A Richmond Adoption Story: The Davies

Thomas and Lindy Davies.

Thomas and Lindy Davies.

When I first met Lindy Davies I was speechless. Literally, I mean other than a few grunts–after all she was leaning over me, cleaning my teeth while I was horizontal in the dentist chair. Lindy’s my dental hygenist.

We had a chance to really talk after my pearly whites were complete and because we had so much in common as bloggers–hers is SugarLump–we later had a sit-down lunch at The Daily Grind.

The adorable Davies Family, realizing their church-based adoption agency wouldn't be able to help them. After all of this?

The adorable Davies Family, realizing their church-based adoption agency wouldn’t be able to help them. After all of this?

Her adoption journey: years of fertility treatments failed, an adoption hoax, inability to use their preferred church-based adoption agency and finally–in a few days after five long years of waiting/hoping/praying–a baby boy.

I was frank with Lindy that even though my husband and I went through fertility treatments for our middle child, it paled in comparison with her story, and I almost felt guilty that I was fortunate to give birth to three children when it has taken she and Thomas so long to adopt just one. Her response confirmed what I suspected (she will be an AWESOME mom): “Kate, anyone wishing to be a parent and who is lucky enough to have a child does so in many different ways. Each one is a blessing.”

During their adoption search their friends at The Martin Agency helped them develop the video below, which is a frank, funny and poignant view into their struggles along this road to parenthood. Lindy and Thomas, we’re pulling for you! Can’t wait to meet your little guy.

Lindy and her husband appreciate all positive thoughts and if you’re so moved, donations as well to help with their adoption fees. Because their adoption agency isn’t licensed in the state where the adoption is taking place, much of the fees aren’t covered.

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Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of RichmondMom.com and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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