Where are the Best Places to Take My Dog in Richmond?

We have this amazing black lab, Lars. We rescued him at six-weeks-old from Texas. (The story is long and awesome and can be read here.)

Lars Puppy

Lars as a tiny puppy.

However, he had hip dysplasia, which our superstar vet caught early enough that we could try a surgery that would make Lars hip-dysplasia- and restriction-free forever. It was a success. Hooray! The only caveat is that we also had to wait until he was full grown to have him neutered so we couldn't go to very many places with other dogs because we don’t want to make new dogs to be rescued.

Lars post-op surgery

Poor Lars did not like the inner tube of shame.

Lars will be full-grown around August, and if there was a debutante ball for dogs, I would sign that boy up because I have been patiently awaiting making him besties with all the pups in Richmond. I know this is a dog town. We have a dog-friendly mall for goodness sakes. But being a person who grew up with cats, I don’t know where the hots spots and the not-so-hot spots are.

Lars almost grown up

I want to play with my friends. I want to see the world!

Lars is friendly although perhaps a little too much so. When other dogs growl at him, he thinks they’re smiling and tries to kiss them. He likes to get under your feet and has to be reminded of his manners in new places and around new people and new dogs. Yet once he hears his beloved owners’ prompting a few times, he’s good to go. However, I will admit his leash manners are not great. He was afraid of walks (he was found on the streets of San Antonio and not all his siblings made it), then he had his surgery. After that, I couldn’t walk him because of my surgery so it’s been a slower process. Otherwise, he knows sit, lay down, kennel up, and come. But he also knows HOLY CRAP THERE’S A RABBIT TO CHASE so I’m not sure off-leash is a viable option if it’s not fenced in at this age.

Do you need to know anything else?

Where can we go as a family (two adults, two young kids)?

Where can I go when it’s all about Lars?


Alex Iwashyna

Alex Iwashyna went from an undergraduate degree in political philosophy to a medical degree to a stay-at-home mom, poet and writer by the age of 30. Now she spends most of her writing time on LateEnough.com, a humor blog, except when it’s serious, about life, parenting, marriage, culture, religion and politics. She has a muse of a husband, two young kids, four cats, one dog, and a readership that gives her hope for humanity.

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