Healthy Holiday Eating

Over the next several weeks, it is likely that many of us will be travelling from one holiday get-together to another as we celebrate the season with friends and family members. While the holidays can be a fun and festive time, many of our celebrations will be focused on food, making it easier for all of us to over-indulge and potentially gain weight. Eating healthy is not only beneficial to our waistlines, but also, it is an important component of mental health and can help keep our stress levels at bay. Below are some healthy holiday eating tips that we can all remember as we head into Thanksgiving later this week.

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

  1. Set yourself up for success. Don’t try to start a new diet regime or lose weight over the holidays, focus on maintaining your weight throughout the holiday season. At VWC, we’re hosting a “Maintain Don’t Gain” contest from before Thanksgiving to the New Year.
  2. If you’re going to a big party in the evening, eat healthy snacks and meals throughout the day so that you are less ravenous when you arrive.
  3. Bring your own healthy dish to the potluck party and encourage others to do the same.
  4. Drink a glass of water before you sit down for a meal as well as throughout your meal.
  5. Be careful of the beverages you choose. Alcohol can reduce your inhibitions, which can induce overeating. Other holiday beverages, like eggnog, can be very high in calories, so limit your portion or avoid it altogether.
  6. Survey any buffets before you get in line. Pick and choose your favorites and make sure you include fruits and vegetables to keep your plate balanced.
  7. Position yourself away from the buffet table; you’ll be less likely to constantly snack if you’re not standing right beside it.
  8. Eat your meals slowly so to savor every bite. This also helps reduce the amount of food you will eat.
  9. Trim the fat off of the meat you eat. Each tablespoon of fat contains 100 calories.
  10. Indulge in some sweets, but pick the ones that are unique to the season instead of wasting calories on foods you can have any time throughout the year.
  11. Once you’re satisfied (not stuffed), chew on a piece of gum or pop a mint in your mouth. You’ll be less tempted to keep eating.
  12. Make time for exercise – suggest a family walk after your holiday meal instead of the all too tempting snooze. Integrating daily exercise into your routine can also help ward off holiday stress.

What tips have you found to be useful as you try to maintain your weight over the holidays?

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