Should Auld Resolutions Be Forgot

The concept of New Year’s resolutions has always grated on me….

Each day, each minute, is a fresh opportunity to focus and redirect with vigorous enthusiasm our commitment to personal goals and self-betterment.

Now that our twins are tweens, they’re hearing TV commercials ad nauseum exhorting viewers to embark on all sorts of New Year motivated missions: to stop smoking, to lose unwanted pounds, to “be ready for intimacy.” (Thanks a LOT, Cialis.) Aside from explaining topics I’d rather not to my kids, it hit me this year that we could easily dovetail some more positive/pro-active goal-setting with the timing of the New Year.

How about resolving to learn to cursive even if it’s no longer required by the school? How about how to tie our shoes with greater speed, comfort and efficacy? (Thanks for easing our procrastination tendencies, Velcro closures and mock Vans.) To treat each other with kindness and support? No time limits, just some additional motivation to accomplish worthwhile goals in 2013. Think I’ll also use extra care in how I address/word my goals for the new year—making sure they don’t smack of superficial (re: “lose weight”), and instead are based in health (re: exercise more regularly) and happiness.

Have you thought about goals for yourself or your family in this new year…or tomorrow?

Do tell!



The exultant mom of now tween twins, Darren and Sarah, Cheryl Lage is a part-time post-producer at the Martin Agency, a freelance writer, author of the bestselling book, Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy through the First Year (Taylor Trade, c. 2006), and loving wife to her dreamy husband, Scott. Feel free to read their family exploits at .

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