Great Deal: Free Month of Lessons at Grove Avenue Piano this Summer


Summer is coming and it’s the perfect time to engage kids in music. Just in time for summer, Grove Avenue Piano is making us an offer we can’t refuse!

Grove Ave Piano is offering one free month of lessons to every new student this summer! Just email the director for more information and to get started. They are centrally located in the Fan District with satellite locations in area churches and schools – making it convenient from all around Richmond.

See what parents have to say below about their experience with Grove Avenue Piano.

“Both of my daughters have been taking piano lessons for almost a year now, and they really look forward to this every week. The instructors are encouraging and patient and my daughters don’t view lessons or practicing as a chore. I love how proud my girls are of their progress and am very pleased with Grove Avenue Piano.” ~Amber Riley

My two daughters have been taking lessons through Grove Avenue Piano for almost a year. I am amazed at how much their piano playing skills have progressed in such a short period of time.  Each week they are eager to practice new songs and to even create their own original pieces. I appreciate the individual attention they receive from their teachers and the professionalism they’ve demonstrated since the very start. I’d recommend this program to anyone who may be interested in exploring music education for their child.”-Kavis F. Winston

2Private lessons for kids ages 4 and up with enthusiastic teachers ready to start your musical journey!

My four year old son has been taking lessons at Grove Avenue Piano for a year.  He loves it!  The instructors are excellent with small children, very professional and helpful. My son truly enjoys playing the piano thanks to Mr. Ryan and Ms. Megan!”-Jennifer Gray

grove pianoOur 7 year old daughter has been taking piano lesson with Grove Avenue Piano since January. She has a fantastic instructor that makes learning how to play the piano fun. Mackenzie looks forward to her lessons every Monday and says it is her favorite extra curricular activity.“-Carey Fellows

grove Grove Avenue Piano has provided a place for our son to nurture his musical talent in a safe, nurturing environment. He enjoys his lessons and looks forward to them each week. We (his parents) appreciate that his teacher is responsive to our son’s input in song choice and encourages him to compose and improv as the occasions arise. His teacher is able to both encourage and challenge our son in ways that suit his learning style. Learning the piano has provided our son with a musical foundation that he has used to branch out to learning other instruments in his elementary school band. Preparing songs for his weekly lessons and occasional piano recitals has helped him to become more confident in front of groups of people and he has subsequently played the piano during church worship services and his school’s talent show.”-Laura Severns

Piano Classes for toddlers!

grove “My oldest daughter has been a student at Grove Avenue Piano for 3 years.  We appreciate their supportive, encouraging work with students.  I’m increasingly impressed with her level of achievement! My youngest daughter, who was just 3, participated in their “Kiddy Keys” program for preschoolers, which she adored.  “Kiddy Keys” day quickly became a day she looked forward to every week!”-Heather Crislip

Recitals held bi-annually give students a goal to work towards and experience performing!

groveWe’ve been very pleased with the quality of teaching and the time given to our son at Grove Avenue Piano. Our son is 12 and was not enjoying lessons before coming to Grove Avenue, but now he never wants to miss and is excited about what he is learning. And that’s a lot to say for a middle school boy who’s taken piano since age 5!  And he’s playing music he likes and learning theory and technique. We are thrilled!”   -Donna P.

Piano tuning services and professional pianists for live events!


“Like” them on Facebook for announcements and other fun posts about piano lessons. 

For information call today or text your email address to 804-358-1938

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Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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