


Mary Victoria Carll                       Click here to vote

It is rare to see such a caring and energetic teacher as Miss Carll. She is in teaching because she loves her students and wants them all to succeed in life and make a difference in their community. She encourages and challenges her students to become not just better academically, but as better and more compassionate teenagers.  Her teaching methods are fun and alternative and dedicated to giving her students a wonderful experience. Ms. Carll is a Spanish teacher at Community High School. Thank you


Melissa Thurston                                        Click here to vote

If the dictionary had a reference for “the ideal Kindergarten teacher”, the definition would contain words like compassionate, energetic, self-sacrificing, fun, friendly, patient and loving. Next to that definition, you would find a picture of Melissa Thurston.  Ms. Thurston always has a smile on her face. She encourages each child to develop his or her individual talents and helps them embrace their own unique personalities.  She fosters a love of learning and gives them a solid foundation for moving forward in their education. Having been blessed to have her as a Kindergarten teacher for three of our children, we have been able to see each of them grow and mature in their first year of school. They each have different personalities and learning speeds, but have all thrived in Kindergarten, thanks to the attention and care of Ms. Thurston. Nothing speaks of her virtues more than the love of her students and their parents. I can think of no more deserving candidate.”


Michelle Moon                                        Click here to vote

Heart and soul – those are a few words I would use to describe Mrs. Michelle Moon. She puts everything she has into teaching her students. Mrs. Moon teaches the whole student not simply the academics, but nurtures their minds by setting high expectations for compassion and responsibility.  My son was fortunate enough to have Mrs. Moon as his teacher and she saw potential in him that even as his mother I did not see. Under her supportive guidance he rose to the occasion and participated in activities that I think even surprised him. Without a doubt she brings out the absolute best in her students.  If one needs test scores and other quantitative measures of learning to determine if Mrs. Moon is an exceptional teacher, she well she had those statistics too. Her students are wildly successful on various testing and assessments.

I truly appreciate this opportunity to nominate Mrs. Michelle Moon as Richmond’s 2012 Top Teacher because simply put she deserves the recognition.


Michelle White                                    Click here to vote

My son had Mrs. White last year for second grade and I was the room mom so I spent a lot of time with Mrs. White and observed her with the students. She was always patient with them and answered their questions in ways that made them think and understand. During the year, I heard parents of her students talk about how happy their child was in her class and how much they learned. I especially heard from several moms with kids that were ADD/ADHD about how happy they were that their child was finally having a good year. Then as I was out in the community, every time I mentioned Mrs. White, someone would tell me their child at one time had her and he/she just blossomed that year. To me, any good teacher can teach but to be a great teacher, you have to be able to teach all personality types and that is where Mrs. White shines. It does not matter whether the child is shy or hyper, they will have a great year under her guidance.


Misty Turner                           Click here to vote

Ms. Turner is an extraordinary teacher at Shady Grove Elementary School in Glen Allen, Va. She goes beyond what is expected of a 3rd grade teacher. She always has a smile on and a positive attitude. She is firm, but still holds command of her class. Her class is always excited to be near her and looks forward to interesting topics she brings to them.


Nanci Child                              Click here to vote

Nanci Child from Colonial Trail Elementary School is most deserving of the Richmond Top Teacher Award.  She is a wonderful, experienced teacher who gives 110% every day!  Two of my three children have had her for kindergarten and she has given them an excellent foundation to build upon.  She has a great sense of humor and always goes above and beyond to make the school experience special!  I wish I had another child to send to her classroom!


Nikki Walsh                                  Click here to vote

I am nominating Miss Walsh for Top Teacher Award 2012 because she goes way over what is expected of her.  She loves her students and does everything in her power to make sure they are learning not only what they should but way above that.  She makes learning fun and uses as many fun things as possible to keep her students interested.  Miss Walsh uses music, stories and plays to keep her students loving learning.  Miss Walsh is always available to tutor and help her students.  Miss Walsh is loved by not only her students but many others as well.


Phaedra C. Clark              (2 nominations)  Click here to vote

As a teacher, coach of two middle school sports and adoptive mom of 4 special needs children one cannot help but realize that Mrs. Clark is a dedicated child advocate.  She motivates her students with innovative and fun teaching techniques. She incorporates her love for all children in her lessons. I believe that this overflowing sense that children are our future caused her to pursue a career in teaching.  She chose middle school as her venue. Perhaps the hardest children to reach and motivate because they are basically hormones with legs at this stage of their lives she is so very successful at reaching them.  Her test scores are top notch and she will always go that extra mile.  For all of these and more Mrs. Clark is most deserving of the Richmond’s Top Teacher 2012 Award.  Please cast your vote for her today.


This mother of 4 teaches full time and coaches as well. She is the head soccer coach and basketball coach at Tomahawk Creek Middle School. She gives 110% to her students, always. She volunteers her time to RAL as well. She’s a treatment foster care parent, and a wonderful mother to her four children. I am lucky to know her, and she deserves to been voted as Richmond Top Teacher because she is a wonderful teacher, not only in the classroom but in all aspects of life.


