How to Connect with Your Child’s Teachers: Get Involved in Education

parent teacher conferenceParent-teacher conferences are a great opportunity to connect with your children’s teachers and become more involved in their education. However, your involvement shouldn’t end there. Make an action plan to keep your children on track throughout the year.

“Parent-teacher conferences are often when parents become aware of their children’s educational deficiencies.  Unfortunately, many parents expect the problems to just go away,” notes Chad Schwartz President of Tutoring Club. “The sooner parents decide to take action to keep their children on track; the easier it will be for them and their children.”

Promote Effective Communication

Parents should talk with their children about their experiences in the classroom.  Find out what children feel are their best subjects and which subjects they like the least. See if there is anything your children would like you to talk about with their teachers. Moreover, assure your children they needn’t worry about the meeting; that they understand you and the teachers are meeting to help them.

Take Your Children’s Work to the Meeting

Taking samples of tests, homework, and progress reports can help parents focus the meeting on their children’s specific academic needs. It is important to know what to address when developing an action plan. Keeping a folder with these items may be helpful and could save time when parent-teacher conferences arrive.

Finding Improvement Areas

During the parent-teacher conference, make sure to discuss your children’s strengths and weaknesses.  It may be beneficial to understand how your children’s teachers grade assignments so you can help guide their classroom performance. Identify skill gaps with the teacher when developing the action plan suited for your children’s academic success.

Begin the Action Plan with Your Children

After the parent-teacher conference, review notes and discuss problem areas with your children. If specific problem areas have been noted, or if their overall grades seem marginal, talk to them about possible causes and solutions.  If the conclusion is your children need extra help or motivation, consider individualized tutoring.

Tutoring Club helps children reach their full academic level more quickly. Tutoring Club offers individualized instruction by professional tutors who work with your children, creating lesson plans to address their specific academic needs. According to Schwartz “When parents invest in tutoring, they show children they believe learning is a priority, and they are committed to their children’s success.”

Meeting with your children’s teachers can and should build strong parent-teacher partnerships. By participating in conferences and establishing a good relationship with teachers, you can help your children complete a great academic school year.

Tutoring Club’s exclusive TutorAid programs are guaranteed to improve individual skills in core academic areas like reading, writing, and math. Individualized instruction in science and foreign languages, as well as in basic learning skills such as note taking, outlining, time management and ACT/SAT preparation is also available. For more information on Tutoring Club, visit or contact Howard Stracke, Tutoring Club of Glen Allen, 804-405-4968.

Also, learn more about the how important Math is to education for kids!

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Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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