Vote Here for our 2013 Supermom!

Vote here for one of the amazing Richmond moms who have been nominated for the 2013 Richmond Supermom Contest!

medarvaThanks to Medarva at Stony Point Surgery Center who is our sponsor for this contest once again. And they’re donating a Botox treatment for one facial area worth $240 to our winner too!

1) Click here or on ANY link below to vote for a SuperMom (all links go to the same contest survey) Nominees with first names beginning with A-M are listed in Question 2 of the survey. Nominees with first names beginning with N-Z are in Question 3 of the survey.

2) Voting occurs from 4/17-4/30, and each individual may only vote once in this contest. Why? We realize folks don’t have time to vote multiple times, and don’t want to take up time for our voters. So once is it, and we don’t count duplicate votes. We do not add anyone to our email list unless they opt-in, nor do we send mail so your privacy is protected!

3) The winner will be announced on 5/1/12, and she may invite 20 friends to celebrate with her at our SuperMom Celebration at Brio Tuscan Grill on May 8th, where she’ll be treated to the amazing bunch of prizes below. (Actual prizes and amounts may vary based on each advertiser’s discretion.)



And without further ado, the 2013 Richmond Virginia SuperMom Nominees in alphabetical order by FIRST NAME are:

Alicia Wilburn                             Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

I have had the privileged of knowing Alicia for the last 2.5 years. She is one amazing woman. She is a massage therapist who specializes in fertility and prenatal care, which I know for her has been especially hard since her spouse and her have struggled to conceive again. She also works as a doula, you can tell she really loves what she does because she just glows when she talks about anything birth-related. Last year her husband was diagnosed with a serious heart problem and is currently awaiting correct surgery. Due to his substantial medical problems he had to retire. You would think this would stress her out, but I have not seen her frown once through this all. I can not even really put into words how amazing she is; but i do know this the Richmond area is better off because we always need talented caring women like her around!

Amber Mattice Elliott                      Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Amber Elliott is the most deserving Richmond mom for this award! She is not only a Registered Nurse at MCV, but she is the mother to 2 young children and caregiver to her husband. Her husband was diagnosed with MS in 2008 and his condition has progressively worsened. At just 38 years old, he can only walk with a cane, is unable to work, cannot drive, and is no longer responding to medication. Amber works night shifts full-time at MCV so she can be home days with her husband and children.  Amber helps raise money for MS and other non-profits in many local events. She is an outstanding nurse and her patients and their families love her - and she is a loyal friend to those who know her, never hesitating to help them too. She NEVER complains or asks for help and she spends 100% of her waking hours taking care of someone else. She is totally deserving of this Richmond Supermom title – whether she wins this contest or not, she is definitely a Supermom, Superwife, and a Superfriend!

April Michelle Davis                               Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

April Michelle Davis is a business owner and a mom. April established her business, Editorial Inspirations, in 2001, and she is a freelance editor, indexer, and proofreader. In 2008, her son was born–a month early. While she was in the hospital because her water had ruptured, but she wasn’t yet having contractions, she was writing holiday cards to her clients and finishing up other tasks to prepare for the birth of her son. April cut back on the number of clients and projects she works on at one time, and he son now stays home with her. April homeschools her son, and they have been learning Spanish since he was 1.5 years old. Her son is a very dependent child; he loves to read, do math, and play with his Mama. April works for her clients when her son sleeps, so she gets little to no time to herself. April is a wonderful mother and wife. She is always working to keep her family in check, on time, and fed. Her house may be a mess, but that just shows what her priority is–her family.

Ashley Porter                                                       Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Being a new mother of two is a full time job. But what if you have 10+ hour shifts as a nurse on top of it? My wife is definitely a Richmond Supermom. When she was pregnant with our daughter last year, she worked on her feet at the hospital almost up to her due date. Then, after the baby was born, she cut her pregnancy leave short because they needed her back at the hospital. But that didn’t stop her from breastfeeding our daughter – she managed to slip in some pump breaks just so she could avoid formula as long as possible. To top it all off, my income was cut in half last year. We also recently moved into a new house. The combination of my unexpectedly lower income and all the new expenses put us on a shoestring budget.

