Book Review: Tripped Up Love by Julie Farley

Heather Meadows is your average suburban mother of three; her days are filled with baseball practices, lattes, workouts and caring for her 3,700 square foot home.  Heather is living the ‘happily ever after’ she always dreamed of…
That is, until her 38 year old husband dies suddenly at his desk at work.
The story picks up 18 months after attending her childhood sweetheart’s funeral. Still jobless and picking up the pieces, Heather has become more settled into her life as a widow as she goes for a fateful run with her dog that has her, quite literally, landing in front of the man of her dreams.

Set in Midlothian and very distinctly in 2013, author Julie Farley takes the tried and true 20-something romance story protagonist out of her element and tosses her in the suburbs 10 years later with 3 kids, a mortgage and, of course, another chance at love. With nosy neighbors, tight-knit soccer moms and social media taking back-fence gossip to new extremes, Heather barely has time to grasp her whirlwind romance before having to share it with sensitive family members.

Stylistically, the book may take some getting used to, switching points of view at times without warning and containing lots of choppy sentences and fragments.
Specific venues familiar to Richmonders are mentioned, which may pull some readers out of the story instead of allowing them to get lost in the fantasy.  But despite some awkward style choices, the concept behind the story is sound, and if you are able to push those things aside it is an enjoyable read.

Farley’s book fits the genre, making it a light, fun read full of your usual cast of characters: nosy neighbor, debonair love interest, honest best friend and the affable protagonist.  If you still have time to hit the beach or the pool this summer, Tripped Up Love is a fun, uncomplicated companion.

Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at

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