You Might Be a Richmond Mom If… {A Top 10 List by a Richmond Mom novice.}

Two years ago, we moved from Oklahoma to become Richmonders.  Virginia wasn’t new to me.  I spent 12 years of my life growing up here and in college, but Richmond was new and it had been a while since we were East Coasters.  Two years in, we are finally transitioning from ‘just living here’ to feeling part of the place and community that is Richmond.  I’m even feeling so bold as to write a list!  Here we go…

You might be a Richmond Mom if..

1) You have a strong opinion about which grocery store you prefer.  I know how almost every one of my new Richmonder friends and coworkers feels about the grocery stores here.  I think there is some historical issue with Martin’s that has something to do with Ukrops.  I’m still trying to figure out – is it a family feud?  A corporate takeover?  Martin’s still has Ukrops stuff in the bakery, so what’s up with that?  Me, I like Kroger but Martin’s is closest to us and we get great gas points!  YAY GAS POINTS!

2) You get bummed if you go to another city and there are no family-friendly parking spaces!  I have never lived anywhere with so many family-friendly parking spaces as Richmond has!  Perhaps it is part of the competition related to Item #1 above.  Long live the competition!  Other places I’ve lived, the special family-friendly parking was just for moms with babies.  Here, anybody with child in tow can use them.  Rock on with your inclusive self, Richmond!

3) You say you live Richmond but you actually may not.    OK so this may be a stretch, but only 200,000 people live in the city itself and everybody else lives in places like Henrico, Ashland, Chesterfield and Colonial Heights.  We’re ‘burb residents too and get mail at either Richmond or North Chesterfield but we say we live in Richmond unless we need to clarify.  By my calculations, only 1 out of 6 residents of the Richmond Metro Area actually live in Richmond…. likely 1 out of 6 moms too!
4) You sport that EZ Pass in your front window and your RVA sticker on the back window of your car!  Richmonders seem very unhappy about tolls, are kind of unsure what the tolls actually pay for, yet fork over cash for that EZ Pass.  It’s pretty impressive – cash gets magically wisked out of your bank accounts each month for the pleasure of shortcuts and speedy access to the city.  I am one of these.  Long live the EZ pass!  {Now will somebody please mail me an RVA sticker for my back window!!?}
5) You plan trips so that your route coincides with train paths.  Isn’t that part of the joy of driving around the city with your kids, the hope that they’ll actually see a moving train?  Our favorite spot is up the Powhite/I-195 towards the city in the left lane where you get a great glimpse of the huge train crossroads.  Now… if anybody can tell me how to get closer, my son would be much appreciative!

6) You can’t wait for the next issues of the free family magazines to arrive in the lobby of the grocery store!  {There’s that grocery store thing again!}  Let’s hear it for Richmond Parents Monthly, Richmond Family Magazine, GRID, Belle, Boomer, or… there are so many I can’t keep track and they are all great!

7) You hear about magical events and places like Pony Pasture, Brown’s Island, and the Folk Festival but haven’t done them yet.  OK this may be for the crowd of moms with younger kids or for us newbies who haven’t plugged them into our GPS yet… but don’t those things sound amazing?  They’re on our ‘to-discover’ list and I know my kids will love them when we go!  Until then, they love our regular haunts… CMOR, the Metro Richmond Zoo, our pick of bounce house places, a park or our own back yard.  So much to do!

8) Your kids enjoy regular spider sightings around your house!
  I’m pretty sure I know why the University of Richmond chose to be called the spiders.  I mean, Richmond must have some kind of record for the variety and sheer number of spiders here!  Not to mention birds, bugs, and creatures of all sorts.  It’s like Animal Kingdom in our backyard!  Constant amazement for the kiddos.

9) You love being able to choose between the beach, the river or the mountains for a family weekend getaway.  Isn’t this the beauty of the east coast – and particularly the location of Richmond?  An hour or two to the Beach, to the Blue Ridge, to great historical sites, amusement parks and more.  We’re in the middle of it all.

10) You hang out on the and the FB page!  But of course!

So, my fellow Richmond moms, did this newbie get it right?  What would you add to the list?

Mary Beth Cox

Mary Beth is full-time working, married mom. She is a military brat with southern roots who served in the Peace Corps, survived government employment, and currently works for a Richmond-based healthcare nonprofit. With her 2 kids emerging from the toddler years, she’s here to report that parenting is the toughest job she's ever loved.

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About Mary Beth Cox

Mary Beth is full-time working, married mom. She is a military brat with southern roots who served in the Peace Corps, survived government employment, and currently works for a Richmond-based healthcare nonprofit. With her 2 kids emerging from the toddler years, she’s here to report that parenting is the toughest job she's ever loved.