Betsy Williams                                                   Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

I have known Betsy for over 10 years, as a client and a friend.  She is the kindest, most genuine person I know.  In addition to the many charitable organizations that she volunteers for, she is the #1 champion for her kids.  Betsy was diagnosed with breast cancer last year; when she told me, I could only wonder how a woman who is meant to be on this earth to set an example for others could be stricken with this disease.  I still wonder.  Not long after the diagnosis, I attended a fund-raiser for victims of domestic violence, and there was Betsy-wearing a fabulous wig, battling a dreadful disease, but more concerned with the welfare of others–no surprise at all.  I have chatted with some of her friends about this, and we all agreed, after she beats this disease, she will no doubt become a passionate advocate for other women suffering from breast cancer.  I feel sorry for the cancer-it had no idea who it’s dealing with-Betsy is truly the most  caring and genuine women I have ever met.

Beverly Hires                                                      Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

My mother, Beverly Hires is most deserving of the Richmond’s 2013 Supermom Award.  Not only is my mother an unbelievable mom, best friend and role model, she is a hands-on “Nana of 5″ and the most selfless person I know.  She is always putting others first.  On August 8, 2011, my mother donated one of her kidneys to save my husband’s life.  My husband was in renal kidney failure living on 1 kidney at 12% efficiency.  My mom, without hesitation, offered to donate one of her kidneys to save his life.  We will never be able to thank my mother enough for the selfless act of kindness.  I strive daily to be the mother my mom is to me to my children.  I am lucky to call her my mother; she deserves the world.  Please consider Beverly Hires for the Richmond’s 2013 Supermom Award.  Thank you!

Carolyn Mustain                                                  Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

I’m proud to nominate my wife for Supermom. As we raised two sons, Carolyn filled many volunteer slots: homeroom mom, PTA, team mom, chaperone, chauffeur, club sponsor and party hostess for birthdays, holidays, and more. She can innovate, renovate or repair whatever is broken: toilets, toys, and hearts. When her sister died, she adopted surrogate mode for her sister’s teens. She encouraged, comforted, and became whatever-you-need-I’m-here for them, and now for their children as well. Carolyn draws people into her motherly orbit with hospitality, humor and love. Our home was a gathering spot for our sons’ friends (sometimes still is!) As kids, she hosted play dates. As teens, Carolyn hosted hungry kids, sometimes more than 100! Routinely kids gathered in our TV room, ate snacks, and named her “Cookie Mom.” Several proclaimed themselves third son. Even breast cancer didn’t stop our supermom. She had surgery, chemo, and simultaneously wrote a book. She deserves Supermom of the Century!

Haylee Douglas                                                                     Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Haylee is a hard working mom, nurse and wife.

Isabel Shealy                                                                            Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

She does everything. She has a husband, 2 kids and a dog. She is a CAREGIVER. She takes cares of everyone around her, including her in laws, uncle, niece and nephew. She has the perfect house (it looks like from a design magazine) and is very organized. She always finds the time to volunteer in different organizations such as: the kids schools, where she has been from room mother to Director of the board; Church, where she teaches Sunday school or any other program. She is the best cooker and is never afraid to try a new recipe despite she doesn’t always know the ingredients or is familiar with the process. She is a doula by nature not by training. She coached and helped her sister in the process of two natural births. She shares all that she has (even money) with all people around her, but specially with her family. She always looks stylish, does her hair, wears make up and has the best [out]look between her girlfriends. She really deserves the super mom award!

Janice LeSueur                                                                       Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

My mom has supported us through the unthinkable.She kicked cancer’s butt in 2009. After her own battle with breast cancer, I started having issues with my hydrocephalus, a condition in which the ceriabal spinal fluid does not drain. My mom supported me through 12 brain surgeries, countless ER Trips, 20  hospital admissions, hundreds of catscans and MRI’s , and too many doctor appointments to count just in the last three years. After all of this hell our family has been through in the past five years, it’s now time to reward my momma for putting up with all of this.

Jenni Bagley                                                                          Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

I am nominating my wife, Jenni, for Supermom Award. Jenni is a US Army wife currently playing the roles of mommy and daddy while I am deployed to Afghanistan. She works 40+ hours a week all the while taking care of our 8 month old daughter in my absence. My wife had surgery on her foot and she is actually doing everything on one good foot, which is pretty super to me.  I am grateful for all she does for our baby girl. I am thankful my daughter has a great mommy who loves and nurtures her on a daily basis. I cannot imagine how difficult it is raising an infant by herself. Baby girl always has what she needs and is always very stylish with my wife’s creativity. And she always makes sure to take pictures of our baby girl so I can see her grow while I am deployed. My wife works from sun up to sun down all on her own and that is why she should win Richmond’s 2013 Supermom award.

