Volunteering can be as Simple as a Donation to ‘Prom Bring It!’

You may be wondering if all of the hype about “Prom Bring It” is really all that big of a deal. If you’ve ever had the stress and anxiety of helping a teenaged girl find a prom dress, or didn’t have the financial means to make her dream come true, then you can definitely relate to how great this program is for many young girls and boys in our communities.

Here’s a true story that will touch your heart and let you know how important and valuable this program is to dozens of young girls and their moms. This letter came to Kate Hall from a very grateful mom:

Dear Kate,

Hello, I wanted to follow up with you on my experience with “Prom Bring It”. Just in case you don’t remember me, let me refresh your memory….

We met in Sears when you told me that you were setting up next door for the “Prom Bring It” event. I asked what it was about and you told me it was for high school seniors going to prom, and they could come and take a survey and pick out a prom dress. You didn’t know this at the time, but I had been struggling with the fact that I have not only 1, but 2 daughters that are high school seniors and were in need of prom dresses.

You gave me your number and told me to call you to set up an appointment for the event. It so happened that the date of the event I had to work and one of my daughters had a AP study session, so unfortunately we were unable to attend. A few weeks passed and once again I found myself struggling with the fact that prom was only a little over a month away and we still did not have dresses for my daughters. I remembered that I had your number in my phone, so I figured it was worth a try to call you and see if there was a chance that the girls could still participate in the “Prom Bring It” event.

During this conversation you informed me that the dresses were being stored at Hermitage and that Jenny was going to be there that very next day showing them to another student. You gave me Jenny’s phone number and told me to call her to see what time she would be there and to let her know that my daughters would like to see the dresses as well. I spoke to Jenny and set everything up the girls were set to see the dresses during lunch. I told my daughters about the dresses and to my surprise, they did not seem very interested. I guess the fact that the dresses were stored at their school, and that is where they would be looking at them, did not sit well with them.

After a little convincing from me they agreed to go and meet with Jenny, they even called a friend of theirs and she wanted to see the dresses as well. I was not able to go with them to see the dresses but I impatiently awaited the phone call, and I just knew they would tell me they didn’t see anything they liked. Well…….I WAS WRONG!!!!!!!

One of my daughters called and she was so excited I could barely understand what she was saying. She said she found two of the most amazing dresses ever. She said she was really in love with one, and she was taking them both home. She said that which ever one she did not wear, her sister was going to wear. I was so happy for her and at the same time relieved that the stress of finding TWO dresses for prom was finally over. When I got home that evening they had the dresses on, and I was literally AMAZED. We could not have picked two better looking dresses if we had tried. They are so beautiful. These dresses even fit their personalities. I could not believe it. They even came home with certificates to get their hair done

We could not have asked for a better experience. “Prom Bring It” is an awesome event, and I hope that the other girls and parents had as great an experience as we did. I hope that this is something that can be done in the years to come, as I believe Prom is a very special event and every child should have the opportunity to attend. With an event such as “Prom Bring It” that can very well be possible. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and I would like to offer my help in any way needed for next year’s “Prom Bring It” event. Please keep my number and be sure to let me know how I can help out, because you have really helped me out.

If you’d like to help out with “Prom Bring It“, click here to learn more.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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