Get Ahead of the Class: Tips for Keeping Kids Sharp on Summer Break

School is out and the longer days of summer are here. For your children these next few months may look like one long Saturday spread out before them, but don’t let their minds sit idle waiting for the end of August to roll around. Summer is a great time to address academic skill gaps and help children return to school with more confidence.

Children are understandably eager to find themselves outside the classroom after a rigorous school year, yet summer can still be an excellent opportunity to learn in innovative and creative ways.

There are plenty of options for summer learning, such as signing your child up for a summer course at your local community center or enrolling for specialized summer courses at Tutoring Club.

“Tutoring Club can help parents provide children with a plan of action that will fit even the busiest summer schedules,” notes Chad Schwartz, tutoring industry expert and founder of Tutoring Club. “Whether your child needs extra help with reading, math or writing, Tutoring Club offers individualized instruction with specialized programs that guarantee your child will get ahead over the summer.”

Everyday Education
Family activities such as cards and board games are ripe with mentally stimulating challenges. When it comes to card games like rummy or speed, children are called upon to keep math skills fresh by counting their cards and tallying up scores at the end. Board games on the other hand utilize a plethora of memorization skills, stratagems, and problem solving techniques. Some lighthearted, competitive fun is always good for the mind.

Enjoying the Outdoors

When it comes to outdoor fun that incorporates learning and responsibility, parents can’t go wrong involving their children in planting a back yard garden. Ask kids to participate in mapping out the garden plan, choosing which fruits or vegetables they’d like to include, and deciding where the individual plants will flourish best.

There is ample research involved in growing a personal garden. Having children assist with determining soil type, climate conditions, and seed varieties, as well as keeping plants watered, then picked when ripe, will ensure their minds remain alert all summer long. It can also give them a sense of pride by bringing something to fruition from start to finish.

Learning in the Kitchen
Other ways to keep your child mentally active during these free months can be as simple as baking cupcakes or routinely having them help with dinner. Parents can turn the simple act of measuring ingredients into fraction practice, or have young ones read the recipe as you do the cooking or baking. Lemonade stands are another idea to help your child manage money and take on responsibility.

Keeping your child’s mind fit and focused during the summer isn’t easy. After all, you’re competing with sunshine and seemingly endless free time. But with a little creativity and encouragement, you can turn summer learning into rewarding projects and easy endeavors.

The Tutoring Club is an advertiser on


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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