Jennifer Morris                                                                   Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Jennifer certainly deserves to be this year’s Supermom.  Through many challenges, she wrangles three kids, manages serious health issues, and wrestlers with public officials! All with a fun spirit that makes me smile just thinking about it.

Jennifer Tate Crowder                                                   Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Jennifer juggles a busy schedule (like many moms). She has a very bright and active 3-1/2 year old daughter.  She and her husband both work in education.  She is the Director of School Counseling at a Henrico Co. high school, while her husband is the Student Activities Director at a high school in Hanover County.  The nature of their jobs creates many evening activities for which they are responsible. She handles the pressure with grace and calm.  She is always available to her parents and in-laws when there is a problem or health crisis.  Since she lives in Beaverdam, she spends countless hours behind the wheel commuting to school as well as to the home of her parents in Mechanicsville. She always puts herself at the end of the line when it comes to things like getting a hair cut, going to the doctor, etc.  She deserves to have some pampering and attention.

Jenny High                                                                           Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

My wife Jenny High deserves the Supermom Award, because she is the epitome of a SUPERMOM! She is not only an outstanding wife and mother to our two children, but she is mother to many other children in our community. She has created an organization named Prom Bring It, that not only provides formal wear to the youth in the community, but provides leadership, employment resources and love. She also works a full time job. She genuinely cares about all the kids lives she touches. She has been the primary financial source for the organization. She has delivered gowns to young ladies that did not have transportation, and has also paid for young mens tuxedos out of her own pocket. She has chauffered youth to and from prom, and has also taken them shopping for school clothes when their parents were not available. My wife is a mother to all youth regardles of sex, race, religion or orientation. My wife gives from the heart and does not expect anything in return! SHE IS A SUPERMOM!

Katye Snipes                                                                       Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Katye is a wonderful mom to two young boys and wife to her husband Mark.  However, it is her role as Administrative Assistant at The Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School (AJCES) where Katye becomes a SuperMom to 70+ students and staff. AJCES is an independent, tuition-free, faith-based middle school for students of limited resources primarily from Richmond’s East End.  AJCES is a beacon of hope in one of Richmond’s poorest neighborhoods- Katye’s contribution has been enormous. Katye’s job description is astounding: bill payer, receptionist, volunteer coordinator, nurse, computer & copier fixer, supply orderer, record keeper…the list is endless.  She approaches every task with a willing & kind heart and a sense of grace that is immeasurable.  Perhaps her greatest gift is the support & nurturing she gives to all the students and staff alike. Katye truly mothers everyone at AJCES with a ready hug, words of encouragement and a shoulder to lean on when needed.  Everyone adores her!

Kim Brandt                                                                      Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

My wife, Kim Brandt, is the most supermom ever.  In August of 2012, our daughter Campbell was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  This totally turned our world upside down.  Kim had to take a leave of absence from her job and become the full time care giver for our daughter.  Kim takes Campbell to VCU several times each week.  When Campbell is in the hospital, Kim spends every night by her side giving her the care that only a supermom can give.  Kim has become Campbell’s “in home teacher” keeping her ahead of schedule of her classmates.  My wife has made every effort to keep Campbell’s and our whole family’s life as “normal” as possible.  Kim juggles schedules like no other person I have ever seen.  Our home runs like a well-oiled machine even when she is in the hospital.  Kim has touched the lives of other children in the hospital, including arranging birthday presents for a little girl who was all alone on her birthday. Kim is an amazing supermom; nurse, teacher,and wife!

Mary Smith Reese                                                       Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

I am nominating my mom , she has raised myself  & my sister and brother with no help from my father since I was in 4th grade. I’m 47, we had no help from child support or the state (since that was for people who really needed it) so mom always worked multiple jobs & with the help of my grandmother she has made it all these years. I know there are lots of mothers who have done the same but my mom has never asked for a thing and has always helped others, she became a CNA later in life when her job was eliminated and now at 67 is still working. She also helped at a home with disabled people to visit with them and help with a birthday and holiday parties for the residents. Mom has helped my brother raise his child after her mother died and my sister with her battle with breast cancer. She took care of her own mother until she passed from Alzheimers and now she is helping me support my husband with his fight with kidney cancer. This is not about any kind of prize just recognition.

