Rake Away Cancer and Help ASK Help Others: Act By 12/3

The Tad DuPriest Foundations is sponsoring a drive called “Rake Away Cancer”. The idea is to have your children (with some helpful parents armed with leaf blowers) go around a neighborhood and rake leaves to raise money to help the Foundation sponsor an ASK family for Christmas.

The Board of Directors will match the total number of donations raised from all of the children who are participating in this challenge!

They suggest a donation of $15-$20.00 per yard, however, please use your discretion. Click here to access the Rake Away Flyer and take it with you to show your neighbors about the challenge. If they request a receipt, the flyer has the Tax ID number and a place where you can write their donation. The flyer also has information on where to send your donations (by December 3!) at the end of the challenge. 

Thanks for volunteering to help others every day and especially during this busy holiday season!

Information about ASK:

ASK was founded in 1975 by a small group of parents of pediatric cancer patients at MCV Hospital, Richmond, VA. They joined together to provide mutual support, to search for answers and to deal with the devastating diagnoses. These parents searched for simple pleasures for their children and support for themselves. They started with small changes like books, toys and games for the little ones to help alleviate the anxiety and pain of treatment, and small parent gatherings in the hospital waiting rooms to help reduce their own stress. These parents became the founding members of ASK. Their mission was simple and remains unchanged today as we continue to search for ways to make life better for children with cancer.

ASK continues to walk in the footsteps of its founders, determined in the mission “Making Life Better for Children with Cancer.” What began as a few small changes slowly grew into an extraordinary organization that has expanded its programs and services to meet the needs of children and families. ASK steps in at the time of diagnosis to help the family deal with the non-clinical side of what’s happening. While the hospital and medical staff focus on the treatment, ASK works to provide the children and their families with the quality-of-life support they need.

ASK enhances the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Department at VCU Health Systems by funding several positions including a psychologist, chaplain, and child life therapist. ASK also provides opportunities for cancer patients and their families to forget about their disease and enjoy life through sponsoring trips to local attractions and sporting events.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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