Try Ice Cream YummyFun Recipes PLUS Win a PC Tablet and Ice Cream for a Year

yummyfunYUMMY! Who doesn’t love ice cream?

Claire Crespo has been playing with her food since she was  kid making birthday cakes and crazy themed pies. She loved making all kinds of fun, crazy food! She was lucky enough to turn her passion for creating yummy food into a career.

Claire recently presented her YUMMYFUN ice cream workshop at the Children’s Museum of Richmond. It was a huge success – and why not with all of the fantastic ideas for creating ice cream! YUMMYFUN was sponsored by Breyers® Ice Cream. Visit Claire’s blog here and be sure to visit her FUN website – kids will love it along with the YummyFun Clubhouse.

To keep up with Claire and her yummy recipes, follow her on Facebook too.

Win Free Ice Cream for a YEAR!

And speaking of Breyers®, you can submit photos of your delicious moments of the week and possibly win a Best Scoop Prize which is a PC tablet and FREE Breyers for a whole year! Click here for details.

Snap your yummiest moments of the week to enter the contest.

Claire’s Food Fun

Claire really wants kids and parents to make food fun.  She has some great tips for moms to make it even more fun than ever. Her ideas will not only be fun, they’re a great way to get kids to try new foods – and eat healthier because kids are more likely to try new foods whe



n it’s fun (who knew we kids would eat broccoli on mashed potatoes?).

Her tips include:

  • Do foody art projects together and make special memories.
  • Have dessert making contests after dinner with a fun sundae bar and inspiring toppings.
  • Play with your food and get excited about it.
  • Try new flavors and combinations of foods.

One of Claire’s favorite ice cream recipes is ‘mint chocolate chimp’ and she provided us with the recipe below.  There are more fun recipes and ice cream information on the Breyers website too.

Recipes from Claire’s Workshop at CMoR

Check out these yummy recipes below that you can create at home. Thanks to Claire for sharing!

One of her favorites is mint chocolate chimp.  More fun recipes and ice cream info on  Recipes from work shop you can do at home below.

breyers yummyfun workshop mint chocolate chimp Summer Fun with Breyers YummyFun Workshop

breyers yummyfun workshop patriotic posey Summer Fun with Breyers YummyFun Workshop


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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