Comforting Friends Experiencing Child Loss & Remembering Cora McCormick


Nearly every one of us reading this has been affected by child loss, infant loss, and pregnancy loss. As human beings we have strong emotions attached to these losses. Often we find ourselves wishing we knew what to do, how to reach out to our friends going through loss.

Cora McCormick passed away in her mother’s arms while nursing, just days after she was released from the hospital. It was later determined that Cora suffered from an undetected critical congenital heart defect (CCHD). Her mother, Kristine McCormick, was distraught after the loss of her daughter. She withdrew and in that time, lost friends. They did not know how to be there for her, and their feelings were hurt when she would not return phone calls. This prompted Kristine to come up with a resource to help friends and family understand what she was going through and how they might be able to help in this tragic time of loss. Her e-book offers great advice on communication, acts of kindness and words to avoid. This resource is free on the Cora’s Story website, or can be downloaded from and Barnes and Noble for Nook readers for roughly $1.

Kristine has taken her loss and made amazing things happen. She is responsible for the  legislation of Newborn CCHD Pulse Ox Screening being adopted in the state of Indiana.

Kristine is on a mission to see every state and every country screening newborns for CCHD, so as to spare another mother from sharing her horrifying experience. Kristine has been invited to be on the faculty of the 6th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 2013 in Cape Town. She will give a presentation on the efforts of the Congenital Heart Disease community behind pulse ox advocacy and legislation.

Kristine maintains, a blog where she writes letters to her baby girl, advocates for pulse ox screening of newborns and raises awareness for Congenital Heart Disease.

She attended SXSW this year and was a panelist in one of the sessions.  She uses social media to help reach the world for her cause.

The e-book can be downloaded here. Also on Barnes and Noble for Nook readers.

Lisa McGhan

Native Richmonder, Lisa McGhan is a full time stay at home mother of four. She has been married to her soul mate for 12 years. She is the founder and President of the Children's Heart Foundation Virginia Chapter and works to raise awareness for Congenital Heart Disease. Her new found love is distance running. When not on the computer or in the momvan, she can often be found pounding the pavement.

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