Richard & Sherry Sharp Open Their Gardens for the Garden Tea Party May 13


Sweet Monday Garden Tea

God makes the seed grow. 1 Cor. 3:7b

May 13, 2013

Time:  4-6 p.m.

Sweet Monday after Mother’s Day – Tour the gardens at the home of

Richard & Sherry Sharp

501 Rivergate Drive

Richmond, VA 23238

Richmond’s first-ever Sweet Monday Garden Tea will be held May 13, 2013 in Richmond, Virginia on the beautiful grounds at the home of Richard and Sherry Sharp.

Kim Newlen-pic

Kim Newlen

When Kim Newlen began Sweet Monday in her home 18 years ago, she had no idea that God would take this tiny sweet seed and plant Sweet Monday outreaches around the world. According to Kim, their stated mission of “reaching out to women one sweet invitation at a time for Christ” is God’s Great Commission right here in our own backyard and beyond!

Microsoft PowerPoint - USA final map.pptJust last month after Sweet Monday in her home, Kim heard from a Sweet Hostess in England about two Sweet Monday outreaches meeting in small villages there.  Through donations and ticket sales, the Sweet Monday organization can continue planting Sweet Monday outreaches around the world and provide support as the ministry grows.

And Sweet Monday is now in 48 states!

The Garden Party is an opportunity to enjoy the incredible gardens of the Sharp family while raising money for an important cause.

How to Purchase Tickets

Individual tickets are $25 and can be purchased several ways:

  • Through the website:
  • Mail your checks to: Sweet Monday  – ATTN: Garden Tea Tickets, 1006 Pump Road, Richmond, VA 23238
  • Stop by the Sweet Monday office located at 1006 Pump Road, Richmond, VA 23238

In addition, donations can be made to help plant Sweet Monday outreaches. Make a donation “In Sweet Memory or In Sweet Honor” of a “sweet person” who has helped you bloom. Your “sweet person’s” name will be acknowledged on a blossom at the event. Your donations can also be made through the website or by mailing checks to the Sweet Monday office.

  • Designate the amount you wish to donate
  • Indicate the name of the “sweet person” you wish to recognize “In Sweet Memory or In Sweet Honor”
  • We encourage you to email your specific memory or words of encouragement to:

So please make plans to join in during this fun event! Feel free to wear your tea party hat and comfortable shoes when you tour the beautiful gardens of the Sharp family in Richmond.

Kim Newlen is also founder of the LookBetterThanYouFeel garment for women undergoing breast cancer treatment.

Her new devotional for women will be published and released in September, 2013.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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