Back to School with Essential Oils

Incorporating essential oils into your family’s daily lives for better health

School is back!

Summertime is officially over. Vacations are done, memories made. Next up for kids; daily homework, weekly tests, and fall sports and activities. Parents just need to find enough time to get everyone to each place on time, juggling work and your own chores.

While the fall is an exciting time, it can also be physically and mentally draining.

So how do you keep your family healthy and mentally clear for all of life’s challenges?

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils can be a valuable asset in your family’s medicine cabinet. Essential oils are the pure essence of a plant, the natural aromatic compounds, steam distilled or cold pressed, providing the most highly concentrated essence of the plant. It is important though, to understand that not all essential oils are the same.

The majority of oils used in everyday products are synthetically reproduced, eliminating any therapeutic benefit that the oil once had. To put this in perspective, according to the National Academy of Sciences, 95% of the chemicals used in synthetic fragrances, such as perfume and candles, are known toxins and synthesizers capable of causing cancer, birth defects and allergic reactions.

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) Essential Oils are the purest oil, above organic grade, and they provide physical and emotional benefits to users. The leader in CPTG oils is doTERRA, sourcing only the purest oils from across the globe, such as Frankincense from Oman and Lavender from Highland France.

Now, the kids are in school, and you are at the office, both germ factories; not a week goes by without a classmate or co-worker out sick. Instead of using hand sanitizers that are harsh on the skin and provide no medicinal benefit, your family can use OnGuard, an immunity blend created by doTERRA.  Oils in this blend are FDA certified for killing germs, the difference is that OnGuard also BOOSTS your immunity, so while killing off the flu, you are strengthening your own immune system!  Put some on your children’s feet in the morning as an immune booster, and prepare a small spray bottle for their school bags to wipe off their desk and chair or wash their hands with

In addition to staying healthy, kids need to stay mentally clear so they can focus on their school work, which means a good sleep schedule and balanced mind. Oil blend Serenity at night helps the body to natural find a state of calm, blend powerful oils such as lavender and sandalwood, allowing children to sleep peacefully through the night. In the morning apply oil blend Balance, which includes historic oils like frankincense and rosewood, to remain even keeled throughout the day.  Children with ADD and ADHD have been found to have more focus and less agitation in school when using both Serenity and Balance on a daily basis. These essential oil blends help to regulate sleep schedules as well, counteracting the stimulating effects of computer screens and television.

When the kids are at the table working on their homework and you are sitting next to them doing paperwork, you can diffuse Peppermint oil and Citrus Bliss, an uplifting blend of oils that will help you stay focused and alert.  Peppermint has been shown to increase test scores in schoolchildren, and using it while studying increases retention rates.

This introduction to CPTG essential oils only scratches the surface.  For more information, Scents of Serenity Organic Spa provides regular workshops, educating people how to incorporate essential oils into their lives. Offering general workshops as well as specific ones such as women’s health and stress management, Scents of Serenity Organic Spa provides a warm atmosphere to learn more about oils.

  • Medicine Cabinet Makeover – Back to School Edition – Wednesday, September 5th from 7:00pm-8:30pm
  • Medicine Cabinet Makeover – Back to School Edition – Wednesday, September 12th from 7:00pm-8:30pm
  • Women’s Health from Puberty to Menopause – Wednesday, September 19th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm
  • Mood Management with Essential Oils – Wednesday, September 26th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm

For more information or to attend on of these valuable workshops, contact Scents of Serenity at 804-277-4498.

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Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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