Teens Who Eat Dinner with Family are Less Likely to Try Alcohol

“What’s for dinner mom?”

We’ve all heard that question before!

Even though we may want to prepare a nutritious dinner every night, it’s not always easy. With conflicting schedules, work, sports, and other activities, families are always on the run. But it is important to make time to have family meals together as often as possible.

Why Prepare Dinner for Your Family?

dream dinnerIt’s obvious that dinner is important because your family is usually hungry in the evening. It may not always be easy or even possible to prepare a delicious dinner for your family. But when you can, it’s one more way to help kids grow up physically, mentally, and emotionally healthier.

Studies show that families which eat together are happier, more closely connected, and more well-adjusted.

And did you know:

  • Among teens who had dinner with their families five or more nights a week, 86% reported they had never tried smoking, compared with 65% of youth who had dinner with their families two or fewer nights a week.
  • Similarly, teens who ate dinner with their families five or more nights a week were less likely to have tried alcohol or marijuana.
  • Teens who had frequent family dinners were also more likely to get better grades.
  • A Harvard Study found that children who had at least five dinners together a week had healthier eating habits.
  • Even when not at home, they typically consumed more fruits, vegetables, and juice.

Note: Resource for statistics above can be found at this link.

And if those are not enough reasons to schedule dinner together, it’s just plain fun to have a delicious, healthy meal together as a family to talk about the day’s events.

 Making Dinner Easy

dream dinnerDon’t dread the dinner dilemma any longer.

Instead, gather up a group of friends and head out to Dream Dinners in Woodlake and create dinners while you enjoy fun and great company. Let the Dream Dinners staff do all of the chopping, mincing, dicing, and clean-up for you. During our Richmondmom.com group gatherings, we totally enjoy time together preparing meals and socializing at Dream Dinners – and we always leave with some delicious meals for our family for the coming week!

Busy moms find that Dream Dinners saves them valuable time and money. Crispy French Onion Chicken, Layered Ravioli Bake, Rio Grande Chicken Fajitas, and Tuscan Steaks are just some of the options. And grab a few extra sides and desserts from the freezer section. You’ll be set with dinner for the week!

To book your own Dream Dinner event with friends and have the store all to yourself, just contact the local Dream Dinner store in Woodlake. Gather up a group of Richmond  moms and head out for fun.

Don’t have time to prepare your own? No worries. Just contact Dream Dinners to place your order and you can pick it up at the Woodlake location, or have it delivered to a central location in Richmond’s Short Pump area.

Visit Dream Dinners Woodlake website and learn more. And ‘like’ them on Facebook to keep up with what’s happening!

Dream Dinners is an advertiser on Richmondmom.com

Dream Dinners Richmond VA




Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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