Whitney Kropp: Homecoming Nominee Bullied — But Brave

(Image credit: Detroit News, John M. Galloway/AP Photo)

When I read the story about the young teen who was bullied and tricked by classmates into thinking they really wanted her to be the school’s homecoming queen, it brought tears to my eyes. Although it may have ended with what seems like a “Cinderella  ending”, it was far from anything magical.

Whitney Kropp, a student at a Michigan high school, was nominated as a prank for homecoming court by her classmates. Imagine her embarrassment and humliation to learn that it was all a big joke on her. She had endured bullying from classmates before, – likely because she didn’t fit their idea of the perfect teen. Maybe it was her hair, or her clothes, or even the way she walked. This time, she says she even considered killing herself.

Who knows why anyone decides to bully another person?

But rather than sit back and pity herself for long, Whitney decided to step up to the challenge. And boy did she show them! The entire community stood behind her once word was out about what had happened. A local salon owner donated services to make sure this young girl had everything she needed to represent her class at homecoming. Others bought her dinner, gown, shoes, and accessories for the dance to make her feel like Cinderella. And they even made t-shirts in support of Whitney. Spectators, students, and even the opposing team cheered hysterically as she took the field.

In an article on NBC News, “The kids that are bullying you do not let them bring you down,” she said. “Stand up for what you believe in, and go with your heart and go with your gut. That’s what I did and look at me now. I’m just as happy as can be.”

As a mother and grandmother, I can imagine the pain her parents felt upon hearing what was happening to their precious daughter. We all want to protect and shelter our children from mean-spirited comments and actions of others. And we never want to even think they are being bullied.  My heart aches for the parents and the young girl in this situation.

But to see how Whitney rose above it all and turned her situation into an example for others to see is an incredible testimony to her inward and outward beauty and poise! Her ability to stand up to her classmates, her school, and her community demonstrate her strength and resilience. And her attitude towards those who sought to bully her is incredible for such a young woman. It didn’t take long for a Facebook page supporting her garnered 120,000 likes according to ABC News.

Bullying happens all too often, but thankfully, thousands of kids and adults are no longer standing for it. Katie Mardigian provided us with valuable information and resources to manage bullying in a recent article.  If you know someone who is being bullied, take action and do something about it. Together, we can make a difference.

As for Whitney Kropp, she is on the pathway to a brighter future because of her actions and strength to ignore the bullies and live her life the way she wants to live!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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