Michelle Colo Burdiss                                                Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Michelle is my daughter and a stay-at-home mom of 5 beautiful children.  Michelle was an only child so seeing her with 5 children that she gave me as grandkids is wonderful.  She tries really hard to be the best mom that she can be by making sure he children have great manners and show respect to the elders.  She doesn’t allow her children to watch public TV with all of it’s commercialism.  She makes sure her family eats a healthy meal by purchasing fresh fruits and veggies and purchasing organic and all natural choices.  She special ordered her children’s Easter candy so that she could be sure it was all natural with none of the artificial dyes and junk.  She tries to have special times with each of her children individually with them taking turns going to the store with her or on outings such as a hike.  She loves photography and nature and has instilled the value of all life even bugs into her children.  They actually capture bugs that have entered their house & release them outside.

Michelle Wingo                                                                Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

My daughter has a 22 month old baby boy, and is the wildest little boy you ever seen. She gave birth to him while working a full time job as a waitress while finishing up her Accounting degree. She graduated last December when my grandson was 18 months, and now she’s a full-time Mom and works two jobs: the waitress job and she works as a tax preparer. She’s always running around doing everything for everybody and I feel that she never has time for herself, so I watch my grandson as often as I can so she can at least sleep-in once in awhile. My daughter is a Supermom and I feel like she really deserves this award!

Miqueta Johnson                                                             Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

I feel like I should be Supermom of the Year, NOT b/c of attention but for being there no matter what. When my kids’ daddy turned his back, I stepped up & showed him the woman that I am! I had my 1st child when I was in high school but I still graduated, got my own apartment & took care of her by myself. Now I’m 24 with 3 beautiful girls and it’s hard being a single mom but I get it done – from cooking, cleaning, providing, and being a Nurse without pay. Trying to balance my own life is no joke. I cry sometimes because I want better for my family. Many say they understand but they don’t because the more I ask for help, I get none in return. I couldn’t attend college because I had no dependable sitter. I recently had to leave my job for the same reason. But I still smile because GOD has my back & always has when nobody else did. Some parents need to realize material things doesn’t count in parenting. I don’t live in the best neighborhood but I raise my family the old school way & I am proud of my scholars.

Patrice Wingo                                                                          Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

My mom is a flight attendant, and all my life she has always been on a trip for 3-4 days a week. But that didn’t stop her from [attending] one athletic game growing up for my brother and me, or miss one musical concert. Sometimes she was the only parent from anybody on my teams to make it to events. Now that we children are older she is still awesome! She still flys the skys,  and makes sure she gets to New York often on a layover to visit my brother, his new wife, and their new baby on the way, and when shes home she babysits my son and takes him to music class, nature class, carnivals, petting zoos, etc. While doing all that she had her own father pass away and now the care of her mother has passed into her hands that she shares the responsibilties of with her three sibilings that live in town. I feel she deserves a break sometimes that’s why for her birthday in two weeks I’m treating her to a massage, but I feel she deserves a bit more, and that will be by winning this contest.

Roneisha Mccomb                                                                  Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

My elder child is a mother of three beautiful children. She does whatever it takes to take care of them. Her age is 27, I want to share this story with you. Last October my child was homeless, she and children. The whole time she made it to class on time and worked a full time job. Being a full time student and able to work take care her kids plus passing every class is hard for the average person. She does it all help people when she can as well as me, and I haven’t worked in seven years. When I call and need anything she is always there. Doing all of this she never goes out have any fun. On top of that she is never recognized for any of the smiles or happiness she brings in people lives every day. Sometimes she’s more like my mom than my daughter. My other two daughters are in D.C and she is the one that brings everybody together. I love her and recognize her as God’s angel. I would just like the whole world to recognize my angel to0.

Sarah Graves                                                                            Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

I am nominating my Wife, Sarah Graves. She & I will have been married for 10 years this June. We have been trying to get pregnant for a majority of that time & although fun, proved to be unsuccessful. We went through several rounds IVF also. I always knew that she would be an excellent mother knowing how caring & wonderful she is. We kept our hopes up thinking it would be a matter of time still no child. This past January, quite out of the blue, we were approached by a pregnant woman who was unable to keep & raise her child. We met with her & without hesitation, decided to adopt her child. Met several times over the next 9 months & in Sept. of 2012 our son Hudson was born. In an amazing set of circumstances, we were in the room when Hudson was born & Sarah instantly became a mother after all of our trials. I didn’t know how awesome a Mom she would be until I saw it with my own eyes. She jumped right in & has all the natural gifts a mom needs. JUST INCREDIBLE! Our son & I love her.

Shannon Hubbel                                                                    Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

Shannon has continued to be a shining example of a mother who cares for and loves her family. Her daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a type of cancer, in December of 2010. Shannon has two other children as well who she continues to nurture and care for – even the midst of traveling to other states for treatment for Emily’s cancer AND holding down a full time job.  Shannon is a wonderful person. She deserves recognition for all she has done for her family.