Polly Bosse                            Click here to vote

Polly Bosse, a kindergarten teacher at CTES, possesses many qualities that make her an outstanding teacher. Her love & passion for teaching are evident everyday & her enthusiasm for learning is contagious. She is attuned to the strengths & weaknesses of her students. She has a strong desire to help all her students succeed & has developed numerous learning activities that are tailored to her students’  individual needs & learning styles. She is also an excellent communicator who frequently emails parents with excited & positive updates on what her class is doing. In addition to her effectiveness in teaching the standard K curriculum, Mrs. Bosse also incorporates lessons of compassion & character building. She always treats her students with respect & teaches them the importance of being kind & respectful to others. Mrs. Bosse is the teacher that every other teacher should aspire to be, the teacher that every child is fortunate to have, & the teacher that every parent is thankful for.


Robert Rice           Click here to vote

Mr. Rice is the best teacher I can think of. He is very interactive with his class and loves to get to know every student personally. I think that is a great quality in teachers that you don’t see a lot anymore.


Sherry Nyquist                    Click here to vote

I didn’t think that teachers like Sherry Nyquist even existed anymore. As a teacher myself, I see many professionals in action each day, trying so hard to do their best and make their students succeed. Sherry does so effortlessly – it just comes naturally to her, it seems. Her students absolutely adore her.  She teaches a kindergarten inclusive classroom in the most kind, gentle, patient manner. Sherry’s communication with parents is top-notch. She is in regular contact and no parent is ever left wondering what Sherry and her “friends” learn about each week.  My only concern is that my son will now expect all of his future teachers to live up to Mrs. Nyquist’s standards!


Simone Cheeks                        Click here to vote

Simone Cheeks teaches in a self-contained special education classroom at Mary Munford Elementary School.  She teaches children on the Autism Spectrum, children with intellectual disabilities, and children with other learning differences.  Ms. Cheeks is a firm believer in the philosophy that all students are dignified learners.  If I stop by the classroom, she always takes a minute to proudly show me the work that my daughter has completed, or to have the students demonstrate to me what they are learning that day.  Ms. Cheeks teaches in a tiny classroom right next to the Music room.  She never complains and always makes the best with what she has.  I know she spends a lot of her own money on her students, even though she has her own family to support. Ms. Cheeks is the most patient person I know and always has a smile on her face, even on days I know are challenging.  She is determined that every child live up to his or her potential and will never give up on any of her students.


Suzanne Beck                       Click here to vote

Mrs. Beck is one amazing teacher. Her love for children, learning, and the need for children to love academics is one like I have never seen before.  She has made my 6 year son love not only school, books and learning. He has come so far and truly because she has the patience of saint!  She is soft spoken and talks to the children like every day in her classroom is magical and the kids feel that way every day.


Tamara Johnston        Click here to vote

Ms. Johnston has great passion for science and for teaching.  She also has a special gift for motivating our special needs son in her class.  This passion and motivation has made science Matthew’s favorite class this year.  She is not only the teacher for 6th grade Science at TCMS, she is also a team leader for Tribe and works so well with parent volunteers.  We are blessed to have her in our teaching team this year.


Tyler Hart             Click here to vote

Mr. Hart is a teacher like no other.  His innovative ideas and fun personality make him a favorite of all students at Springfield Park Elementary School.  If you spend a short time in his class, you witness all students learning by doing.  Unlike many traditional classrooms where students work quietly on skills at their seats, Mr. Hart’s class is full of action, productive chatter, and visible excitement.  Examples of activities in his third grade class include students reciting rap poetry to learn multiplication tables, using cookie dough to make molds of the seven continents, and forming a human clock to practice telling time.  Students learn while being entertained by a teacher who will drop items from the bus ramp roof to demonstrate scientific principles in action.  His students have become experts in using iMovie to demonstrate new concepts and showcase their creativity.   Mr. Hart’s boundless energy, fresh ideas, and love of teaching make him Richmond’s Top Teacher.


Prizes Include:

Enough Richmond Rocks books for the entire classroom  — valued at $388. 2nd and 3rd place winners receive 5 copies of the Richmond Rocks books valued at $65. Because Richmond Teachers Rock!


A one hour massage and facial at Massage Envy valued at $166. Second and third place winners receive a massage valued at $78.



First, second and third place winners all receive a one year membership to valued at $80 each.

Four free classes to Romp n’ Roll for each of the top three winners, valued at $80 each.


All winners receive a one year family membership to the Virginia Historical Society at $72 each.



An adult Sonicare for the winning teacher from Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates Pediatric Dentistry, P.C. valued at $70.



The grand prize winner receives a 1-year SuperNova membership worth $99 to the Science Museum of Virginia and 2nd and 3rd place winners receive 4-pack of tickets valued at $44.


Two tickets to Spirited Art for the winner worth $70 and one ticket each valued at $35 per ticket for 2nd and 3rd place winners.


First place winner receives a 4-pack of tickets to Seussical from Theatre IV worth $136.

Four hours of nanny services from College Nannies & Tutors for the winner at $70 (can be given to someone else as a gift if the winner does not need them).


A $50 gift certificate to Mom’s Treehouse for the grand prize winner.


A $25 gift certificate to, owned locally by Crissy Egerton.


And, a  Gift package including lots of fun schwag thanks to VA College Savings Plan.


Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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