Your First Trimester in Pregnancy


Congratulations on your pregnancy! Whether you’re a first-time mother-to-be or experienced in pregnancy, our team at Virginia Women’s Center will be with you every step of the way. We believe that children are among life’s greatest blessings and it is a privilege to help bring them into your family. Each pregnancy and birth is just as special and unique for our medical family as it is for yours – we are excited and honored to begin this journey with you.

Understanding that pregnancy can be a time of combined excitement, anxiety and confusion, we hope that this infographic will help you know what to expect during your first trimester.

first trimester

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Virginia Women's Center

Women's health care has changed a lot over the last few decades. That’s why Virginia Women’s Center has brought the medical services women most rely on under one convenient roof. Virginia Women's Center is care that revolves around you.

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