Shirley Lesser & India Lipton                                      Click on any link to vote for any nominee!

We are nominating a pair of supermoms raising a miraculous son!  Dylan was born 11 weeks premature. In his brief life, he has recovered from 3 months of sepsis & has had 12 brain surgeries. He spent 101 days in the NICU & hospitalized weeks more with all the surgeries. Through all of this, his moms have rarely left his side; India with him daily in the hospital & Shirley with him in the evening while maintaining her job.  Despite the doctors’ initial prognosis of severe disabilities, Dylan’s moms are determined to provide him with every opportunity to lead a happy & productive life. India now stays home with Dylan performing physical & developmental therapy with him several times a day. Shirley works during the day, but continues with his care and therapy at night & weekends. Born on Valentine’s Day last year, Dylan is now a very happy, seemingly healthy 1 year old! If you met Dylan today you would never know how sick he was or that he has 2 VP shunts to manage his hydrocephalus.

 Prizes are subject to change with many thanks to our generous sponsors: 

Gardner Grins 2013Gardner & Jones Orthodontics – $500 off one full case of braces, Invisalign, or Invisalign Teen for a child or an adult!


Hayes & Fisk $500 gift certificate




The Wine Loft Richmond VA



The Wine Loft – A wine and Cheese tasting for 6 people valued at $250




Richmond Symphony logo



Richmond Symphony – Family four pack of tickets valued at approximately $200. The tickets will be for Sunday, May 19 at 3 pm. Pixar in Concert. The magic of 13 Pixar films on a BIG screen with scores played live by the Richmond Symphony. It’s a uniquely magical experience.



Massage Envy Spa


Massage Envy – A one-hour Massage and 1-hour Healthy Skin Facial worth $166


Health Focus





Health Focus – 90 minute microcurrent facial rejuvenation ($139 value).



Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel




Kate Hall: Richmond Rocks – 5 books to winner; 1 to each of two runners up – Value $105





nTelos – 2 tickets to see The Avett Brothers at the nTelos Wireless Pavilion in Portsmouth on June 22 – Value $100


Gundlach & Co. Plumbing and Heating Richmond VA



Indulgence Salon



Indulgence Salon & Boutique in Ashland and Gundlach Plumbing & Heating.   Monique of Indulgence and the sisters from Gundlach are giving a joint gift certificate for $100.00 for the Salon.  They have a beautiful boutique, hair styling, message therapy, facials, manicures and pedicures and wonderful facials.  They also have several types of tanning and the new spray tanning service.






VA Eye Institute 

Virginia Eye Institute – a $100 gift certificate to our optical shops


Atkins-Maestrello-Miller & Associates Pediatric Dentistry



Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates – Sonicare toothbrush worth $99



The Science Museum of Virginia


Science Museum of Virginia - One year family membership valued at $99



Affiliated Dermatologists


Affiliated Dermatologists of Virginia – $90 gift of a 60 minute European facial



Spirited Art – 2 seats at an art class worth $70


VHS, 428 North Boulevard, Richmond, VA (next to the Fine Arts Museum)



VHS, 428 North Boulevard, Richmond, VA (next to the Fine Arts Museum) – One year membership to the Virginia Historical Society valued at $72.


college nannies


College Nannies – 4 hours of nanny care worth $70




Lollipops Romp n Roll vert color (2)



Romp n’ Roll – One free week of summer camp –  ”week” is Tues/Thurs from 9am-noon or 2pm-5pm – $65







Sweet & Simple Moments with God Devotional (release scheduled for 9/2013) – Kim Newlen, local Richmond author and Founder of Sweet Monday is giving the winner and 2 runners-up a gift certificate for signed copy of new devotional book when it is released in September – Value is $50.






Frostings – One dozen delicious cupcakes – $30



Carin Casey

Granny Babysits the Mischievous Five




Granny Babysits The Mischievous Five(retail value $23.95) to the winner, and the runner up receives My Dear Rosa Jean(retail value $14.95) by Carin Casey








Three (3) classes at the Barre Boutique worth $50!




sweet frog




Seven (7) free yogurt cards at Sweet Frog – one for every day of the week! Value of $35.







Two free movie ticket vouchers to Cinebistro at Stony Point Fashion Mall worth $26.


Fruit 66

                                   A gift basket from Fruit 66 valued at $25.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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