Help Needed to Complete Survey of Preschool Children’s Sleep Habits and Routines

P1010241Do you ever wonder if your preschoolers sleep habits are normal? And what is normal or how much do other kids sleep anyway?

Laura K. Zimmermann, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA is conducting a survey on preschool children’s sleep habits and daily routines. The survey will be available until the end of February, 2013 and you are invited to participate by giving your feedback on the survey.

The Survey Background

Is your preschooler a lark or an owl?  Larks are up before the sun, ready to go; owls prefer the nightlife and would rather be up late than early.

Sound familiar?

Research shows that all of us prefer different times of day—some of us are most alert and productive early, others late, and some fall somewhere in between. What we don’t know is how these differences relate to preschoolers’ daily lives or how parents deal with these differences.

Professor of Psychology Laura K. Zimmermann is conducting a survey looking at preschoolers’ time of day preferences as well as their sleep habits, daily routines, and levels of alertness and tiredness at different times of day.

Mothers of children between 36 and 60 months are invited to participate. Answers will be kept confidential and no identifying information will be collected. The survey can be found at this link,  and will take approximately 12 minutes to complete. Please contact Dr. Zimmermann at, if you have questions about the survey.

Learn More

To learn more, check out this article on the Northern Virginia Daily.  You can also visit this link to see the TV3 Good Morning Winchester interview.

Don’t forget to respond to the survey by February 28, 2013 for your responses to be included. We have asked Dr. Zimmermann to share the survey results with us when the research is completed.