Will Signing Parties: Party with Peace of Mind

Liza Hill, Attorney

Your parents are getting older and they need a will. Right?


But so do you!

Liza Hill, owner and attorney at River City Law Practice, and Mosaic Mediation, LLC, knows how important it is for young couples to have a will.  As an attorney, she also recognizes that couples often delay having a will written for a number of reasons. After all, it’s hard to think about what happens when you’re not here and young couples are busy raising children. Of course, having children makes a will even more important!

There are many reasons to consider a will that make it a priority in your life. Without a will, a judge may have to decide a lot of things for you – and you may not agree with those decisions. Some examples of why a will is so important include:

  • You want to decide who has custody of your children and not leave it to the courts. A judge often grants custody to a relative or may turn to the social services system, but that may not be the best answer in your situation so a will ensures you make the best decision for your child.
  • You can decide who will handle the financial decision-making for your children and at what age you think they will be responsible enough to receive any funds they inherit. Leaving a trust for their benefit is your choice and managing the distribution of money is left up to you when you have a will.
  • Medical decisions are always difficult, but with a will, you have the power to let your family know what you want if you are unable to do so later. This not only ensures your wishes are honored, but it gives loved ones peace of mind by following your wishes.
  • Medical providers will have no questions about your preferences and decisions when it comes to providing the level of care you want. They will know when to pursue, or not pursue, heroic measures to keep you alive.
  • Having a will ensures that your last wishes are honored, and that your assets, property, and other things are distributed as you choose. If you have children, it enables you to specify certain things for children based on what you want them to have.

Liza explains that many people delay creating a will and it is often too late. But now, she has a solution that makes it quick, easy, and painless to create a will – and you might even find it fun.

 Will Signing Parties

There are in-home parties for jewelry, dishes, candles, books, clothing, and more. As strange as it may seem, Will Signing Parties are now one of the most innovative ways to get the job done.

Here’s how it works:

  1. A party ‘host’ gets 3-6 couples to agree to participate and sets a date for the group to gather for their Will Signing Party. (Make it a “Football/Will Signing Party”, a “Halloween/Will Signing Party”, or any type of party where friends and family will enjoy being together).
  2. Liza’s legal firm mails participants a questionnaire for completion and a self-addressed envelope to return the information and fee where it is handled confidentially.
  3. Upon receipt of #2 above, she sets up a telephone conference with the client to review responses, answer questions and provide advice.
  4. On the day of the Will Signing Party, all parties gather at the home of the host where they enjoy refreshments and a private room is provided for signing of the wills. (Mosaic Mediations provides the refreshments – the legal system serves YOU!).
  5. You leave the Will Signing Party with a legally executed will and peace of mind in knowing that your wishes will be honored in the event of your death.

It’s really that simple. Imagine a legal process that’s actually a party and a time to celebrate that you have taken this important step!

Pricing and Discounts

You may think that a Will Signing Party will cost more than traditional services since the lawyer comes to you. But on the contrary, Liza has created a program that provides discounted fees for services:

  • The fee for a will is $250 and it is a legal document.
  • General Durable Power of Attorney (POA) can be included for $100 additional.
  • A simple trust is an additional $125.
  • A discounted package of $460 is offered for all of the services listed above, but it’s up to you whether or not you simply want a will, or the POA and trust.

If you are the host, there’s a $100 reduction in creating your will as a ‘rental fee’ for the use of your home.

That’s it!

What You Need to Know

Still not sure? Then, think about these things that will help you see how valuable this confidential, in-home Will Signing Party is for you and your loved ones.

Why a will party?

Strength in numbers! It is difficult to consider such decisions, but who better than your friends to be there for you? Will signing parties makes the process less time consuming, less expensive and much more fun!  It is the right thing to do for your family.

Will my friends know my wishes?

If you wish for them to witness your will, they will know your wishes. If you prefer for them not to know your wishes, we will provide witnesses for you.

Will I need to disclose confidential information such as financial information? 

While your attorney will keep a record of your account numbers, insurance policies and other important information, it will not appear in your will. The attorney will know the value of your life insurance policies, but even the attorney will not know how much money is in your accounts.

Who should have a will party?

Anyone who wants to plan for the future — and have fun and save money at the same time – our fees are discounted from traditional fees for similar services.

What if my friends are unsure if they wish to participate?

We are happy to talk with your friends and make them feel comfortable before they commit to the process. We will reassure them that the process is completely confidential and you will have no access to their personal information.

Can these parties be held in conjunction with other home parties? 

Of course! Bunco, football, clothing lines, home lines, church events and civic events are all great events in which to incorporate will parties. Halloween is a perfect time to have a will party!

Why should we participate in a will party versus going to a law office?

Some people prefer the traditional approach to wills.  We offer traditional services  in the far west end, but we also recognize that may couples hesitate to take this step to create a will and our innovative approach to Will Signing Parties makes it quick, easy, and fun.

Will I deal with a real attorney?

Our administrative staff sets up our appointments, however only our attorneys answer  legal questions and provide legal advice. You can rest assured that you will deal directly with an attorney. And an attorney will handle all of the details when signing the will.

Get Started

Now there is no reason not to prepare for the future, ensure your wishes are honored, and have peace of mind about what happens when you can no longer make decisions for yourself.

Call Liza Hill at River City Law Practice at 804.784-0050 with questions or to plan your Will Signing Party.

Give yourself and your family peace of mind so you can get on with the business of enjoying life!

Mosaic Mediation LLC is an advertiser on Richmondmom.com


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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